Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Mine. ❯ Pierced. ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warnings: Seriously, if you're still reading, you don't care anyway.
Pairings: Yeah, you know.
Disclaimer: Don't own it, only the plot and personalities of creatures and all the natives except Zell and Kiros.
Author's Notes: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! RP is fun.
Chapter Eighteen: Pierced.
As Seifer had predicted, things did indeed get more interesting.
He and Squall would sit in the salon for hours watching men go back and forth from the `seamstresses', with some bit of clothing that supposedly had suffered a tear or hole. They would come out again some time later, looking very satisfied and with a `repaired' piece of clothing.
Yet, no matter what time they barged into the place, be it five minutes or an hour or three hours after a man had entered, they would always find the women sewing away, and the man waiting patiently for his `repair'. They simply couldn't fathom it. Even if Madam Quistis and her girls could see them coming (and they had used various techniques to avoid that happening) how on earth could they get a man off a woman and looking respectable again in only a few seconds?
Squall had even starting taking his darning to them, much to Rinoa's displeasure. His calm assertion one evening in the saloon after one too many ales that their stitching was finer and stronger than hers had actually earned him a slap.
This particular night, the Madam had left her girls to their work, whatever that might be, and come across to the saloon for a drink. Her low-cut bodice and high-cut boots instantly leant an air of tension to the room, as each man tried to catch her eye. She ignored them all, and went to sit with Seifer and Squall. She seemed oblivious - or impervious - to the evil stares she was receiving from Rinoa. In fact, she leaned forward and laid a hand on Squall's thigh.
“Now, boys,” she started without preamble, while Squall stared at her hand and Seifer tried not to asphyxiate due to held-in laughter. “I know and you know I'm providing a valuable service to this town. Furthermore, we all know you're never going to catch me at it. Nevertheless, your frequent interruptions are becoming an irritation I don't want to have to deal with. Surely… surely there's something we can work out…?”
Her hand slid deeper between Squall's legs and moved upward, at which he firmly took hold of her wrist and removed the hand, arching a brow.
“Believe me,” he said lowly. “When I tell you neither of us is at all interested.”
“Oh…” she said, a smirk curving her bright red lips. “I know he isn't…” And she nodded in Seifer's direction, obliterating the Sheriff's hilarity.
She knew.
They exchanged a glance, then their eyes turned back to the Madam, who was sitting back now, sipping her drink and watching them knowingly. Her eyes flickered between them, then away to the men who sat around talking and laughing uproariously. She made herself easy to read, at least for them. Who shall I tell first…?
Bitch!” Seifer hissed.
She chuckled.
“Just protecting my livelihood, boys. I've got seven mouths to feed, including my own. No more rolling up unannounced…” she trailed off and smirked, watching them over the rims of her glasses. “Unless it's for our unique services.”
Seifer curled his lip and Squall glared at her, but she only smiled sweetly and ordered another drink.
“Ma'am, you ain't paid for the first'n,” the bartender said uncomfortably, shifting from foot to foot.
“That's alright,” she said with a smile. “It's on the Sheriff.”
The man looked to Seifer who reluctantly nodded.
“Interesting…” Squall said with a sarcastic twist and a roll of his eyes. “Interesting, he says…”
Seifer just glared at him.
- - - - - - -
“/I don't recall giving you a choice in this matter./”
“/And I don't care. I'm not doing it./”
“/You are my taken-/”
“/And as such shall do as you say, I know! But not this time, Zell. Not this time!/”
Zell was completely dumbstruck by his taken's pure audacity. Not only was he refusing to do as he was told, but he had even gone so far as cut Zell off in the middle of a sentence. He could only stare at the auburn haired man, whose arms were folded across his slender chest and whose face was set.
He didn't even have the courtesy to look uncomfortable with his disobedience.
In the last couple of weeks since Irvine had taken possession of his new whip, Zell had found his cowboy less and less inclined to disobey. He was becoming more used to his place and, in fact, the native was fairly certain he was enjoying it, was glad to be a taken.
This was the first time in quite a while the cowboy had even looked like disobeying. Zell was infinitely glad no one was around to see it.
