Fire Emblem Fan Fiction ❯ A Foxes tail ❯ A Hedge Rabbit's tail ( Chapter 12 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Miles wakes up next to Thunder he then looks under the sheets nothing happened “Oh thank God” he says.
He gets up and starts to shake Thunder “not now Peach I promise to kill Ryder later.” He says covering him self with a pillow.
“Thunder wake up fool!!!” Miles says now annoyed as she sends small shocks into him.
“Unnnn my head what was I drinking last night” the hedge-rabbit said rubbing his head, his quills all wild and frigid.
“Donkey piss, and sewer water.” Miles said with a sly look.
“Fuck you, you bastard!” Thunder said getting up but stumbling.
“Well time to train” said Titania looking at Thunder. “H- hell no!!!” he barked before clenching his head “dammit Miles grow me some aspirin!”
“You know how long that will take” he said.
Thunder tried to do that cute eye thing but his head hurt too much.
“Well you were out drinking too much how many did you have?” Titania said sternly.
“One pint why” Thunder goes back to nursing his hang over.
Titania nods her head in disappointment “why do the cute ones drink?”
Thunder almost feels bad but his hang over takes over, and he falls back into Titania’s arms much to Miles annoyance.
“Well I understand, but drinking at such a tender age isn’t a good idea, so here’s the deal I’ll get a healer but you must train, I’ll even get you some new gear.” Titania said with a loving smile.
(Yep she’s the mother hen all right, yes I got an A support with Boyd)
Titania leaves kissing him on his fore head, Miles give him a hard look.
“You’re jealous I can tell” Thunder said putting on a smile
No I’m not, I’m more annoyed you putting on that act if Cream ever found out that would break her heart and Shadow would break you neck.” Miles countered.
“Look my mom is everything to me I would NEVER replace her just I feel bad for her since your now ‘Mr. Big Shot’ I feel the need to do something.” Thunder said raising his finger.
"Yeah whatever, look just promise me you won’t go running around screaming ‘Oh God I’m blind!! I’m blind!!’ ok!” Miles said with a look.
“Ok” Thunder said rubbing his head.
Rhys came in dressed Like Ilyana Miles whistled Rhys just smiled and blushed a bit as Miles began to cause a wind drift to blow up Rhys’ skirt revealing a pink thong (don’t worry he changed the other one*)
*I think
He raised his staff as the breeze blew up his skirt after ward he blushed holding it down like Marlin Monroe.
Thunder just nods his head as his pupils go inward.
Titania returns, with some kick ass gear for Thunder. She tossed him a brown cloth bag. He caught it with ease as he heads into another room to change.
Miles on the other hand was thinking something naughty and it wasn’t sex.
After 5 min Thunder exits and Miles jaw almost drops. Thunder comes out in red pants. Black shirt with armor underneath it, a white bandanna to hold his quills back and black boots along with, black gloves.
“Hot damn” said Miles “you resemble your dad a bit like that” Miles said somewhat amazed as Thunder and Titania embraced ‘when we get back I’m going to be hugging on Angel’ Miles thought.
"No shit Sherlock” scoffed Thunder.
Thunder then grabs an axe and heads out to train, of course Rolf is busy shooting apples off trees as Miles approaches thinking evil thoughts.
Thunder is busy swinging his axe as Miles approaches “hey you want to spar I promise I’ll go easy on you.” Miles said holding his lance
“besides axes beat lances swords beat axes and lances beat swords”
Thunder nods his head in agreement of course since Miles is a ‘fox’ of his word he did go ‘easy’ and the were horsing around.
Of course Miles decided s play a dirty trick on Rolf and Thunder agreed to it a bet.
“Hey Rolf Miles here claims you can’t hit that apple off that tree all the way over there.” Thunder said “of course I bet him coin you could.” Rolf now annoyed “I can too” he barked as Thunder and Miles look at each other. Rolf readies his bow Miles quietly mutter “Chaos Control” as Rolf fires.
The arrow is stuck in mid air Miles files up and lands it in the tree and un does the Chaos Control. Rolf looks up and sees he missed “you idiot you cost me a coin!” Thunder hands him a coin well I told you so guess
“I was right he is pathetic and sorry I wonder why they even kept him.” Said Miles “so *sniff* you think they would be better off with out me *sniff*” Rolf said heart broken
“yep in a heart beat” said Miles “you’re a weakling even a girly-man is stronger and tougher than you”
Miles said being mean.
