Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ FFX - The real deal ❯ The Blitz Ball Games ( Chapter 5 )
Chapter 5
Disclaimer: I don't own FFX
Previously: Yuna fed the guy on the boat to Valevor, Tidus hates the woods in Kilika, Tidus found out he is the only one actually going through the cloister of trials. Tidus knocks out the Luca Goers, Tidus has an argument w/his father on the ship, the make it to Luca.
Tidus: Wow this place is big!
Wakka: Do you have to be amazed at everything?
Tidus: …Yes.
Some announcer guy: It looks like all the teams are all ready today. Hey it looks like the aurochs had some nerve to participate this year, those brave but stupid fools!
SA: Hey it's our very own never been beaten luca goers…w/ Band-Aids.
Tidus: Yea and I will F%$# them up again, ok someone hold me back, hold me back!
Everyone: Slowly steps away.
Tidus:? Come on wheres your we are gonna kick the luca goers a$$ spirit?
Wakka: I think we lost it some where around when they beat us forth the 4th time.
Tidus: Oh.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Game~~~~~~~~~~~
Wakka all right guys our first game and we are NOT versing the Luca Goers!
Aurochs: YAY!
Tidus: Boo!
Yuna: Hey I think I saw Auron down by the Café.
Tidus: All right, sorry guys I am gonna sit this one out.
Wakka: Ok!
~~~~ Go to Café ~~~~
Tidus: Damn he is not here.
Some Ronso: Hey look its pitiful Kimahri!
Other Ronso: Ya, Kimahri real pitiful!
Ronso: Yea Kimahri real piti- (Gets knocked out by Kimahri)
~~~~ Screen ~~~~
Oh man what a site, the aurochs are actually tied w/ someone. Those poor AL Bhed keeping a tied score w/ the loser aurochs.
~~~~ To port 4 ~~~~
Lulu: Quick the Al Bhed took Yuna in exchange for there victory.
Tidus: Man there stupid, of course we are gonna lose.
Kimahri: Shut up and find Yuna!
Tidus: He talks?
Kimahri: Sorry, cannot talk till at beach spot but hate being silent.
Tidus: Ok.
(Go to the al bhed ship)
Tidus: Wow these are some funny looking robots.
Robot: Intruder will kill you.
Tidus: Hey what's this button do?
Robot: Fool do not press that. (Falls apart)
Tidus: Cool!
Big Robot: Destroy! Destroy!
Tidus: Shut up, (Uses crane to toss in water)
Yuna: Hurray I am safe.
Tidus: Ok lets go back to the game.
Lulu: Oh yea, the game (uses magic to make a big screen with popcorn come out of no where)
Tidus: Hey cool we …won?
~~~ Locker Room ~~~
Wakka: We did well, ya?
Tidus: I guess.
Wakka: Whatever, here you play next game.
Tidus: Sweet!
~~~ Game starts ~~~
Sphere Pool:
Luca Goer: Here shake my hand.
Tidus: No, cause you will try and do this. (Punches the same goer from the ship again)
Luca: You son of a (beep)
Game starts ~
Tidus takes a few shots and so does Graav.
Score: A - 19 LG - 5
~~~ Half Time ~~~
Tidus: Ha! They will never beat us now.
Wakka: Don't be too sure.
Tidus: Ok whatever.
Wakka: Just shoot like crazy
Aurochs: Yea!
Wakka: Keep a good defense!
Aurochs: Yea!
Tidus: Kill the innocent!
Aurochs: ye-a…. What?
Tidus: Sorry I always wanted a big unworthy mob to agree w/ me on killing the innocent.
Wakka:? No here let me play you just go in that corner and collect dust just for saying that.
Tidus: What will I do for fun?
Wakka: Tell jokes to the wall.
Tidus: ok. Hey wall you here the one about the tree and the cookie?
Wall: Yes, shut up your jokes are not worthy of me to listen to.
Tidus: You talked?
Wall: Yea talked!
Tidus: Walls can't talk!
Wall: oh yea? Your mom!
Tidus: That's to old already. I used that like 5 times over the story.
Wall: Your mom!
Tidus: And you say I am not worthy of talking?
~ Game ~
Wakka: Wow how did they catch up
Letty: Cause we suck, SIR!
Wakka: Shut up, there are 3 sec's. They can't beat us while we have a 3 point lead.
(Magically catches up and beat the aurochs)
Wakka: God Dammit!
Monsters Attack!
Well tell me how you are enjoying it.
I know I skipped a lot but if I didn't we would still be in besaid or somtin hehe.