Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ What's Left of Me ❯ Guess Who's Back.... ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: No reviews? My feelings are hurt. <_> If you guys aren't nice to me I might stop writing! *Turns and runs from angry readers* Stop! I'll keep writing, but you have to tell me what you think. Otherwise I might get discouraged….
Disclaimer: Still in the process of not owning it. I've been told I could have to wait for an eternity, and even then, nothing's final.
Cloud took Marlene's hand as they walked down the street. “Look, Cloud!” she squealed happily, showing him the new doll in her arms.
He nodded, giving a little smile.
“Isn't she pretty?” Marlene asked, hugging her tightly.
He nodded once more. “She is,” he said quietly.
Marlene's smile slowly faded as she looked up at him. “Where's your dolly Cloud?” she asked seriously.
He smiled once more surprised at her question. “I didn't get one,” he said.
She paused, letting go of his hand. “Why not?” she asked.
He shrugged. He watched as she looked down at the doll in her hands, before looking back up at him. Her lip trembled as a tear appeared in her eyes. “Marlene?” he said softly, kneeling next to her.
“Here Cloud,” she said suddenly, shoving her doll at him. “Have mine.”
He stared at her blankly before smiling as he gathered her into his arms. “Oh, Marlene,” he said softly, “that's your doll. You keep it. I don't need one.”
“But you didn't get anything,” she said, wrapping an arm around his neck.
He felt touched by her concern, and he lifted her from the ground. “I don't need anything,” he said, looking at her. At the confusion on her face he added, “I have you and Tifa. What more could I ask for?”
A brilliant smile lit her face. She leaned her head against his shoulder and pulled her doll closer.
He held her tightly. “Tired?” he asked.
She nodded against his shoulder.
“Let's go home.” He felt her lay her head on his shoulder, and he assumed, after a moment or two, that she had fallen asleep. He felt oddly touched by her generosity, even though he had known she didn't want to give up her doll. He thought about what he had said to her. He'd been gone for such a long time, and in that period, he had come to realize that he needed her and Tifa. They were his foundation, and if he lost them, he didn't know what he'd do.
He looked up, seeing the bar come into sight. He was surprised to see Vincent leaving the bar, adjusting the buckles on his cloak. He paused momentarily before watched Vincent vanish into the coming night.
Tifa paused at the door of the bar, pulling out her key. She turned to look at Vincent, feeling a little shy. It was weird. She expected that telling him she loved him would be some big revelation, but nothing felt different. Well, except maybe the fact that she couldn't look at him with out smiling. Or blushing. Now, as they stood on her doorstep, she could feel the awkwardness settling about them. She bit her bottom lip, waiting for him to say something, and realizing that she could be waiting a long time.
Finally, she sighed. “Thanks for walking with me,” she said quietly, so that he barely heard her.
“It was my pleasure,” he said, watching her fidget under his gaze. He was becoming concerned. “Is something wrong?”
She smiled a little, looking away. “No,” she said softly. She looked up at him, feeling her courage finally returned to her. “No, for the first time, something's right.”
He tilted his head in confusion, realizing he was fond of the way she softly giggled in response.
She noticed his look and shrugged it off. “Would you like to come in for a minute?” she asked.
He shrugged, watching her. “Would you like for me to come in?” he countered. He noticed an underlying emotion flash across her gaze at his banter.
She unlocked the door, glancing at him over her shoulder. “I would,” she said simply.
At first, he thought nothing of it. He stepped inside behind her, closing the door against the winter wind. He turned back to face her, surprised when she suddenly shoved him against the door, pressing her lips to his. He was even more surprised when he felt her deepen the kiss, asking for entrance. He was tempted to comply, but he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away. He noticed the confusion in her hazel eyes when she looked up at him.
“I…” he started, unable to form his thoughts. He watched her emotions shift to questioning.
“What?” she asked softly. She rested a hand against his chest, placing a soft kiss on his jaw. “Too fast?” There was concern in her voice.
He slid his hands down to her elbows, sighing. “A little,” he whispered. He thought she would understand that it was too soon as well, but he felt a chill run down his spine at the sound of her voice.
“I can slow down if you want,” she whispered, intentionally close enough that her breath caressed his ear. She smiled as she watched him close his eyes and lean his head back against the door. She felt him shudder under her fingers as she rested the palms of her hands on his chest. She knew that wasn't what he meant, but she couldn't help herself.
“Tifa, don't—“
She silenced him with another kiss. “Don't what?” she whispered against his lips. She felt him suddenly return the kiss, pulling her against him. She was surprised at the sudden fervor that possessed him. He held her tightly in his arms, deepening the kiss to the point that she thought she would suffocate, before he suddenly pulled away. She gasped, partly because of her lack of oxygen, and partly because he had begun placing feather soft kisses on her neck, down to her collar, and back again to her jaw.