“Irvine-” he said through his teeth, but his taken again cut him off.
“Zell,” he replied in the same tone. “/I said no. You are not putting holes in me just because you think it'll look good./”
“/I know it will look good,/” Zell clarified, taking a menacing step towards Irvine, who didn't even flinch. “/Furthermore, I know you will do what I tell you./”
“/We will see about that,/” Irvine growled, and he walked out.
Zell stared as the teepi flap fell back into place, actually rubbing his eyes, because he was sure he was seeing things. Sure enough, Irvine had walked out on him. He snarled snatched up an arrow yet to be fletched, breaking it in two and throwing the pieces against the tanned wall. Jirrah woke up with a gurgled cry, then settled again when he realised he wasn't in danger.
How dare he? How dare he?!
It was almost enough to drive a man to hit his taken, something Zell prided himself on never, ever doing. Nor was he about to start now. Although, wringing that pretty neck was, at present, a particularly tempting thought…
But to go after Irvine would be to loose even more face. The way he was behaving, the native didn't doubt his taken would continue to argue with him, even in front of everyone else. That was something he would not tolerate. For the moment, he had to admit defeat and let it be until he had Irvine alone again, much as it irritated him to let the redhead win the argument - even if it was only for a short time.
- - - - - - -
“/And you… said no…?/”
“/Damn right I said no! Who does he think he is, going around telling me to, like, put holes in myself?!/”
“/He… is your taker…/”
“/Krerah… that wasn't a question I wanted an answer for. It's called a /rhetorical/ question. And anyway, would you let Ahshey poke holes in you on a whim?/”
“/I would let Ahshey do anything he desires,/” Krerah replied instantly, looking at Irvine as though he were stupid for not knowing that. “/He knows best./”
The cowboy stared at his friend, who blinked back at him in total disbelief. Clearly, Krerah was not lying. He would let Ahshey do whatever he wanted. Irvine knew they'd had this discussion before, and that all the taken believed it their place to do what they were told, when they were told. More to the point, he knew he'd been just as pliable in recent times, and perfectly happy with it. But to go so far as to agree to bodily mutilation? No. He wouldn't do it.
“/About everything?/” the cowboy wondered.
“/Yes. Everything./” Krerah said, then reached for Irvine's hand. “/Irvine… Zell would never do anything that he didn't think would be good for you. He loves you./”
“/Some way he's got of showing it…/” Irvine muttered and he took his hand back and stood, having expected Krerah to take his side. On hindsight, he realised, he should never have expected that.
- - - - - - -
Later that evening, as the camp was settling down to its meal, Zell touched his elbow. He glanced at the native, arching a brow in question.
“/I want you to come back to the teepi for dinner. I have made something for you, and I would be alone with you to… apologise… for today…/” The word “apologise” seemed almost to hurt his taker and Irvine couldn't help a mental laugh at that. He was surprised, but pleased that the native seemed to have realised why he was upset.
He nodded slightly and stood, taking Zell's offered hand and letting the native lead him back to the teepi. Zell held the flap open for him and he ducked inside to a warm fire and two clay plates laden with fish and various vegetables. He licked his lips and sat, smiling at his lover when he was passed one of the plates. Jirrah settled against his side and he absently stroked the Gayla.
“/Thank you…/” he said softly as they ate, aware of the intensity in Zell's gaze. “/I… I'm sorry I argued with you too… I just… I… I…/” He put a hand to his forehead, feeling suddenly light-headed and fuzzy. He shook his head a little in an effort to clear it, but the fog only thickened. “/What…? Zell… you… didn't!/”
The last thing he saw before he fell into a deep sleep was Zell's smug, triumphant smile.
- - - - - -
It was, too, the first thing he saw when he woke again. He tried to speak, but found his mouth almost painfully dry. Zell offered him water and he sat up to take a drink.
“/Not too much,/” Zell warned, taking the water away to prevent him over-drinking. “/You have been sleeping for a whole night and day./”
“/What…?/” Irvine's voice didn't sound like his own and he had to clear his throat and try again. “/What happened?/”
Zell just looked at him and it slowly began to filter back in.
