Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Unseen ❯ Did I do something wrong? ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: This is the last time I'm gonna say this! ::gets hit with stuff animal:: Fine! I do not own Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy! Happy now?! ::creature of darkness smiles::

A/N: I hope you liked the last chapter! I know it was really short… but I ran out of ideas. This one will be longer I promise!

Chapter 4

Light spread through the room as the sun rose; as the light reached Rynna's face she opened her silver-blue eyes that sparkled as light hit them. She looked around to see she wasn't in a bed. She gasped and tried not to move much as she notice Leon was under her on a big leather chair. Rynna tried to think of a way to get off him and not wake him up but everything she thought of probably wouldn't work. `Rynna how did you get yourself into this mess' `I cant believe I fucking fell asleep' `oh no I hope I didn't say or do anything in my sleep'

Rynna did the only thing she thought she could do, she snuggled into Leon's warm and muscular chest letting out a sigh. `I better not get too comfortable' was her last thought as she drifted back to sleep.


Leon opened his eyes just after Rynna fell asleep. He was going to move but he felt her snuggle into his chest. He looked down at her and let out a sigh. `No use trying to move' Leon thought as Rynna snuggled closer. He tensed as she rubbed against him. `No no no no no no' `please don't' `you can't when she's sleeping' He thought as he chewed the inside of his cheek. She squirmed again causing him to bite his lip to stifle a moan. He decided to see why she was squirming if it kept causing her discomfort and him to start to become aroused.

He moved his head closer to her to see why she was squirming so much. He moved his hand to her chin and tilted her head up. `Why are you moving so much' `god you're beautiful' `fuck I did it again' `calm… relaxed… think about something else!'

As he let his hand slide from under her chin causing her to reach up and press her lips against his as she wrapped her hands around his neck. Leon froze and looked at Rynna. `She's still sleeping' He thought amazed. `She kissed me in her sleep' `I think I'm going crazy'

As fast as she did it she was back to her position in his chest. "I am going crazy…" Leon mumbled as he ran his hands through his hair. `O well might as well go back to sleep' He thought as he wrapped his arms around her. `I need to take a very long and cold shower when I get up' That was the last thought that passed through his mind as he fell asleep with a bundle of warmth pressed firmly against him.


Sora who was still half asleep walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where everybody but Leon and Rynna were. He wandered towards the smell of fresh cooked pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hash browns. (Hey I like having that stuff for breakfast so no mean comments!)

Fully awake at the smell of food he took a seat by Cloud, Cid, and Riku who were waiting patiently for the girls to finish cooking.

"I'm glad their cooking and not Cid!" Riku said smiling at Sora.

"I know!" Sora said teasingly towards Cid. "Last time he cooked we all practically passed out from just the smell!"

Cloud, Sora and Riku laughed as Cid glared daggers at them.

"Hey runt!" Cloud said ruffling Sora's already messy hair. " Go wake up the sleepy heads."

"Okay!" Sora said practically bouncing up the stairs. `I wonder why there still asleep?' `Well I better wake Rynna up first… I might not make it if I wake Leon up first'

Sora laughed to himself as he walked into Rynna's room. He walked all the way into her room looking at the bed to see she wasn't there. He glanced around quickly and gasped. Sora walked towards the sleeping forms of Leon and Rynna who was wrapped in Leon's arms. `Aww how cute' Sora thought as he tapped Rynna's shoulder lightly.

Rynna opened her eyes to see a very happy and big eyed Sora smiling at her. Rynna tried to get up but was pulled back down by Leon's strong arms. Rynna blushed. She knew what Sora was thinking.

"It's not what you're thinking!" Rynna whispered to Sora as she turned and tapped Leon's face lightly. "Hey sleepy head? You mind letting me go so I can get up?"

"Right!" Sora said giggling as Leon opened his eyes.

As Leon opened his eyes he saw Rynna blushing and Sora smiling widely. As he looked around he saw he had his arms around her still and quickly let go.

"Sorry…" He said massaging the back of his neck.

"It's ok." Rynna said getting up. "Sora I don't have any clothes so can you go ask one of the girls if I can use something of theirs."

"Okay." Sora said flashing a smile and waltzed out of the room.

"Next time…" Leon said as soon as Sora was out of earshot. "Don't fall asleep on the couch and wrap your arms around my neck so I can't get you off."