“Look what you started,” he breathed once he reached her lips again.
She opened her eyes and looked at him, smirking softly. “You know you like it,” she said playfully.
He arched a brow at her, pausing. He growled softly when she giggled. “I'll teach you,” he countered, pulling her closer, once more showering her with kisses. Except this time, once he reached her neck, he softly nipped at her skin. He felt her cringe a little and gasp in surprise. He smirked a little. That is, until he felt his cloak slide from his shoulders.
He suddenly pulled back, staring at her in surprise. “What are you doing?” he asked, trying not to sound demanding.
She gave him a playful smile.
He stepped back, away from her, as far as the door would allow. He felt his mind start to clear, as he realized that he hadn't even noticed her slowly working at the buckles on his cloak. He shook his head a little, trying to clear away her spell over him. When his eyes focused on her once more, he noticed the open hurt in her hazel eyes.
“Tifa,” he said softly, touching her cheek. He noticed her look away. “This is too much too soon.”
She brought her hazel to his crimson gaze. The hurt was gone, replaced by uncertainty. “But, you were going along with it too,” she said softly.
He took her hands in his, pulling her closer. “That's what I get for letting you get the better of me,” he said softly, smirking a little.
A little smile brought the playfulness back to her eyes. She let him place her hands around his neck, before resting his own on her waist.
“And besides,” he said quietly, as if it was a secret, “Cloud and Marlene will be back soon.” He kissed her softly. “I think it would be best if you told them about us, instead of them finding out on their own.”
She nodded. “You're probably right,” she said. She watched as he knelt down and picked his cloak up off the floor, before pulling it around his shoulders once more. He started to buckle it, but paused to kiss her once more.
“I'll come by tomorrow, alright?” he said softly.
She nodded, an odd feeling of loss in the pit of her stomach. She watched as he opened the door, disappearing into the darkness. She barely had time to turn and walk to the bar, before the door opened, and Cloud came in, a sleeping Marlene in his arms. She felt a sigh of relief escape her lips. She hadn't realized that the party would be over so soon. She mentally thanked Vincent for his innate ability to disappear quickly, even though she felt so light and happy that she wanted to shout to the world her love for him.
She was so lost in her own thoughts, she failed to notice the shaded glance Cloud slid her, or the shadow that slipped away from a window.
Darkness and silence permeated the air, unbroken, save for the occasional plop of water as it dripped sluggishly from the roof of the cave. A tomb of crystal emitted a faint glow at the back of the cave. Inside it brilliant green eyes fluttered open, staring out from under dark lashes. They stared out, seeing a shadow emerge from the dark.
“Excellent,” the shadow purred, resting a hand against the crystal.
The eyes shut tightly as the sound of shattering crystal filled the cave.
“Welcome back, Lucrecia,” the shadow said, catching her as she fell forward into his waiting arms.
Once again her brilliant green eyes opened, only to narrow in hatred. “Weiss,” she growled, her voice hoarse from the years of silence.
“Truly, Lucrecia, it's been too long,” he purred, ignoring her tone and flashing a malevolent grin.
Her gaze narrowed more, if that were possible. “An eternity would not be long enough if I never saw your face again,” she hissed.
His smile vanished. “Touchy, touchy,” he said in mock insult. “But, I have good news for you.”
She thought about struggling to get out of his grasp, but her body was too weak to struggle. “Oh?” she demanded. “What is that?”
“The man that you once loved,” Weiss said, carrying her into the darkness, “waits for you.”
She scoffed at him. “Does this mean you intend to kill me?” she asked bitterly. “It would be a glorious release if you did.”
Once more a wicked grin split his face. “He's alive, Lucrecia,” he said. “And we need you to convince him to help us.”
She gasped, stilling in his arms. “Alive?” she whispered. “Vincent—is alive?”
Weiss turned his glowing gaze on her. “Just as alive as he was thirty years ago, when you saved him,” he said.
“Thirty years?” she whispered. Fear suddenly filled her voice. “But that would make him an old man.”
Weiss chuckled. “Had it not been for the protomateria and mako, yes,” he said. “But…”
Lucrecia felt her heart leap in her chest. Vincent was alive, and eternal, just as she was. Perhaps the cards fate had dealt her only called for a delay, and not eternal separation. Perhaps, he could forgive her. Perhaps…
She suddenly turned her gaze on him. “Convince him to help you with what?” she asked, suspicious. If she remembered Weiss correctly, he was never up to any good, and this would be no different.
“Patience my Sleeping Beauty,” he purred, that grin still on his devilishly handsome face. “All will be revealed in due time.”