“Wh-WH-whhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Cried Rolf
“DAMN I WISH I GOT A SWORD!” Miles then remembers he has a dagger on him just in case.
Miles gets behind Rolf who is crying like a crack baby going thru withdraw. “Keep crying and I’ll cut out your vocal cords and tear ducts they you’ll have something to cry about!” Miles said with one hand over his mouth. As the tears stop flowing. Rolf gets a hold of himself as Shinon comes by “what the hell did you do to him!”
Oscar and Boyd also come to their brothers aid “if you hurt him I swear on the goddess
I’ll have me a fox fur!!” barked Boyd “you idiot I said more dramatically what the hell is wrong with you!!” barked Thunder.
“Are you rehearsing a play?” Asked Oscar now confused just like everybody else. “You’re crying like a crack baby cry with emotion” Barked Thunder as Miles looked dumb.
“Like this Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!” cried Rolf
Thunder just nods his head. “You mean I’m awful.” *sniff*
Thunder nods his head for ‘yes’
"wh-wh-wh-wh wh-hhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawh-wh-wh-wh-waaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Rolf starts to cry even louder “OH THANK THE GODDESS HE’S GOT IT!!!!!” SAID Thunder all hyped up.
Rolf is now happy. “So what’s this play called?” said Shinon “Bambi” said Thunder.
(you know this is wrong)
"and Rolf gets the lead role you can play Bambi's mother smiled
Thunder!!!" "Pfft no way in hell will I play a mother!!" Shinon scoffed
"relax" said Miles "you'll be a hunter I'll find a good 'mother'" Miles had an evil look in his eyes.
"can we be in it too?" asked Oscar and Boyd "why yes" said Thunder with a sinister look, as he takes off to do some 'village saving.'
"where you going?" said Miles "go save a village trust me I got this."
Thunder heads out ward even farther until he hears the distant screams of women and children, he was right he needed to save a village "you can never do this Hulk Hogan! Chaos Control!" he quickly teleported to the village.
Finding it burning as it's being looted by a series of large heavy body thugs wielding killer axes and arrows set on fire.
"Hey ass-holes why don't you pick on some body your own size!!" Thunder barked as he raised his axe.
As it turns out to his dismay there pirates and he's at a seaport (A/N: you trying to get your self killed Thunder?!)
"yarrrrr ho yaaaaarrrrrr you just a runt but yeee dooo yarr, yarr!!" one said throwing an axe at him lucky he dodged it as the axe returned.
"awe crap this doesn't look good" said Thunder as at least a dozen more appeared.
"Swell" Thunder raises his axe ready to take them all on.
they all charge at him as he raised his axe he lands a few hits killing one but the other seem to cover all the ground and he can't escape.
he swings again this time landing a critical blow killing another of course one has a bow and shoots him head on that drains his HP
But he runs up and hits him dean on the side on the neck killing him.
"crap I should of brought a priest or some back up damn this is too much" *Pant* *pant*
Thunder is now exuasted and bleeding as a pirate swings a hammer to the side of his head knocking his all the way across one-way dazed and hurting, he gets up.
Now feeling it he now is bleeding on one side of his head, a pirate slams down the hammer on his chest however the armor he's wearing proects him. as the pirate falls back his hands ringing.
Thunder gets up and swings his axe killing him.
"3 down 9 to go damn this isn't going to to be easy" he said now worried going solo wasn't to smart.
"Chaos Spear!" he said sending a blast of light knocking down several of them.
*Pant* *Pant* "Chaos Blast!" he sends a blast of red energy killing 2 of the 9, his health is now 5.
The 7 get up and ready for a final attack when Titania arrives tossing a lance killing 4 at once.
"Rhys help him now!" Titania ordered as he healed Thunder "Look out!" Barked Thunder as an axe wielding maniac swings at Rhys he dodged the attack and hit him with a 'shine' Titania sees the boss and finishes him off with a 'Killer Lance' the other 2 flee.
Thunder gives Chase but Titania caught him of course he won't give int hat easily "Chaos Control!" he heads off and "Chaos Spear! X2" he kills the last 2 off of course one was all ready weakened by Rhys.
Titania runs toward him with sheer speed.
"Thunder you want to get your self killed? what am I going to do with you well thank the Goddess your safe lets head back." she said as Thunder gave her a warming embrace "sorry I figured I could handle it."
