Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Mine. ❯ Relaxed. ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warnings: Sex! Wheeee! Also Rinoa bashing.
Pairings: Blah blah…
Disclaimer: Yes, yes. I know, I don't own Zell or Irvine, despite what I might think. *tears* I don't own Kiros or Seifer or Squall. Waaaah! I don't own Rinoa - yay! - and I don't own Quistis - buu. Did I miss anyone? Ah well. I don't own anyone who isn't mine, but I do own everyone else! Ha!
Author's Notes: I love this chapter.
Chapter Nineteen - Relaxed.
Seifer could see it. He didn't know how in the world Rinoa couldn't. The tension along Squall's shoulders, the way his mouth was held, tight and thin-lipped, the way one hand fisted in his lap and the other clutched a beer glass, leashed violence in every line of his body. Why didn't she just shut up?
She was going around in circles anyway.
“…n't need that sort of thing here! There are plenty of decent and clean women around who only want a bit of kindness-”
“And a wedding ring…” Seifer muttered, but she went on as though she hadn't heard him. Squall gave a very slight snort of amusement.
“-and aren't they hundreds of times better than those… those… women of ill repute?!”
If he heard that phrase one more time, Seifer was sorely tempted to put his pistol to his own head. Or, even better, hers. Did she practice being obnoxious and keeping her voice at just the right irritating pitch that it was impossible to ignore? The Sheriff massaged his temples in a futile effort to dissipate some of the pain building behind his right eye. Fuck. Could the woman even bring on a migraine?
“They're seamstresses,” Squall finally said through his teeth, gesturing through the saloon window to indicate Penelope sitting on the verandah sewing a skirt.
“Oh, please!” Rinoa sneered as though he were stupid, at which Seifer swore he saw a vein throbbing in Squall's forehead. “That's a front! You're the lawmen around here! Go… do some law!”
Seifer choked on his mouthful of beer at the absurdity of the statement, totally unphased by the glare Rinoa shot his way. Squall glanced at him, then finally exploded. The Sheriff had known it was imminent, but hadn't predicted the ferocity of it.
“Will you shut the fuck up!” the Deputy snarled, surging to his feet and grabbing her arm. “We know our job, but we can't catch them at anything! Anything! No matter how hard we try, or how suddenly we arrive, there is never anything going on, except women sewing and men waiting for their clothes! We have better things to do than waste our time on futile ventures!”
She sounded terrified, Seifer reflected with vicious glee. His headache was already beginning to ease.
“I said shut up! You know what?”
By now, the whole saloon was listening, even the pianist having stopped to watch. They all leaned forward to hear what Squall would say as Rinoa shook her head, tears in her wide eyes.
“Seifer was right about you…”
The Sheriff blinked as Rinoa glanced his way, then back to Squall when he gave her a little shake to make her pay attention to him.
“He-” This time she cut off under the force of his glare.
“You are an annoying, whiney, annoying thing. I can't say as I can remember what it was about you that made me ask you to be my girl… Whatever it was, it's faded, and I can't take your incessant chatter anymore.”
“But… b-but I'm your girl…” she stammered, the tears spilling over.
“Not anymore,” Squall growled, and stood, downing the rest of his beer in one go and stalking out of the saloon.
Gulping down the last of his own, Seifer tipped his hat in mock politeness to the trembling woman, and hurried after his Deputy.
“So annoying. I can't believe I never noticed she was so fucking annoying!” Squall spat when they were roughly halfway to the jailhouse.
“Well, I did tell you,” Seifer replied calmly, unable to keep the manic glee at what had just happened out of his voice.
“You're almost as annoying,” Squall muttered. “Do you have to be so fucking pleased with yourself?”
“Oh, hell yes. That was the best thing I've seen in months, including that night when the Reine brothers got drunk and fell through the piano because they thought, somehow, that it would take the weight of three men dancing a jig.”
Squall rolled his eyes.
“You are so juvenile sometimes…” he growled, throwing open the door to the jailhouse and stalking inside. He went instantly to the hidden liquor cabinet under Seifer's desk and poured himself a shot of brandy. “I can't believe I just did that…”
“It was a long time coming…”
“Her father will kill me.”
“And you say I'm juvenile…”
“Shut up!”
“You're just pissed because now you'll have to work to get laid.”
Squall tried to glare at him, but the utterly calm and matter-of-fact tone made the statement strangely funny and he gave a snort of laughter instead. It wasn't long before they were laughing madly, and whatever tension had built up between them since Seifer's amorous drunkenness evaporated.
They both found they were infinitely glad for that fact, and spent the rest of the evening getting mind-numbingly drunk and swapping stories of increasing lewdness.
And they didn't even have to worry about being interrupted by Rinoa. Seifer thought, all in all, it had been a very good evening.
