Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Unseen ❯ Another day ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy. I do own copies of the games though!

A/N: Yay! People actually read this! I'm soo0o happy! :: blows kisses:: Thanks for reading!

Chapter 5

`Did I do something wrong?' Rynna thought as Leon looked away.

"Come on Rynna!" Sora said pulling her to take a seat by him and Leon. "Time to eat."

"Umm…" Rynna said trying not to look at Leon. "Sure."

Leon looked up at Rynna who was avoiding his gaze. `I hope I didn't hurt her feelings when I looked away' `I was just trying to control mine' `stupid jerk'

"Foods ready!" The three girls chimed in unison. They brought all the food they cooked to the table and set it in front of the guys and Rynna and took their seats.

As soon as the food hit the table the boys grabbed as much food as they could and put it on their plates.

"Boys." Kairi mumbled putting food on her own plate.

"Pigs more like it!" Tifa said giggling as she also filled her plate.

"I agree with both of you!" Yuffie said smacking Riku's hand away from her food. "Don't touch!"

"Ouch that hurt Yuffie!" Riku said pulling his hand back.

Yuffie smiled and pat his head. Rynna grabbed food for her hesitantly and ate it as mannerly as she could. She glanced at Leon who just looked at his plate as he ate his food in silence. She sighed and continued to eat. `Jerk'

"Hey Tifa can you get me a drink?" Cloud grunted as he ate his food.

"What do I look like Cloud?" Tifa retorted. "Do I have `bitch' or `slave' tattooed on my forehead?"

"Nope!" Cloud said smiling with food still in his mouth. "Please Tifa?"

"Whatever…" Tifa said getting a glass of orange juice. "Here brat!"

"Thanks babe!" Cloud said chugging it down.

The rest of breakfast went by quickly and Cid and Tifa left to go work at Cid's shop. Yuffie and Kairi left next to go to work at the restaurant on the corner as waitresses and shortly after Riku left to go start his shift at the accessories shop as Sora left to collect items for the synthesis shop he worked at. Leon left the table and went upstairs, Rynna watching him as he left.

Cloud sighed seeing Rynna watch Leon leave. "Don't worry about him Rynna." Cloud said shaking his head. "He's just a jerk."

"It's just…" Rynna said twiddling her fingers. "When I came down after changing he looked away! Did I do something wrong Cloud?"

"No Rynna." Cloud said softly. "He just has to sort out some things." `like his feelings' `doesn't he see this girl likes him' `maybe I should go knock some sense into him' `nah Rynna would probably get mad at me if I hurt him'

"Okay." Rynna said getting up as she felt her eyes begin to swell with tears. She left the Kitchen leaving Cloud to clean up and headed for her room.

As she reached the top of the stairs she heard something crash. She hurried to the door the noise came from and pressed her ear to the door. She heard someone yell something.

"I'm so fucking stupid!" The voice yelled. "Just get a grip! She's just a kid anyways! Argh!"

Rynna flinched as she heard another loud crash and ran to her room letting her tears run down her cheeks. She jumped into her bed and cried into the pillow. She knew who it was. She knew who he was talking about. Her. He was talking about her. Suddenly everything went black.


"Rynna go now!" Damien said as he stabbed the creature with his sword. "We can't let them have it! They can't have you!"

"Damien I can't leave you!" She screamed as she struggled to get free. "I don't want you to get hurt."

He sunk his sword into the creature again and pulled it out as he fell to the ground. He lifted himself and faced his sister. "Rynna." He said as something dark went through his shoulder. "RUN NOW!" Her brother fell to the ground his blood soaked the ground under him.

"No!" Rynna screamed as the person holding her arm threw her over their shoulder and carried her away from her brother.

