Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Card - The Fated Meeting ❯ Chapter 7 – The Long Night ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 7 - The Long Night
Quistis slowly finished the rest of her fish. She knew that she would need all the strength she could get for the next few days, she slowly looked over to Allen, who had started a small fire to keep them warm. “Allen,” she spoke softly while she looked at him, “I just wanted to say thank you.” He simply looked up at her, and then back to the fire before speaking, “It's ok. It was no big deal.”
Quistis shook her head softly before speaking again. “You saved me. Not only on that mission. But you saved me with your kind words and worrying about me. Many times I was close to just giving everything up, but every time I looked into your eyes, I saw something. I don't know what it was, I just know it gave me strength to keep going. I just wanted to say thank you for that.”
Allen looked back up at her, his blue eyes showing the same thing, they did on that night he saved her. They showed her how much he really cared, even without him saying it. “The cave goes on for about three days worth of walking. After that there will be a small exit leading us out, about a ten minute walk from the tracks leading to FH, “ he said softly.
Quistis nodded as she lay down to get some rest. She soon fell asleep, but was awaken a few hours later by Allen's mumbling in his sleep. She slowly sat up and looked over to him, before she knew it she was over next to him, her head resting on his shoulder. She just laid their not wanting to wake him up, she could feel his breathing as she slowly closed her eyes. She slowly fell asleep, forgetting about everything that has happen the past few days.
Allen softly shook her as he looked at her as she slowly woke up. “I'm sorry to wake you, but we should get going. I am sure they will see that there is suppose to be a cave entrance around here soon.” She nodded as she slowly stood up and went to grab the case as he grabbed his Gunblade. They then slowly began to walk following the path of the cave.
She yawned as they had already been walking for about 18 hours straight. They could barely see in front of them, but Allen seemed to know every twist and turn to take. They slowly entered a big open area with a small pond in the middle of it. Allen smiled and looked at her “We can rest here tonight.” He spoke softly as then he went to the pond to catch them some food.
While he was doing that, thoughts had entered her mind: “Why don't I tell him how I feel? How hard is it to tell him that I have fallen for him? What am I saying? I am not in love with him! My mind is playing tricks on me.” She nodded as she thought this, then she heard the voice in the back of her head: “Why do you keep lying to yourself? You love him, but you're afraid, afraid he doesn't feel the same way about you. You hold yourself back because you're afraid of being hurt. Why are you so weak?”
She looked to Allen who seemed to be having little luck with the fishes. He soon walked back up and then went into his pocket and produced the same thing he had given her every day, a very big read apple. “I hope you don't mind splitting it with me. Seems the fishes here today are like no thanks, “ he slowly cut the apple in half giving her, half of it as he munched on his half quietly.
“Listen, tomorrow was will walk for about 20 hours. That will give us time to rest really good tomorrow before we come out of the cave. Once we are out, I doubt we will be able to rest for awhile.” He said softly, while looking at her. Quistis simply nodded and ate her half of the apple, finishing off shortly after. She watched him lean up against a rock and slowly drifts off to sleep. She soon found herself back in the same position as last night. Her leaning on his shoulder and drifting off to sleep, for some reason it gave her at ease feeling.
She was awaken in what she assumed was the morning by Allen, shaking her gentle like. She nodded as she knew it was time to move again, she slowly went and grabbed her case as she soon followed her again. She just thought about how that was twice she was asleep on her shoulder, yet he said nothing. She was just lost in her own thought as she saw Allen stop up ahead.
She could see some light getting in and a medium sized lake. He slammed his Gunblade into the ground and looked at her before speaking, “We will stay here. We are less then 30 minutes away from the exit.” He said softly, as he watched her sit down and shaking abit. Quistis just shook from how cold she was, as she watched Allen get a nice fire going. Then she watches as he stood up and removed his jacket and wrapped it around her sitting next to her.
“Thank you,” she managed to mutter out as he looked at her, smiling abit. She could feel herself begin to blush at this and the shook her head, knowing she shouldn't be doing that. Allen stood up and walked down to the shore and came back 30 minutes later with fish to cook. She watched as he slowly cooked the fish, then handed her some. She ate it, while looking at him, noticing him not really eating. “Something wrong?” she spoke softly looking at him.
He simply shook his head no while he smiled and looked at her, then back to the fire. She had finished eating then laid down to get some rest. She slowly closed her eyes and began to dream. She pictured them on the way to FH coming under attack of the full force of SeeD. She watched as he charged into battle, fighting as many of them as he could to buy her time to escape, she ran like he wanted her to, but turned around at the last second, to see Squall standing there with his Gunblade completely through Allen's body as his blood dripped off slowly, before hitting the ground. She sat up sweating and looking toward Allen who was asleep.
Quistis then thought: “Why does that scare me so much. I almost felt like I died when I saw that. I think I am in love with him….” She looked toward him, before slowly getting up, walking over to him, laying down next to her. She slowly put her head on his chest as she spoke, still thinking he was asleep, “I'm scared. You where the one to save me, but if something happened to you, I don't know… I don't know how to say this, but I will just say it. I've fallen in love with you…” She cried softly when she spoke those words as felt his hand touch hers.
She just looked up at him, realizing he wasn't asleep, but not caring as she finally spoke what had been bothering her. She sat up slowly and looked at him, what happen next surprised her, he sat up, kissing her lips softly and very lovingly. She simply kissed him back, no longer wanting to have any regrets. He simply looked into her eyes as he pulled his lips away from hers, and then spoke “I love you too.” She never thought she would hear him say those words back to her, she didn't care if they where meant for her, or some other version of her.
She had decided to do something this night that she would have never normally done. He kissed her neck slowly, while she ran her hands up and down his back slowly. He put a hand softly on her cheek and moved it down very slowly. He moved it to the middle of her shirt and undid the two buttons that held the pink shirt she always wore on the battlefield on. She didn't care what was about to happen, she actually welcomed it as he kissed her lips very softly.
A few hours later she simply woke up and looked around. Allen was still asleep, as she looked at them both, they where still both nude after what had happen as she kept her arms around him. She knew soon this would end and they both would have to pick back up on there trip. She didn't care what happened to her any longer, she had known how much he loved her and she had felt his love and his body that night. She slowly looked up at his face which was so soft and gentle.
Allen slowly woke up to see Quistis looking at him as he softly kissed her lips before muttering “Good Morning.” She smiled at this and slowly set up, looking and watching him sit up. She started to speak but he stopped her, “Nothing needs to be said. We both know how the other one feels. Once we are safe, I promise to show you many things.” He said softly, before getting dressed. She also got dressed as she picked up the case and he his Gunblade.
They walked for about 30 minutes, before a cave exiting could be seen. They both slowly exited and walked toward the tracks. Upon arriving they where glad to see the tracks empty as they began their long walk toward FH. But she didn't care, she was by his side and that's all that mattered.