Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where we came from and where we will go to ❯ A tortured soul ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last warning!: This chapter contains parts not suitable for young children and people offended by sexual actions and violence!!! Such should not read this. Anyone else is free to read on further, but remember, I warned you!

4. A tortured soul

Zidane kneeled down in front of Kuja, laying a hand on his shoulder. At the touch, Kuja winced, as if he was afraid.

"What's wrong?", Zidane asked, but only got the other's silent sobs as a response.

The moonlight shining from above gave the curled up figure of Kuja a strange appearance. The cold wind made silver locks wave slowly from left to right.

"Come on, let's get back to the cave, it's darn cold out here.", Zidane suggested, worrying any of them might catch a cold.

Kuja didn't reply, just kept sobbing. So, Zidane did the only possible thing he could think of and scooped Kuja up in his arms. Kuja winced once more, tightly shutting his eyes.

Inside the cave, Zidane put Kuja down near to the fire, then wrapped a blanket around him to make sure he was warm. Kuja curled up into the position he had taken on outside again, still trembling.

Zidane sat next to Kuja.

"Come on, Kuja,", he said, "tell me what's wrong with you."

Kuja shook his head.

"I can't", he mumbled.

"Of course you can.", Zidane replied.

"No", Kuja said.

"Kuja,", Zidane spoke, "do I need to step on your tail again?"

Kuja shook his head.

"Just leave me alone.", he said.

"No I won't!", Zidane said and positioned himself in front of his brother, crossing his arms, "I won't leave this spot until you tell me what's going on."

Kuja sighed at the persistence of the blonde genome.

"You sure?", he asked.

"Very sure.", Zidane answered.

"Okay then, you want to know, then I'll make you see.", Kuja said, taking Zidane's hand.

Using a magic spell, Kuja connected his mind with Zidane's so he could see what Kuja was thinking of.

"What's that about?", Zidane wondered.

"Watch.", Kuja just replied, making images appear in his mind.

~ Enter Kuja memory sequence ~

A small, sterile room. Plain white walls and a greyish floor. Against one wall, a desk and a drawer. Against another wall, a bed with white blanket and pillow on it. On the bed, a small figure- a boy of around twelve, with silver hair. `silver hair,