Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Mine. ❯ Won. ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warnings: GACKT IS LOVE! Wait… that's not a warning. Oo, there's violence in this chapter! :O Enjoy it! XD
Pairings: Kiros still needs to get laid.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything that's not mine. And unfortunately, no one pays me to write this stuff.
Author's Notes: Oh no! I've run out of hand-written stuff. That means I have to actually write on the computer now with this fic. Heh. It's coming to an end anyway. I know what's going to happen, I just have to write it… Ner…
Chapter Twenty-One - Won.
“/We can't lose him! He's too close!/” Krerah lamented as they wove their way through the trees, Seifer close on their heels.
“/We have to keep him away from camp,/” Irvine replied grimly, knowing how Kiros would react if he lead an Outsider back to their teepis. He touched Whipcrack, but the bird was panicking and refused to acknowledge him. He saw Krerah was having the same problems.
“/They smell gunpowder and leather. They're afraid!/” Irvine called. “/Whipcrack, stop! Turn away!/” Whipcrack ignored him for the first time in a very long time and they soon pelted into camp and right through it to where the flock ranged. Only then did the chocobos slow and stop, panting with their heads hanging low. Irvine and Krerah pushed their way out of the group in time to see Seifer drag on Knightly's mouth and skid to a halt.
Kiros exited his teepi, took in the situation and instantly demanded; “/Get him off his chocobo and bring him to me!/”
But Seifer had un-holstered his gun and was brandishing it.
“/Stop!/” Irvine screamed at the approaching braves. “/He'll kill them, Kiros!/”
Kiros leveled a vicious glare at Irvine and signaled his braves. They surrounded Seifer and Knightly, but didn't move too close. Kiros strode over to Irvine and back handed him.
“/You brought this upon us!/” he snarled, and lifted a hand to strike again.
“/No, Kiros! He can't be blamed for this! We took down the Malbora-/” Krerah tried to argue.
“/A task assigned to your takers!/” Kiros snarled, venting his anger by giving Irvine a shove. “/Where are they?!/” (1)
“/It's not their fault either,/” Irvine growled. “/We left when they slept./”
“/Yes, you did,/” Zell's voice now growled from behind him. “/And I am not pleased…/”
“/Nor I,/” added Ahshey as they Irvine and Krerah turned. Both takers stood with their arms crossed over broad chests, and Ahshey continued; “/You are a bad influence, Irvine…/” He sounded grim, but Irvine was certain a smirk hovered about his lips.
“/You, I will deal with later…/” Zell muttered to Irvine, then glanced to Kiros. “/The Outsider is mine. He pursues my taken still, after even so long. I have a right to him!/”
Kiros grumbled, but the gathered natives were murmuring their agreement, and he knew he could not say no.
“/Have him, then…/” the chief muttered, and disappeared back into his teepi, washing his hands completely of the matter.
“/Come with me, Irvine,/” Zell demanded and strode through the milling natives towards where Seifer sat his chocobo, gun still in hand. “/Tell him what I say./”
Irvine nodded as they approached Seifer.
“/Put down your gun, Landstealer!/” Zell demanded.
“He asks you to put your gun away,” Irvine relayed, absently tugging at the loincloth that barely covered him. He felt suddenly shy in the face of Seifer's head-to-toe clothing, and the signs of the civilisation he had left.
“How do I know I won't be killed?” the Sheriff wondered, finger twitching against the trigger when one of the natives shifted his feet.
Irvine related this back to Zell who curled his lip and scoffed.
“/We have more honor than this,/” he said.
Seifer looked between Irvine and Zell, evidently trying to read into their relationship, and what it consisted off. Irvine wondered if he could tell - if he had possibly noticed the matching symbols on their shoulders.
“He says they got more honor than that. They ain't gonna harm you. He swears it.”
“And I'm supposed to trust him?”
“You ain't got no choice. There're a hundred or more arrows pointed at your throat…”
Seifer growled, but he put up his gun.
“/Good. Tell him you're mine and he has no right to pursue you./”
“Sheriff, Zell says you have no ri-”
“/Ah! And I've already beaten him once…/”
“He says you got no right to come after me because I belong to him and he already beat you once.”
“Tell him to get fucked. I'm taking you home.”
Irvine winced, and paraphrased.
“/He says he's taking me home…/”
Zell bared his teeth, glaring viciously at Seifer.
“/You are home!/”
“I am home…”
“/And if he doesn't leave in the next ten heartbeats, he won't leave alive./”
“And if you don't leave in the next ten heartbeats, you won't leave alive.”
“Some honor,” Seifer growled, watching Irvine translate.
Zell remained silent and the cowboy counted heartbeats, though he was certain his was beating at least twice as fast as his taker's.