- - - - - - -
Time was passing at an odd pace for Irvine. Every so often he would think of his family, and it would take him several hours to get past it, during which he wouldn't talk to anyone, and he would turn aside Zell's advances, despite how frustrated or irritated the native became. Most of this time he spent guilty that the rest of the time, they never even crossed his mind. Guilty that he didn't think about home, or the people there, but his entire focus was on Zell and the jobs he did around the camp, the time he spent with Krerah and Ahshey and other taken, or tending Whipcrack.
Inevitably, Zell would bring him out of it, and it would go from his mind for days or weeks or maybe even months. He had completely lost track of how long he'd been with Zell. The camp had moved five times, and his life had fallen into a happy rhythm, in which there really wasn't a lot of work for him to do, since every job was communal and there were so many people to do them.
At least, it was generally happy. Now, he had slipped into one of his morose stupors, and had no desire to leave his bed. Worse, Zell and Ahshey were on an extended hunting trip, trailing a large, migratory confusion of chimera which only passed by every two years. The chimera were valued for almost everything on them, so the party of five takers was to bring down at least ten of the creatures.
Zell's absence left Irvine in a very bad place.
Around noon, Krerah, of course, came looking for him.
“/Irvine…? What goes on here? Why do you stay in these sleeping furs when we could be doing so many interesting things? It's not our turn to do anything today, and you lay around wasting that?/”
“/Go away,/” was Irvine's only reply.
Krerah lifted his brows and dropped to all fours crawling across the soft snow-lion pelt, shooing Jirrah off, and curling long fingers around the edge to draw it down so Irvine's eyes were showing.
“/What's this, then? Are you pining for your lover…?/” Krerah teased, surprised when Irvine snarled at him and tugged the fur back up.
“/Go away, Krerah…/” he growled.
“/No, indeed. Both our takers would be displeased with me if I left you now. What's wrong? I miss Ahshey, but I'm up and enjoying my day./”
“/…You don't understand…/” Irvine said mournfully, deep depression almost bringing him to tears. He wished he could share Krerah's carefree nature.
“/I think I may…/” Krerah said gently, and he tugged the fur down again, pressing himself against the curve of Irvine's body through the soft blue-white. “/You haven't been parted from Zell since you met him. You miss him, yes?/”
“/No, that's not/-”
Irvine's words abruptly failed him, and got lost somewhere in Krerah's mouth, for it was suddenly pressed to his own in a strange kiss that was neither dominant nor submissive, yet somehow between the two. The cowboy drew back, blinking in shock, and Krerah's teeth flashed a self-satisfied smirk at him.
“/I can help you cheer up, I think,/” he purred, voice almost unnaturally liquid and hot. Irvine suddenly thought he needed to learn to use his voice like that, because he held little doubt it would have Zell desperate to do whatever his taken asked with it.
“/But… Krerah… I… you… and our takers… they…/”
Krerah sat back, pushing his thick hair behind his shoulder and looking at him with that smirk fixed in place. Irvine shivered.
“/Do you think that our takers, as virulent and demandingly needy as they are, would remain celibate for even a week?/”
Irvine opened and closed his mouth several times, unable to reconcile the word “celibate” with the word “Zell”. No, he thought, the native probably wouldn't. Since they had first slept together, there had rarely been more than two days between some sort of contact and some sort of release. He gaped at Krerah.
“/But… b-but.../”
“/Zell and Ahshey, I am sure, know each other very well, Irvine. They've been there for each other a lot longer than you or I have been there for them. And I don't doubt they are there for each other now…/”
“/But…/” Irvine said again. “/But they're bro-/”
Krerah didn't let him finish, again taking his lips for that strange in between kiss, and Irvine found he didn't have the heart to fight it. It occurred to him that he, too, had grown used to pleasuring and being pleasured on a very regular basis, even more regular than when he'd been bedding any town girl who was willing. He began to return the kiss, but suddenly pulled away, a hand to his mouth.
“/Krerah… our takers… Zell… he wouldn't like… he's so… possessive… and-/”
“Shh…” Krerah soothed. “/I won't take you just as you would never take me. We will simply help each other get through this time without our takers… yes…?/”
He pressed closer, knowing exactly how to manipulate Irvine through years of being manipulated, played by his taker like a harp. His tongue curled against the hollow of the cowboy's throat and Irvine sighed, letting his eyes slip half-shut.
He needed something to save him from the circling of his thoughts anyway, he reflected as he lifted his hand, twisting his fingers in Krerah's hair. The native chuckled, that same arrogance that seemed innate to their race in the sound.
“/There. This will not be so hard, now will it?/”
“/I don't know as much of anything will be very successful if it's not hard…/” Irvine replied mildly, reaching for the tie of Krerah's loincloth, and the native snickered at him, then pressed another kiss to his lips. It took Irvine a little while to figure out how it worked, with a flicker of tongues that never quite dipped too deep, but he got the hang of it in a little while and Krerah grinned at him.