"Sorry…" She said blushing a deeper shade of red. "I didn't know I was doing it."

"Yeah." Leon said getting up and stretching. "I bet you didn't know you kiss people in your sleep too, right?"

Rynna blushed so much she was almost the color of a red rose. "I am so0oo sorry!" She said not knowing what to do. `I kissed him in my sleep' `oh god'

"It's okay." Leon said lifting her head with his index finger. "Just don't make it an every day thing." With that he left the room leaving Rynna in shock.

`Did I just want him to kiss me' she thought falling on the bed. `Oh no' `just pretend nothing ever happened'

A few minutes later Sora came back into the room with a short black mini skirt, a tight light blue spaghetti strapped shirt, and black socks. She already had black shoes so he didn't bring any shoes with him.

"So…" Sora said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "What was that about?"

Rynna looked up at Sora and grabbed the clothes. "What, what was about?"

Sora rolled his eyes. "Why were you sleeping on Leon's lap?"

Rynna blushed. "Umm… he said I fell asleep on the couch and when he picked me up I wrapped my arms around his neck and he couldn't put me on the bed."

Sora laughed. "You're lucky he didn't let you sleep on the couch." Sora said leaving the room closing the door behind him.

"That's not funny Sora!" Rynna yelled as he left the room. `Butt hole!'


"I wonder what's taking Sora so long to go wake those two up." Cloud said scratching the back of his head.

"He probably woke that ass Leon up first!" Cid said laughing. The others laughed with him as Sora came bounding into the room.

"Hey Kai!" Sora said turning Kairi around and giving her a peck on the cheek. "Rynna wants to know if she can borrow some clothes until she gets some of her own."

"Sure!" Kairi said blushing. "I already laid some out for her on my bed."

"Okay." He said turning around and heading to her room. "Be back in a few."

"Boys." Kairi muttered turning back around continuing to cook with Tifa and Yuffie. "There so weird sometimes."

"I agree!" Yuffie said turning around and sticking her tongue out at the guys.

"Hey!" Riku said doing the same to her. "Don't worry we can do that later."

"Riku!" Yuffie said blushing and turned away to continue cooking. "Nasty ass."

"You shouldn't talk about Cloud like that." Riku retorted.

"Hey how did I get dragged into this?" Cloud said tucking his wing into his side.

"Because you are one!" Tifa said throwing a dishtowel at him. "And don't try to deny it!"

"That's not nice Tifa." Cloud said laying his head on the table.

"I think you hurt the bitch's feelings Tifa." Cid said patting Cloud on the back.

"That's enough Cid." Leon said taking a seat next to Cloud. "Don't worry Cloud. I'm sure Tifa means it."

Cloud glared at Leon and hit him in the back of the head.

"At least I'm not gay!" Cloud said knowing how to push Leon's buttons.

"I am not!" Leon said glaring at Cloud. "Trust me and you know I'm not anyway."

"Yeah I know." Cloud replied knowing that Leon was referring to last night.

"So what's going on?" Sora said smiling at everyone trying to hold in a laugh as he looked at Leon.

"Quiet runt!" Leon scoffed at Sora's giggling.

"Yes sir!" Sora said sitting across from Leon. Inwardly laughing as Leon glared at him. "I'm just sorry I interrupted."

"What is he talking about?" Cloud said looking at Leon.

"Nothing." Leon said innocently as a very light pink tinge rose to his cheeks. "He's just being a brat!"

"Am not!" Sora said jutting his lip out.

"Whatever…" Leon scoffed.

"Hey it's not my fault you -" Sora started to say but shut up when he saw Rynna walk in. "Hey Rynna."

"Hi!" She said shyly walking into the kitchen.

Everyone looked at her and Leon's jaw dropped. The clothes Rynna wore fit her body so well every time she moved it was almost hypnotizing. The clothes showed off every curve of her body. The blue spaghetti strapped shirt showed a lot of cleavage and stopped just above her navel. The skirt revealed her tan legs and stopped just above mid thigh.

`Wow' Leon thought. `She looks really HOT!' `Wait I'm doing it again' Leon closed his mouth, blushed and turned away.

`Did I do something wrong?' Rynna thought as Leon looked away.


A/N: So how did you like it? Yes I know its confusing but did you like it? Please Review!