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The man stood his ground for which Zell had some grudging admiration, though he'd never admit it. At the tenth heartbeat, he smirked at the Outsider on his chocobo.
“/Very well,/” he said, Irvine translating rapidly. “/I've the right to kill you here and now for pursuing a taken whom you already lost one fight for and, moreso, for pursuing a Marked taken. However, since you are, afterall, an Outsider and not trained in civilized behaviour,/” The natives all snickered around them. “/I will be lenient and give you the chance to defend yourself./”
The Outsider curled his lip and his chocobo danced on the spot, showing the nervousness and tension his rider refused to let cross his face.
“/Come down from your bird and face me weaponless, like a true Warrior. If you win, you may kill me and take Irvine. If I win, I may kill you and keep him./”
Irvine's eyes went wide and he shook his head at Zell.
“/No!/” he cried, while the Outsider looked on in confusion, not having got a translation of anything beyond `if you win'.
“Irvine!” Zell barked. “/Know your place and do not argue with me! Tell him the last of what I said!/”
“He said…” Irvine started, then trailed off.
Zell could understand his taken's worry. But he wasn't worried at all. He knew the Outsider would never best him, so what cause was there to worry for his death? Irvine would not lose his taker. Of that, Zell was certain.
“/Tell him!/” he ordered, briefly showing Irvine his teeth - something that he hadn't been forced to do for some time.
“He says… if you win… you can kill him and… take me, but if he wins… then he can kill you and keep me…” Irvine said haltingly, rubbing nervously at his own hip.
The Outsider growled something about not being able to keep people because they weren't owned, but he swung off his chocobo.
“/Very good,/” Zell said as his people moved back and someone took Knightly. A murmur went around the gathering, an almost carnival like atmosphere beginning to grow, and Zell could hear them placing wagers. Most of the crowd favoured him.
The Outsider took off his hat and jacket, displaying muscled arms and a sleeveless shirt that clung to his chest. One or two taken gave approving exclamations.
Someone came forward with a brightly painted, feathered stick and Zell spoke over it in the lost tongue.
“/Now,/” he said, nodding to Irvine to translate. “/As our fathers have always done, here I show the Deciding Space./” And he walked a large circle within those gathered around, gouging a deep line with the stick. He gave it back when he was done and faced Seifer. “/Here are the guidelines, as you don't know them. You mustn't step out of the circle, or you forfeit and I win. No weapons. Nothing is prohibited save attacking of the groin and eyes. To win, you must either gain a hold that I can't break, send me out of the circle, knock me unconscious or outright kill me./”
Seifer nodded shortly.
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He realised, suddenly, that his clothing provided the savage with extra hand-holds, and wasted no time in stripping to his smallclothes. (2) He was fairly certain he didn't imagine the giggles and low whistles of appreciation he received, but he largely ignored them. One of the savages called something to Zell who smirked, tossing his head a little before he crouched low, hands upraised.
The man with the painted stick struck the ground between them and Seifer didn't need to understand them to know he cried “begin!” before retreating outside the circle.
The savage he now faced gave him a cock-sure little smirk that made his blood boil, then barked what could only be “translate” at Irvine.
“/You were beaten once, yet you come back for more? This time I will not spare your life!/”
“You won't get the chance to spare it or otherwise, savage,” Seifer replied with a snarl, watching Irvine to make sure he translated. “I'm going to kill you!”
“/Your arrogance will once again be your downfall, Landstealer,/” the savage growled and struck at Seifer. His speed shocked the breath from Seifer in a figurative sense while a broad shoulder drove it from him in a more literal sense, cannoning into his abdomen with amazing power. They both hit the ground from the force, Seifer beneath the savage who smirked and buried his teeth in Seifer's shoulder. The Sheriff howled and pushed Zell bodily off him, rolling to stand. The other man wiped blood from his mouth as he stood, still smirking.
“/You will die here…/” Zell said with conviction. The translation was delivered in a far more wavering tone.
Seifer was shocked. When the savage had said anything was allowed, he hadn't thought that would extend to something as dirty as biting. He watched his opponent, trying to regain his breath, and made out as though he couldn't. Zell flew at him again, but this time Seifer was ready. He put out a leg as he stepped to the side and Zell yelped as he crashed to the ground.
Seifer leapt on his back and got him in a headlock, tightening his grip until the savage was choking and then still further.
Who will die here?” he hissed. Zell went limp, still, and Irvine cried out. He made as if to move, but the savage Seifer had first seen him with in the forest restrained him. The sheriff loosened his hold and gave a shocked cry as the man he thought had died exploded beneath him, throwing him off with ridiculous ease.
“/You are too sure of yourself, as I said. Your arrogance is your failing,/” Zell growled as he stood over Seifer, a foot pressed to his chest.