“/I'm sure our takers will be pleased we looked after one another,/” he said, shifting to throw back the snow-lion pelt. He made a low noise and Irvine smirked, stretching and twisting, showing off. “/Ai! But you are beautiful…/” Krerah said, smoothing a hand down Irvine's front.
“/I'm not the only one,/” Irvine replied, sitting up to run his own hand along Krerah's dark thigh.
Krerah grinned and tossed his head a little.
“/Well, that goes without saying./”
Irvine laughed as Krerah pressed him onto his back again, licking along his throat then up to kiss him yet again. He made a low noise into the native's mouth when long fingers wrapped around his length, stroking gently.
“/Your taker always boasts of how sensitive and responsive you are. I will be glad to find out if he tells the truth…/” Krerah murmured, wriggling down his body to lick at a pierced nipple. Irvine gasped, arching his back and buried his fingers in Krerah's hair, eyes flickering shut. His other hand ran down the long, smooth spine to rest in the small of the native's back and he let out his breath in a slow moan.
Not one to be outdone, however, Irvine soon ran his hand lower, dipping his fingers to brush against Krerah's entrance. The native twitched and lost the rhythm of his tongue, moaning against Irvine's skin and the cowboy smirked, rubbing slow, repetitive circles that made Krerah tremble.
“/I feel you might be much the same…/” Irvine murmured, making one more particularly firm movement. Krerah cried out breathlessly against his chest, his hands fisting in the furs beneath Irvine.
“/Ai! Stop!/” he whimpered, at which Irvine only smirked, and repeated the movement. Krerah twisted against him and the cowboy's smirk grew as another cry rang against his skin. “/Stop! Please!/”
Using Krerah's distraction to his advantage, Irvine switched their positions, rolling the native onto his back. He took his hand away and gave Krerah a few moments to regain himself and open his dark blue eyes.
“/My turn…/” Irvine purred, delighted by Krerah's shiver, and he moved down to nip at a dark nipple before taking it between his lips and suckling. Krerah gave a keening moan, proving to Irvine that he was not the only one who couldn't control his vocalisations at being pleasured. He buried his fingers in the strands of Krerah's hair where they lay across the furs and spent some time on the nipple before moving to the next.
“Irvine!” Krerah whined, his voice tight. “Ai, Irvine…”
Irvine “Mmm”d around the treat in his mouth, making Krerah gasp, and he ran his hand up the inside of his friend's thigh, fingertips finding and teasing along the underside of his length. At that, Krerah's hips bucked and he moaned throatily, clutching at the furs and burying his other hand in Irvine's hair.
He teased Krerah, moving away from his chest and kissing a painfully slow path down his body, hovering here and there, interspersing the kisses with swipes of his tongue and nips of his teeth until the native was making a tiny sound with every exhale. Zell had taught him very well… He lapped at Krerah's navel, stroking his thigh until he whimpered, then finally relented and stroked his tongue across the tip of the native's length.
A delighted shudder ran through Krerah's entire body and he moaned, hips lifting in silent pleading. Irvine didn't make him plead too hard, taking him into his mouth and humming gently so that the native arched and moaned throatily.
“Irvine…” Krerah sighed. “/I-Irvine… move…/”
“Hmm…?” Irvine wondered, lifting his head in confusion.
“/T-turn…/” Krerah murmured. “/Turn so I can…/” He trailed off, running his tongue along his lips and Irvine grinned.
“Ah,” was all he said, then did as he was told. Each moaned as the other's mouth closed over his length and Irvine lowered his weight onto his elbows, afraid his entire arms' length wouldn't hold him up.
It had been a while since the last time he'd… at least, compared to his usual activities since Zell had stolen him away, so Irvine didn't last long. Krerah rode the buck of his hips easily as the cowboy arched, throwing his head back and giving a cry.
Krerah was, all things considered, fairly patient, giving him time to come back to himself before dark hands brushed at his legs in silent begging. Irvine couldn't help but give a soft laugh and he lowered his head again, taking Krerah's length to pay it the attention it deserved. His well-honed skills soon brought the native to completion with a breathless, aching cry and Irvine was only to glad to shift again and flop down beside Krerah.
“/Now…/” Krerah said after a long while. “/Tell me you have not wanted to do that since the moment you met me!/”
Irvine laughed, shaking his head in amusement at the arrogance that seemed to be a part of all the natives' genetic make up.
“/Oh, yes, Krerah!/” Irvine said dramatically. “/I have wanted to do that since the moment I met you!/”
They both laughed, then curled close and fell asleep in a happy tangle, both far more relaxed than they had been since Zell and Ahshey left.
- - - - - - -
Author's Notes: So been waiting to write that scene with Irvine and Krerah! XD Love this chapter so much! Woot! Rinoa got dumped!