Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where we came from and where we will go to ❯ Leaving the shelter ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

5. Leaving the shelter

That morning, a beam of sunlight tickled Zidane's nose, which made him sneeze and wake up.


Zidane scratched his nose and looked around the cave, surprised to see that Kuja was nowhere to find.

Then, a shadow appeared behind him and his brother's familiar voice as heard:

"Good morning."

Zidane turned around.

"Hmmm.", he sleepily greeted the silver haired man, "Where have you already been so early in the morning?"

Kuja held up the huge bucket the two kept their water in.

"Got some fresh water.", he replied.

"Ah, good.", Zidane said.

Kuja set the bucket down and placed himself on the stone floor, crossing his legs.

""I should start making breakfast, huh?", Zidane asked.

"As you're the only one here who can at least cook something worth of being called a meal, yes.", Kuja answered.

So, Zidane quickly prepared a breakfast for the two of them.

After breakfast, Zidane felt the urge to ask Kuja about his nightmares.

At his question, Kuja just shrugged.

"It seems I won't get rid of these in the near future.", he said, "So I should try to get used to it."

Zidane then decided to change the topic.

"So, what are we gonna do today?", he asked.

"I don't know.", Kuja replied, "But living in a cave is starting to get boring, right?".

Zidane was surprised, as he had just thought the same. Either Kuja had read his mind or the two Genomes were more alike than they thought.

"Yeah,", Zidane said, "I urgently need some excitement."

Kuja thought for a moment, than spoke:

"Maybe it's time we leave this place. There is someone waiting for you in Alexandria…"

Zidane blushed lightly.

"Plus, if you don't arrive there soon, they're going to declare you dead and erect a memorial monument."

"Yeah, probably.", Zidane said.

"So, we really should get moving, as it's quite a long way to Alexandria.", Kuja said, "And on our way, why not fight a few monsters?"

"Huh?", Zidane questioned.

"You wanted some excitement, right?"

"Oh, right.", Zidane replied, "You think we could pass by Lindbulm?"

"Why not.", Kuja answered, "You want to check on the Tantalus people?"

"Yup," , Zidane nodded, "just wanna see how they're getting along."

"Okay then, first stop: Lindbulm.", Kuja said.

"Do we need to take anything with us despite the food and potions we have here?", Zidane asked.

"Maybe just stock up on anything we have, as it is going to be quite a long journey.", Kuja replied, "You have money?"

"I'll slay some monsters on the way to see the Moogle.", Zidane said.

"Alright, take care. Oh, and of you can, bring a hooded coat.", Kuja spoke.

"Okay, see you later.", Zidane said and went off to see the Moogle.

He wondered what Kuja needed a coat with a hood for, but soon understood that Kuja was intending to hide himself.

Zidane sighed, he knew what his brother was thinking: That as soon as someone saw his face, they'd either kill him or call the security forces to have him locked up in the safest place available.

But there was one thing Kuja had not thought about: His brother.

Zidane was determined not to let anyone hurt or imprison Kuja.

He knew it wasn't going to be easy, but he'd not let his brother down, no matter the costs.

About one hour later, Zidane returned to the cave.

"Got everything?", Kuja asked.

"Yup, even the coat you asked for.", Zidane replied.

"Good, thank you."

The two started packing everything into Zidane's knapsack. When they were finished, Zidane proudly looked at it.

"I think we can get moving now.", he said.

"Exactly.", Kuja replied while putting on the coat.

"You look silly.", Zidane said.

"I just want to be cautious.", Kuja replied.

"Ok, ok, whatever.", Zidane waved it off, then gathered up his knapsack.

"Ready?", he asked.

"I think so.", Kuja answered.

"The we're off.", Zidane announced.

So, they left their shelter, heading for Lindbulm.

AN: I overcame my laziness and writer's block! *proud*

FFIX Characters and environment is C SquareEnix.