Fire Emblem Fan Fiction ❯ Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn ( random) ❯ 20 000 and I'll tell you the title ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ranulf: So, we must start an investigation. * BAH Bahhh BUMMM! * ... On how exactly Skrimir fell on his head.


Lethe: ... I will ask the company if they have seen any of it.

Ranulf: Ok lethe, I'll leave that to you.

* BAH Baaaahhhh BUMMMMM! *

Mordecai: Mordecai does not know what is wrong with Skrimir. Skrimir talks just like mordecai.

Lyre: That's the problem, Twit!

Mordecai: ... * sniff* Mordecai is sad...

Ranulf: Ok everyone, that's all, thanks!

* BAH baahhhh BUMMMMMM! *

Ranulf: Ok, Where in the world are those dramatic tunes coming from?!!

Kyza: Sorry Lord Ranulf... I could not help myself.

Ranulf: Well stop.


Ranulf: KYZA! D:

Kyza: It was Lyre! ... Lyre took it.

Ranulf: * sigh*


Lethe: Hmm... Which beorc should I ask first?

Beorc children are innocent... They cannot lie... I'll ask one! YOU!


Lethe: ... ... Did you see skrimir... Fall on his head?

Rolf: Hehe! He fell on his head?... Hehehe! : ' DDD

Lethe: I am not joking beorc child!!

Rolf: Wahh! N-no!


Lethe: You!

Gatrie: ME?! ; D

Lethe: ... ... Yes... You. ... Did you see Lord Skrimir fall on his head?

Shinon: H*** no. He was too busy falling on his own.

Gatrie: SHINON! D;

Shinon: ... What?!

Gatrie: ... You're ruining my chances again!

Shinon: You're hopeless Gatrie... Hopeless.

Gatrie: Hehehe! That's what you think!!

Lethe: * flees*


Lethe: YOU!

Volke: ...

Lethe: Freeze beorc! I'm talking to you!

Volke: ... ... 20 000 gold.

Lethe: ... What?

Volke: ... ... You want me to talk..? ...20 000...

Lethe: F-fine! ... You tell me what happened... And you can have this gold. * hands volke 20 000 *

Volke: ... Deal.

Lethe: ... How did Skrimir get like that? How can we help him?

Volke: ... He slipped on a banana. ... You get a healer. ... Goodbye.

Lethe: HEY!

Volke: ... You never said I had to be specific. * flees*


Lethe: ... Ranulf. I found no infomation... And we've lost 20 000 gold from our supply.

Ranulf: ... Whaaa?

Lethe: ... It doesn't matter. But getting Skrimir to a healer may be effective.

Ranulf: ... That wont work. Skrimir got in a fight with Rhys, Rhys said he'd have nothing to do with that Sonnaf-a --

Lethe: .. What about that beorc girl always with Ike?

Ranulf: Mist? No good. She's too busy taking care of Ike. He got... Food posioning or something.

Lethe: I believe this is hopeless...

Skrimir: HA HA HA! Look! A CAT!! * points to ranulf *

Ranulf: ... M-me too skrimir... * facepalm*