“/You… you drugged me!/”
“/You would not listen to me,/” Zell said calmly.
“/So you… How could you?!/”
Zell only smiled and ran his eyes down to Irvine's chest. Irvine looked down as well. A gold hoop now adorned each nipple, and from the left one, a soft chocobo-down feather hung. When Irvine looked back up, eyes wide, Zell presented him with a mirror, showing him the new piercings.
“/They suit you,/” the native said with a growl in his voice that Irvine knew very well by now. Irvine blinked, lips parted a little, and stared at his reflection. They did look good, Zell wasn't lying, but that didn't change the fact that his lover had drugged him and taken the liberty of putting holes in his body without his permission!
He glared at the native, stood, and left the teepi.
Ahshey and Krerah were not exactly happy to see him, since when he arrived, the former had his fingers inside the latter, who was panting and whimpering. The taker arched both his brows and gave Irvine a scorching look.
“/Do you make a habit of bursting in at such an hour as this?/” he asked in a low growl.
“I-Irvine…?” Krerah whispered, but fell silent, gripping at the furs when Ahshey “shh'd” him.
“/Remove yourself from my teepi this instant and return to Zell's, lest I throw you over my shoulder and carry you there, taken./”
“/But, I-/
“/Maybe your taker lets you get away with arguing - though, judging by your enforced sleep and your new adornments I may be mistaken - but I will not stand for you interrupting or talking back to me./”
“/But, Ahshey, I just want-/”
“/Nor will you address me by my name when I am telling you to do something and you are not doing it! Go! Leave us!/”
“/I can't go back, Ahsh- taker. Please, let me stay./”
Krerah made a growling sort of sound in the back of his throat, only to be shushed again.
“/Much as my taken would likely enjoy that, I will not let you stay. Go, taken, now./”
When Irvine only stood there, averting his eyes from them, but refusing to leave, Ahshey showed his teeth and, much to Krerah's vocal displeasure, he took his hand away and stood.
“/Ahshey, please… please don't… stop…/” Krerah begged, squirming on the furs.
“/I must, my love, and you know this. I won't be long. Your need for me will only grow while I am gone,/” Ahshey said as he tied on his loincloth, eyes cold as he watched Irvine.
Krerah said no more, but his breathing was harsh in their ears. Irvine grit his teeth and started to speak.
“/I'm sorry, Krerah, I-/”
“/Silence, taken!/” Ahshey growled and, true to his word, before Irvine could react, he had wrapped his arms around the cowboy's waist and thrown him over his shoulder.
“/No! I'll go! I'll go!/” Irvine cried, trying to wriggle free of the hold that had him eye-to-cheek with Ahshey's behind.
“/I said silence!/” the native snapped and Irvine was further mortified by the ringing slap delivered to his own behind by a dark hand. Suffice it to say, he fell silent, and bore with the indignity of being carried across the camp.
- - - - - - -
“/I believe this is yours,/” Ahshey growled, dumping Irvine at his taker's feet. “/And I would thank you not to let it interrupt me while I'm taking mine!/”
“/He didn't…/” Zell said, highly embarrassed his taken would do such a thing.
“/He did. And, what's more, when told to leave, he didn't. I have left my taken half-ready and sobbing with need of me because I had to return yours to you. Perhaps you ought to fashion him a tether!/”
With that, Ahshey turned on his heel and left.
“/Stay here,/” Zell growled at Irvine, who remained where he had been deposited, blushing hotly. “/Do not move./”
He went after Ahshey.
“/Brother, I'm sorry, I-/”
Ahshey turned, gesturing violently at Zell.
“/You will be sorry if your taken continues this ridiculous behaviour. I'll put up with much from him because he is beautiful and he does love you, but to remain standing in my teepi when I told him repeatedly to leave… this is inexcusable! He forced me to leave Krerah in agony, to leave him on the brink of my entering him. No taken should be left thus! You know this to be true, and I expect you to make sure your taken knows this to be true. You are my brother and his misbehaviour doesn't only reflect badly on you, Zell. You know what it means, what it does to the family. If he ever disobeys me like that again, he will get more than the smack I gave him…/”
Zell's eyes narrowed.
