Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Long Way Home ❯ Kimahri ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
[A/N: I apologize for the time between updates, work and other distractions are getting pretty hefty. I don’t own the characters or the settings, but you knew that already.]

The Long Way Home


Ronso grow stronger each day. Troubles with Guado are fading.

Kimahri has seen much over time. Many battles, many victories… and many losses. When hated Seymour bring death to Ronso, Kimahri’s heart grow heavy. But Yuna avenge Ronso loss. Yuna bring much joy to Kimahri, to Ronso, and to all of Spira.

Kimahri always know Yuna special, ever since first meeting many years past. Then, Kimahri hot-blooded Ronso youth, often angry over small things. Angry over loss of horn. Angry with fellow Ronso that chase Kimahri away from Gagazet. Once away from mountain, voice of mountain cannot reach ears. Kimahri sad. Wander for long time, all the way to Bevelle. There, Kimahri meet Summoner Braska. Kind man, who understands meaning of separation. Braska, too, is outcast among his people. But while Kimahri is small and broken-horned, Braska is despised for marriage to Al Bhed.

Kimahri not understand then. Wonder at time, are not Al Bhed also human?

Soon Kimahri push thought aside, even forget about it. Focus more on the now. Braska treat Kimahri well, tells of desire to obtain the Final Summoning. Braska hope to bring Eternal Calm, to avenge loss of mate and provide safe world for next generation. Braska takes Kimahri to meet little girl… his daughter. Yuna only six, still a pup. But Kimahri see in Yuna’s eyes great promise.

Then Kimahri know purpose. Protect Yuna. Keep child of Braska safe. This, Kimahri would do without pause.

Braska beg of Kimahri; take Yuna to safe place. Make sure Yuna grow up happy. When he ask this, Kimahri’s heart heavy once more, for Braska is making Pilgrimage. Braska likely will not see own child grow up. But Braska have two Guardians at side, so Kimahri ponder- perhaps Braska may come back after all.

Braska does not come back. Sin defeated, Calm arrives. Kimahri take young Yuna far South, to Besaid. There, Yuna lives happily. Kimahri happy, too. Islanders are kind, understanding. Not like Gagazet, where all around is cold stone.

Years pass. Sin return. And Yuna become Summoner herself. Outside, Kimahri respectful of decision. Inside, though, Kimahri sad. Braska would not want Yuna to throw her life away. But Yuna’s decision firm.

Kimahri wait with heavy heart for Yuna’s Pilgrimage to begin. As before, Calm will surely not last.

But then… young man from nowhere appear. Kimahri suspicious at first; young man may be threat to Yuna. Kimahri is Yuna’s Guardian; must keep Yuna safe from unknown man.

Much time passes, and Kimahri realize mistake. Young man- Tidus- fights well, and does not wish Yuna harm. Does not know much about Spira, but heart in right place.

Rallies others to find new solution; Final Summoning is wrong, he says. Summoners need not die.

This is Kimahri’s wish, too. Kimahri not want Yuna to die.

Many fights ensue. Hated Seymour reveal true colors, kill many Ronso brethren. Yevon’s purity revealed to be soiled. Even Maesters proven corrupt when secret of Yu Yevon is revealed. And finally, after much struggle, Sin defeated once and for all.

Price for victory is high, though. Young man fade before Kimahri’s eyes, and Kimahri see Yuna’s heart break.

Much time has passed since that day. Kimahri is Elder now. Rebellious Garik listens to mountain now, realizes Ronso must work together to rebuild. Lian and Ayde, mere pups, have traveled length of Spira, and will travel again soon. Guado seek to make amends, and slowly Ronso begin to agree. Old thoughts once pushed aside have returned; where only Kimahri had once thought it, now all Spira sees Al Bhed as human too.

Yuna change, too. Cast off previous life, becoming Sphere Hunter. Yuna stronger, but stronger still if young man by her side. When Kimahri find sphere on ledge of Gagazet, not know what to make of it at first. Then Kimahri look closer at image, and thinks it may be him. Sends sphere with Rikku, hoping it may help.

Somehow, sphere has helped.

Only three days ago, Kimahri hear commotion from cliffs of Gagazet. Sounds of people climbing down slopes, and sounds of much laughter. At first, Kimahri wonder if tourists from ruined Zanarkand are crossing Gagazet, but then laughter becomes clearer, and Kimahri knows Yuna is with them. Then they round rock wall, and Kimahri blink in surprise.

Yuna descend cliffs like gazelle, leading Tidus hand in hand towards Gagazet foothills. Same clothing, same smile on face that Kimahri remember. Rikku and Paine not far behind.

Kimahri learn that Yuna do more than unite Youth League and New Yevon. Learn story of great machina, and of Unsent who wish doom on Spira. Memories of hated Seymour return, but Kimahri push these aside. Now is not time for brooding. Time is right for happiness. Eternal Calm remains, and old friend has returned. Kimahri learn that Yuna and friends tour Spira once more, show Tidus all that has happened since defeat of Sin.

Kimahri glad to see Tidus again- and Kimahri sorry for mistrusting him long ago.

Yuna and friends stay with Ronso for two days; today they leave for Calm Lands. Rikku say something about ‘games galore’, bring smile to Yuna and Tidus’ faces. Yuna desire to visit in Calm Lands several days before heading to Bevelle… because of attractions, she say, but Kimahri know better.

Kimahri hear of Macalania Woods. Kimahri think Yuna putting off visiting there too soon. Also many bad memories of Bevelle, especially Highbridge.

Still, Kimahri know Yuna well. Yuna strong. Yuna get past fear. Now that Tidus back, Kimahri sure of it.

Before friends depart Gagazet, Kimahri pull Tidus to one side. Tell him not to leave Yuna again, the way he leave two years before. Then Kimahri see serious look in eyes… mixed with sadness. Tidus look up, and Kimahri see jaw set. He say…

“Don’t worry, old friend. I’m not going anywhere.”

These words are few, but say much. Just like Ronso. Ronso believe actions speak better than many words.

Kimahri believe all will be well. Ronso tribe grows. Eternal Calm remains. Yuna has found happiness.

Hearts are no longer heavy.

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