Thunder trying to act humble since he knew she would rat him out.
As they head back to Crimea she tells Ike abut his solo. "Boys will be boys" he said "I did the same thing remember. besides let his Captain handle him."
Thunder has a look on his face as Miles arrives on scene.
Miles smacks him up side the head "that's for getting your self almost killed don't do that I would hate to tell Peach and Cream your dead!"
Thunder only give him a look "well I did kill off most of the bandits."
"come on lets head to the inn I am having an ale shortage" Miles says proudly.
As they leave Titania and Rhys join them.
General Ike's Inn
Largo tinkering with a beer faucet, Calill looking pretty with Tormod teaching him better magic, Tarnino looking up new ideas for meat pies with buttery crusts.
"Well give us 2 pitchers of your weakest drink." sa id Miles "and give the priest a tall glass of warm milk."
everyone starts laughing "you're a real funny guy said Largo holding his side "you otta be a comic if being a mercenary isn't working out."
Thunder gives him look "just give me the regular and don't be stingy with the strength!!" Thunder ordered "yes sir!" Largo gave a fake salute.
Miles and Titania start talking about the future since they aren't going to be together forever (one way or another) they want to enjoy what they have, Thunder and Rhys are just lolly gagging.
Largo bring them each a large pitcher of the strongest drink he has (Steel Reserve 211 mixed with vodka)
Thunder guzzles it down in one gulp, Rhys sips it slowly, Titania and Miles just drink like normal people not wild animals.
Largo then brings them some meat pies and other savory dishes.
Later on Jill and Haar arrive as do the 3 brothers "well I see your still doing what you do best Thunder" said Jill looking at him as he has a foam mustache. "who told you what I do?" Thunder said licking his lips "well the other night I came by for a drink or 2 and I saw you stumbling out of course Rhys told me how he treated your hangover." Jill turned her eyes to Rhys still sipping.
"Just give me some coffee I hate to hear this girl rambling how I sleep all the time." said Haar yawning.
"so about the play you'll be there right" said Rolf looking at his brothers. "of course now lets get drunk before we rehearse" said Boyd.
As Largo starts taking orders and getting people drunk and full it's getting real late.
So late I'm falling asleep just typing.
Next ch is just wrong I won't spoil it.
He gets up and starts to shake Thunder “not now Peach I promise to kill Ryder later.” He says covering him self with a pillow.
“Thunder wake up fool!!!” Miles says now annoyed as she sends small shocks into him.
“Unnnn my head what was I drinking last night” the hedge-rabbit said rubbing his head, his quills all wild and frigid.
“Donkey piss, and sewer water.” Miles said with a sly look.
“Fuck you, you bastard!” Thunder said getting up but stumbling.
“Well time to train” said Titania looking at Thunder. “H- hell no!!!” he barked before clenching his head “dammit Miles grow me some aspirin!”
“You know how long that will take” he said.
Thunder tried to do that cute eye thing but his head hurt too much.
“Well you were out drinking too much how many did you have?” Titania said sternly.
“One pint why” Thunder goes back to nursing his hang over.
Titania nods her head in disappointment “why do the cute ones drink?”
Thunder almost feels bad but his hang over takes over, and he falls back into Titania’s arms much to Miles annoyance.
“Well I understand, but drinking at such a tender age isn’t a good idea, so here’s the deal I’ll get a healer but you must train, I’ll even get you some new gear.” Titania said with a loving smile.
(Yep she’s the mother hen all right, yes I got an A support with Boyd)
Titania leaves kissing him on his fore head, Miles give him a hard look.
“You’re jealous I can tell” Thunder said putting on a smile
No I’m not, I’m more annoyed you putting on that act if Cream ever found out that would break her heart and Shadow would break you neck.” Miles countered.
“Look my mom is everything to me I would NEVER replace her just I feel bad for her since your now ‘Mr. Big Shot’ I feel the need to do something.” Thunder said raising his finger.
"Yeah whatever, look just promise me you won’t go running around screaming ‘Oh God I’m blind!! I’m blind!!’ ok!” Miles said with a look.
“Ok” Thunder said rubbing his head.
Rhys came in dressed Like Ilyana Miles whistled Rhys just smiled and blushed a bit as Miles began to cause a wind drift to blow up Rhys’ skirt revealing a pink thong (don’t worry he changed the other one*)
*I think
He raised his staff as the breeze blew up his skirt after ward he blushed holding it down like Marlin Monroe.