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But, Zell reflected in the next five seconds, so was his own on rare occasions, this being one of them. Seifer's hands came around his ankle and jerked, not enough to pitch him off his feet, but enough to send him staggering forward over the Outsider's head. He whirled and they faced each other again.
His gaze briefly caught on Irvine, who stood with Krerah's arms around his shoulders, his own arms bent at the elbows as he gripped the native's wrists, pale and scared. At least, he thought, if by some exceptionally unlikely chance I lose, Krerah and Ahshey will take him into their furs. In the next heartbeat, he realised that wasn't the case, because he had given the Outsider permission to take Irvine away. That thought galvanized him. He would not leave his taken to return with the Outsider!
Seifer came at him again, and he didn't waste time. A hand flashed out, grabbing the man's throat and Zell used his considerable strength to drive him into the ground. He straddled the Outsider and grimly wrapped his hands around his throat, pressing thumbs to his windpipe.
“Mine…” he snarled as Seifer's hands scrabbled uselessly at his own. “Mine.”
A hush had fallen over the camp, but it was suddenly broken.
Irvine broke free of Krerah's arms, ignoring the man's cry, and entered the circle to the collective gasp of the gathered natives.
“/Zell, please!/” his taken begged, falling to his knees before Zell.
“/You cannot interfere!/” Zell exclaimed, mortified by his taken's blatant disregard for the Old Law. “/Leave the Deciding Space!/”
Irvine shook his head, further displeasing his taker.
“/Now!/” he demanded, grip loosening slightly.
“/Zell…/” Irvine whispered, and Zell how hard it was for him now to disobey. “/Please… please, don't kill him…/”
“/It is my right! He pursues you, tries to take from me what is mine, when he has already been warned, and beaten!/”
“/I know!/” Irvine cried. “/I know, my taker, but he… he's here because of me. It's my fault. He doesn't - can't understand that you… you love me and I love you and you take care of me. He thinks I'm held captive! Zell… you would do the same if you believed I were somewhere against my will./”
Zell stared at his taken, his beautiful, perfect taken and his heart cried out at the desperation in the sky-blue eyes. Please… they begged. Please don't kill him. He's something of home… And the native knew.
“/I think you are here against your will…/” he murmured and he stood, leaving Seifer gasping for breath. Irvine scrabbled to his feet and went after Zell who barked orders that Seifer be fed and rested, but kept guarded at all times.
“/Zell!/” Irvine said when they reached the native's teepi; “/Zell, I'm not-/”
But Zell didn't let him finish instead claiming his mouth for a fierce kiss that made the cowboy's knees literally go weak. He knew, now, what was best for his taken…
“/Irvine…/” he murmured as he lay his cowboy down. Irvine's fingertips sought out newly-formed bruises and he made a soft sound of apology when Zell hissed in slight pain. But the native only pressed kisses to his throat and removed both their loincloths, pressing against Irvine.
“/Zell… I'm s-/”
“/Shh…/” Zell blinked back tears as he kissed a tender trail down to Irvine's navel, worshipping his taken as taken should be worshipped. Irvine relaxed beneath him, giving a happy sigh then gasped when his taker's mouth traveled up to catch a gold-hooped nipple. His cowboy's hand came to his hair and a soft moan issued from that elegant mouth.
“Mmm…” Irvine arched into Zell's mouth and the fingertips that came to the other nipple. A shiver danced just below his skin to leap out in a twitch or shift of his body every so often when Zell's other roaming hand touched the right spots.
“/I love you…/” Zell whispered firmly, now stretching out atop Irvine and burying his fingers in auburn hair.
Ai! He was beautiful. The way his hands curled around Zell's waist was just perfect. He made the perfect noises, moved the perfect ways, smiled the perfect smiles. Ah, yes. He was everything Zell had always wanted, and more…
“/Zell, what's wrong…?/” Irvine asked as the native stroked and touched everywhere with a reverence that stunned them both.
“/Nothing…/” Zell lied. “/Relax…/”
“/But you… you see-eem… oh…/”
Zell had wrapped a hand around Irvine's length and was stroking, preventing the cowboy from considering at all how he seemed.
He made love to Irvine several times that night, even going so far as to wake him from sleep to do so. Irvine complained and grumbled, but it never took the native long to stir his passions. He kept asking what was wrong, but Zell would tell him to sleep and he was so exhausted, he didn't argue.
Zell didn't sleep at all, but spent the entire night watching Irvine sleep - when he wasn't loving him. He knew what had to be done, but that didn't mean he liked it.
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(1) Kiros is really mean in this fic… T_T I'm sorry Kiros. I luffles you!
(2) -dies- Funniest word ever.
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Author's Notes: Ooo… what's gonna happen?!