-End flashback-

`I don't want anyone to hurt because of me' She thought crying harder. `not because of me' `Please no more'


Leon pushed everything off one of the shelves sending another loud crash to be heard throughout the house. He sat on his bed and pulled at his hair. `what am I supposed to do Rinoa' `you're not here with me but I'm not sure if I'm ready to move on' `not yet at least'

Leon quieted himself down and let a single tear fall from his eyes. He heard a door slam causing him to look up. `What was that'

He slowly got up from his bed and went to the door that led to Rynna's room. The door was slightly opened so he peeked inside. He saw Rynna there face down in the pillow apparently crying. `did Cloud make her cry' `I'm gonna kick his fucking ass'

Leon ran out of his room and down the stairs to the kitchen where Cloud just finished cleaning up. He grabbed Cloud by his collar and lifted him up against the fridge. "What the fuck did you do to make her cry?!" Leon shouted his stormy blue eyes filled with rage. "Answer me!"

"What are you- talking about?" Cloud said gasping for air.

Leon lowered him to where he could look him straight in the eye. "Rynna! What did you do to make her cry?!" He screamed as his anger built up behind his eyes.

Cloud sighed. "That wasn't me you dope!" Cloud said flicking Leon's nose. "That was you!"

"How the fuck was it me?!" Leon said dropping Cloud. "I didn't do anything to her."

"Well let's see…" Cloud said pretending to think. "You hurt her feelings this morning right before we ate breakfast and I believe when you were crashing things around upstairs you may have said something that could have hurt her feelings too but Mr. I cant feel any fucking feelings anymore because I'm to busy fooling myself into believing I'm alone in the world! Well guess what Leon your not! There are other people who fucking care about you and you can't do anything about it!"

Leon looked away from Cloud. "Don't lecture me on not letting anyone inside! You can tell how other people feel but you don't let anyone help you deal with your hurt too! You know what I'm talking about Cloud so don't tell me about not letting anyone in! You fucking hypocrite!"

"At least I admitted I was one a long time ago!" Cloud retorted. "But don't you see she fucking cares about you than your fucking thick head will let you see. You know what fuck this shit! Deal with your own problems!" Cloud stormed out of the house to go cool himself off before he hurt someone.

Leon socked the wall and ran up the stairs. `who the fuck does he think is telling me that shit' `when he does the same fucking thing' `grrrr…' Leon walked back into his room only to hear Rynna was still crying. `shit'

Leon faced softened a little as he walked into Rynna's room through the door that connected hers with his. "Rynna." Leon said softly as he sat on the edge of her bed.

Rynna felt the bed move as she sat down so she turned away from him as she tried to stop crying. "What do you (sniffle) want?!"

"Rynna…" Leon said reaching towards her.

"What?" Rynna said sitting up still facing away from him. "Why are you here?"

"I heard you crying and I thought…" Leon said pulling his hand back.

"Thought what?" Rynna snapped. "Thought you should come in here and be nice to me? Come in here and try to comfort me? You wanted to help a stupid kid?"

Leon looked at her back. He knew now that she heard him earlier. He hurt her feelings. He was the one who made her cry. "Rynna…"

"Just leave!" She screamed turning towards him with her tear stained cheeks. "Leave me alone! I'm just some stupid kid to you! Get out!"

Leon flinched at her words but stayed where he was.

"Leave!" She screamed as tears started to run down her cheeks again. "Get out you stupid jerk" Rynna started to beat her small fists against his chest.

Leon wrapped his arms around Rynna and held her against him so she couldn't hit him anymore. "Rynna…" Leon said calmly. "I came in here to apologize. Apologize for the way I've acted towards you. For making you cry. For just being a total ass hole."

Rynna struggled to get free but still heard his words. He came to apologize. He didn't come to tell her to leave or anything else but to apologize. She broke down in his arms and cried into his chest. Leon's arms tightened around her as she cried. `I wont hurt you anymore' he promised to himself. `never again'


A/N: Aww so sweet! Oh sorry! So how did you like that chapter?! Hope it was good! Please Review and tell me what you thought about it!