Thunder just nods his head as his pupils go inward.
Titania returns, with some kick ass gear for Thunder. She tossed him a brown cloth bag. He caught it with ease as he heads into another room to change.
Miles on the other hand was thinking something naughty and it wasn’t sex.
After 5 min Thunder exits and Miles jaw almost drops. Thunder comes out in red pants. Black shirt with armor underneath it, a white bandanna to hold his quills back and black boots along with, black gloves.
“Hot damn” said Miles “you resemble your dad a bit like that” Miles said somewhat amazed as Thunder and Titania embraced ‘when we get back I’m going to be hugging on Angel’ Miles thought.
"No shit Sherlock” scoffed Thunder.
Thunder then grabs an axe and heads out to train, of course Rolf is busy shooting apples off trees as Miles approaches thinking evil thoughts.
Thunder is busy swinging his axe as Miles approaches “hey you want to spar I promise I’ll go easy on you.” Miles said holding his lance
“besides axes beat lances swords beat axes and lances beat swords”
Thunder nods his head in agreement of course since Miles is a ‘fox’ of his word he did go ‘easy’ and the were horsing around.
Of course Miles decided s play a dirty trick on Rolf and Thunder agreed to it a bet.
“Hey Rolf Miles here claims you can’t hit that apple off that tree all the way over there.” Thunder said “of course I bet him coin you could.” Rolf now annoyed “I can too” he barked as Thunder and Miles look at each other. Rolf readies his bow Miles quietly mutter “Chaos Control” as Rolf fires.
The arrow is stuck in mid air Miles files up and lands it in the tree and un does the Chaos Control. Rolf looks up and sees he missed “you idiot you cost me a coin!” Thunder hands him a coin well I told you so guess
“I was right he is pathetic and sorry I wonder why they even kept him.” Said Miles “so *sniff* you think they would be better off with out me *sniff*” Rolf said heart broken
“yep in a heart beat” said Miles “you’re a weakling even a girly-man is stronger and tougher than you”
Miles said being mean.
“Wh-WH-whhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Cried Rolf
“DAMN I WISH I GOT A SWORD!” Miles then remembers he has a dagger on him just in case.
Miles gets behind Rolf who is crying like a crack baby going thru withdraw. “Keep crying and I’ll cut out your vocal cords and tear ducts they you’ll have something to cry about!” Miles said with one hand over his mouth. As the tears stop flowing. Rolf gets a hold of himself as Shinon comes by “what the hell did you do to him!”
Oscar and Boyd also come to their brothers aid “if you hurt him I swear on the goddess
I’ll have me a fox fur!!” barked Boyd “you idiot I said more dramatically what the hell is wrong with you!!” barked Thunder.
“Are you rehearsing a play?” Asked Oscar now confused just like everybody else. “You’re crying like a crack baby cry with emotion” Barked Thunder as Miles looked dumb.
“Like this Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!” cried Rolf
Thunder just nods his head. “You mean I’m awful.” *sniff*
Thunder nods his head for ‘yes’
"wh-wh-wh-wh wh-hhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawh-wh-wh-wh-waaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Rolf starts to cry even louder “OH THANK THE GODDESS HE’S GOT IT!!!!!” SAID Thunder all hyped up.
Rolf is now happy. “So what’s this play called?” said Shinon “Bambi” said Thunder.
(you know this is wrong)
"and Rolf gets the lead role you can play Bambi's mother smiled
Thunder!!!" "Pfft no way in hell will I play a mother!!" Shinon scoffed
"relax" said Miles "you'll be a hunter I'll find a good 'mother'" Miles had an evil look in his eyes.
"can we be in it too?" asked Oscar and Boyd "why yes" said Thunder with a sinister look, as he takes off to do some 'village saving.'
"where you going?" said Miles "go save a village trust me I got this."
Thunder heads out ward even farther until he hears the distant screams of women and children, he was right he needed to save a village "you can never do this Hulk Hogan! Chaos Control!" he quickly teleported to the village.
Finding it burning as it's being looted by a series of large heavy body thugs wielding killer axes and arrows set on fire.
"Hey ass-holes why don't you pick on some body your own size!!" Thunder barked as he raised his axe.
