Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Unseen ❯ Tell me about yourself ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy!

A/N: Well I guess this is the next chapter! Thanks for reading!

Chapter 3

Everyone finished eating and decided to go sit on the couch and watch the tube. (I like saying tube) As they sat on the couch Rynna smiled to herself. Leon and Cloud sat a few spaces away from each other so Rynna filled the space.

Rynna jumped on the couch and laid her head in Leon's lap and put her legs on Cloud's. Both of the guys tensed up as she laid on them but they quickly relaxed. Rynna was comfortable as Leon ran his fingers through her hair unconsciously and Cloud lightly scratched her leg with his claws.

Riku got up sometime after to go looking for Sora and the girls because it had been and hour already. It had been a while since anyone talked so Rynna decided to break the silence.

"Hey you guys?" Rynna said pushing herself up with one of her hands. "You know what I don't even know you two… so tell me about yourselves."

Leon bit his lower lip as Rynna pushed herself up. The hand she pushed herself up with was coincidentally between Leon's legs and very close to his `area'. Leon took a deep breath and tried to think about something else.

Cloud saw Leon tense as Rynna got up and laughed to himself. Cloud decided to answer Rynna first just so he could see Leon be tortured a little more. "Well Rynna… My name is Cloud Strife. I am 24 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have mako in my blood and it makes my eyes glow because I fell in the life stream. Umm… I am 5'10" and I was born August 19 in Nibelheim in my old world which I saved from a meteor but not the heartless. I am an ex-soldier and I am in love with my childhood crush Tifa Lockhart. And I love Ramen! And I now live here in Traverse Town with Yuffie, Leon, Sora, Kairi, Riku, Cid, Tifa, and now you. I worked for Hades for a short amount of time but quit quickly after I fought Sora. And that is my boring life!" Cloud said as he through a piece of paper at Leon to get his attention and gave him a look that said `having fun'

Leon glared at Cloud and started to tell her about himself. "Rynna… My name was originally Squall Leonheart. I was born August 23 on my home world. I was placed in an orphanage shortly after... My dad is named Laguna and I have a sister named Ellone. I am 21 years old. I am 5'11" and have brown hair and blue-grey eyes. I met Sora the runt key blade wielder because I was asked to look for him by King Mickey who lives on a different world. Before that I was a SEED at Galbdia Garden. As you already know I'm a cold ass jerk who doesn't take people's shit all the time. If you do piss me off and I don't want to listen to the bull that comes out of your mouth I might just say `whatever' or `go talk to a wall'. I am a Virgo. I only loved one person in my entire life but she's dead. I lost everything in the past I desperately try to forget, and grew up with nothing, not even a dream. Now you know about us so now you have to tell us all you can remember."

Rynna stared wide eyed at Leon for a second and got off him and Cloud and sat up straight. "My name is Rynna. All I know really is I'm 20 years old, was born July 13 and I sure as hell wasn't born here. I have silver-blue eyes that also glow in the dark like yours Cloud. I have black hair with blue streaks and I apparently can control shadow and fire elements. I had a brother…"


"Damien I won't leave you!" Rynna yelled struggling to get back to her brother. His sword was glowing silver as he fought the creature of darkness.

"Rynna… Go hurry!" Damien said as he fought of the monster. "We can't let him have the-"

-End flashback-

"Rynna?" Cloud said waving his hand in front of her face bringing her out of the flashback.

"Sorry…" She said quietly. "I had a brother named Damien. This is his sword." She stuck her hand out and concentrated causing one of the swords she used earlier (silver glow) to pop into her hand. "He used it to save me from something but I can't remember anything else. Only that he said not to let him have something. Something I had for a long time…"

Cloud and Leon stared at each other for a moment and looked at Rynna as the sword faded away.

"What-" Leon said before getting cut off as the door opened and everyone poured into the house laughing.

"Yuffie (laugh) fell (giggle) on (chuckle) her (snigger) ass!" Kairi said as she fell on the couch right into Cloud's lap. "Hey (laugh) Cloud!"

Kairi got up as Riku brought Yuffie into the front room. She had ice cream all over her body. They gave Riku questioning looks.

"She fell on her ass." Riku said calmly. "When she fell on her ass she also fell on the ice cream."

Everyone broke out into a fit of laughter as Riku carried Yuffie up the stairs slung over his shoulder. "Let's go get you cleaned up!" He said as Yuffie pounded on his back.

Sora pulled Kairi off Cloud and threw her over his shoulder and brought her upstairs. "See ya in the morning! Oh Rynna you're staying in the room in between Cloud and Leon! There are doors that connect your rooms so have fun!" Sora laughed as Kairi tried to loosen his grip. "Sora!"

"Okay!" Cloud said pushing himself up off the couch. "I'll see you guys later! Oh Leon when Tifa gets here tell her to just wake me up, and tell Cid to leave this poor girl alone."

"Whatever…" Leon said to Cloud's retreating form. "Goodnight!"

"Keep thinking that." Cloud said as he walked up the stairs. "Sleep sound!"

"Do you guys do that everyday?" Rynna yawned laying down her feet on Leon this time. `Really tired' `don't fall asleep Rynna'

"Yep." Leon said watching her yawn. `If she falls asleep I don't really feel like carrying her up the steps' `if she does I guess I'll have to'

Soon after Leon nudged Rynna and turned off the T.V. Leon looked at Rynna's sleeping form and sighed. `She looks so peaceful, so serene, so beautiful…' `What the fuck did I just think…' `O well better get her in her bed and go to sleep'

Leon lifted Rynna's limp sleeping body (wedding style) and carried her upstairs. He opened the door to the bed room beside his and was about to place her on the bed when her arms wrapped around his neck. He tried to pry her hands from his neck to no avail. Leon decided to just sleep on the big plush leather chair with Rynna.