“/You struck him?/” he hissed.
“/No…/” Ahshey purred, a smirk breaking through his scowl to curve his lips. “/I spanked him…/” He licked his upper-lip, the smirk growing, and turned, striding off into the night before Zell could think of anything to say to that.
He returned to the teepi to find Irvine examining his piercings in the mirror, Jirrah curling around and around the cowboy's legs. The native stood in silence, arms folded, until his taken turned, giving a short gasp when he saw Zell.
“/You have greatly embarrassed me, taken,/” Zell said, using the title with an air of command instead of as an endearment. “/What have you to say for yourself?/”
Irvine looked at him for a long moment, then turned away and went to the furs, laying down.
“/I'm going to sleep,/”
“/You are doing no such thing,/” Zell retorted, shooing Jirrah out, then also going to the furs with a grim determination. “/You are learning a most important lesson./”
He used his greater strength to turn Irvine onto his back, dragging his tongue from navel to chest over and over again until the cowboy finally began to react, body undulating in response to the hot, wet stroking. Oh, yes. Zell knew how to manipulate his taken's body…
Irvine gave a soft cry when Zell's attentions finally turned to his nipples, and he was soon thanking the native every way he could think of that they'd been forced upon him. Zell paused to give his taken an “I-told-you-so” lecture, but soon went back to his work, licking and sucking at the cowboy's nipples, though he was careful to avoid the feather. That was not something he particularly wanted in his mouth…
He took an age, bringing Irvine to a state of begging and whimpering, and just when the cowboy insisted he was going to burst, he finally gave him what he wanted, pressing a slick finger within him. A second followed, until Irvine was trembling with need, twisting his hands in the furs.
Zell blinked slowly and removed his fingers, then moved away from his panting, glistening taken. He hated to do so, his own need for Irvine a burning, molten thing writhing in his belly, but Irvine would understand what he had done to Krerah this night in the most basic of ways - by experiencing it himself.
“/Please…/” he whimpered, slitting his eyes open to look at Zell. “/Please, Zell… I… need…/”
“/Does it hurt, Irvine…?/” Zell wondered gently, knowing full well it did, because he felt it too, and was further embarrassed by what his taken had done to Ahshey and Krerah.
“/Yes… yes! It hurts… ple-ease…/”
“/Do you see, now, what you did to Krerah, in refusing to leave when you were told to? Never should you disobey any taker, unless what he or she is asking goes against what you know my wishes to be. Do you understand?/”
“/Yes… I under… understand… please, Zell, please…/” His hand wandered across his own skin and Zell growled, gratified when Irvine whimpered, but laid the hand flat against his hip.
“/Remember this, for I will remind you of it when you are not so desperate with need of me…/”
Irvine nodded mutely and Zell was only too glad to roll atop him and enter him, to a pleased cry from his taken and an equally pleased groan from himself.
Later, they lay curled together and Irvine was the first to break the silence, his voice soft and contrite.
“/I… I'm sorry… that I argued with you… that… I embarrassed you… in front of Ahshey… I swear… it won't happen again. It won't…/”
“/It had best not,/” Zell muttered, remembering Ahshey's words, and knowing them for the truth they were. “/I have risked more than you know to bring you here, and I cannot afford for you to indulge in such ridiculous behaviours./”
“/I-I know…/”
He didn't know, but that he thought he did was enough for Zell. The native stroked his fingers through Irvine's hair, smiling when his taken sighed and melted in that irresistible way against him at the touch.
“/I love you./”
“/Mmm… I love you, too…/” Irvine yawned, eyes flickering shut. “/And you… you were right… they look… really… good…/”
Zell smirked, knowing full well what Irvine was referring to, and gratified by the cowboy's realisation. However, that the redhead could ever have thought his taker wouldn't be right displeased Zell greatly.
“/I,/” he said firmly. “/am always right…/”
Irvine gave a tired smile and nodded.
“/Mmm… you always are…/”
- - - - - - -
Author's Notes: Kitty has finished Uni foreva! Yayayayayayayayayaaaaaaaay! And in other news - I freaking love Ahshey. Go those seme-semes! XD