As it turns out to his dismay there pirates and he's at a seaport (A/N: you trying to get your self killed Thunder?!)
"yarrrrr ho yaaaaarrrrrr you just a runt but yeee dooo yarr, yarr!!" one said throwing an axe at him lucky he dodged it as the axe returned.
"awe crap this doesn't look good" said Thunder as at least a dozen more appeared.
"Swell" Thunder raises his axe ready to take them all on.
they all charge at him as he raised his axe he lands a few hits killing one but the other seem to cover all the ground and he can't escape.
he swings again this time landing a critical blow killing another of course one has a bow and shoots him head on that drains his HP
But he runs up and hits him dean on the side on the neck killing him.
"crap I should of brought a priest or some back up damn this is too much" *Pant* *pant*
Thunder is now exuasted and bleeding as a pirate swings a hammer to the side of his head knocking his all the way across one-way dazed and hurting, he gets up.
Now feeling it he now is bleeding on one side of his head, a pirate slams down the hammer on his chest however the armor he's wearing proects him. as the pirate falls back his hands ringing.
Thunder gets up and swings his axe killing him.
"3 down 9 to go damn this isn't going to to be easy" he said now worried going solo wasn't to smart.
"Chaos Spear!" he said sending a blast of light knocking down several of them.
*Pant* *Pant* "Chaos Blast!" he sends a blast of red energy killing 2 of the 9, his health is now 5.
The 7 get up and ready for a final attack when Titania arrives tossing a lance killing 4 at once.
"Rhys help him now!" Titania ordered as he healed Thunder "Look out!" Barked Thunder as an axe wielding maniac swings at Rhys he dodged the attack and hit him with a 'shine' Titania sees the boss and finishes him off with a 'Killer Lance' the other 2 flee.
Thunder gives Chase but Titania caught him of course he won't give int hat easily "Chaos Control!" he heads off and "Chaos Spear! X2" he kills the last 2 off of course one was all ready weakened by Rhys.
Titania runs toward him with sheer speed.
"Thunder you want to get your self killed? what am I going to do with you well thank the Goddess your safe lets head back." she said as Thunder gave her a warming embrace "sorry I figured I could handle it."
Thunder trying to act humble since he knew she would rat him out.
As they head back to Crimea she tells Ike abut his solo. "Boys will be boys" he said "I did the same thing remember. besides let his Captain handle him."
Thunder has a look on his face as Miles arrives on scene.
Miles smacks him up side the head "that's for getting your self almost killed don't do that I would hate to tell Peach and Cream your dead!"
Thunder only give him a look "well I did kill off most of the bandits."
"come on lets head to the inn I am having an ale shortage" Miles says proudly.
As they leave Titania and Rhys join them.
General Ike's Inn
Largo tinkering with a beer faucet, Calill looking pretty with Tormod teaching him better magic, Tarnino looking up new ideas for meat pies with buttery crusts.
"Well give us 2 pitchers of your weakest drink." sa id Miles "and give the priest a tall glass of warm milk."
everyone starts laughing "you're a real funny guy said Largo holding his side "you otta be a comic if being a mercenary isn't working out."
Thunder gives him look "just give me the regular and don't be stingy with the strength!!" Thunder ordered "yes sir!" Largo gave a fake salute.
Miles and Titania start talking about the future since they aren't going to be together forever (one way or another) they want to enjoy what they have, Thunder and Rhys are just lolly gagging.
Largo bring them each a large pitcher of the strongest drink he has (Steel Reserve 211 mixed with vodka)
Thunder guzzles it down in one gulp, Rhys sips it slowly, Titania and Miles just drink like normal people not wild animals.
Largo then brings them some meat pies and other savory dishes.
Later on Jill and Haar arrive as do the 3 brothers "well I see your still doing what you do best Thunder" said Jill looking at him as he has a foam mustache. "who told you what I do?" Thunder said licking his lips "well the other night I came by for a drink or 2 and I saw you stumbling out of course Rhys told me how he treated your hangover." Jill turned her eyes to Rhys still sipping.
"Just give me some coffee I hate to hear this girl rambling how I sleep all the time." said Haar yawning.
"so about the play you'll be there right" said Rolf looking at his brothers. "of course now lets get drunk before we rehearse" said Boyd.
As Largo starts taking orders and getting people drunk and full it's getting real late.
So late I'm falling asleep just typing.
Next ch is just wrong I won't spoil it.