Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ His Past Came Back ❯ This Small World ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Obviously I do not own Fruits Basket. If I did I wouldn't be writing a fanfic, I'd be writing an actual story.
Author's note: I know the first chapter didn't really make any sense. Sorry about that, it was more of a prologue than a first chapter but it'll make sense later on in the story.
This Small World
Amy rubbed her eyes as she read the classifieds of the Japanese newspaper. She took a sip of coffee as she circled yet another potential job opportunity. This one just happened to be an opening at Ayame Sohma's Boutique. She called the number listed. The phone rang three times before it was picked up.
“Hello, how may I help you?” A cheery voice on the other end of the phone said.
“Um, yeah. I was calling about the job opening listed in the paper. I was-”
“Oh yes! Please hold on just a minute. Let me get Ayame for you.” The voice said, cutting Amy off. There was a minute of silence before the phone was picked back up.
“Hello! I hear you called about my ad in the paper?” An exuberant male voice said. She assumed that it belonged to Ayame.
“Yes, that is correct. I was calling about maybe setting up a time for an interview.”
“Do you have any experience with the wonderful art of fashion?” Ayame asked her, appearing to have ignored her comment about an interview.
“Yes, I worked in a fabric store for 3 years before I moved from America.” Amy sighed. Obviously she wasn't going to get this job in any conventional way, seeing as the owner was definitely not a conventional man.
“Good! You start today!”
Amy looked at the phone in shock but just shook her head. “Okay, I need directions though.” She wrote down the directions that Ayame rattled off at her on a piece of paper that was sitting on her desk. When he told her his name, Ayame Sohma, something in the back of her mind stirred, but she couldn't place her finger on it and just let it be. She hung up the phone, grabbed her coat, and headed out the door to a job that, unbeknown to her, would bring back a part of her past that she'd thought she'd left behind.
Amy walked up to the door of Ayame's shop and stopped dead in her tracks. Inside the store, talking to an eccentric looking man with long silver hair, was a man that she hadn't seen since childhood. His face hadn't changed over the years even though they both were in they're early 20's. She never thought she'd see Akito again after his mother had completely flipped out about them being together.
Steeling herself, Amy pushed open the door and walked in. Both men looked over at the door to see who had interrupted them.
“I'm sorry for interrupting but I was wondering if I could talk to Ayame about getting started. I called earlier about a job.” Amy said, not looking directly at Akito at all, instead looking around the shop.
“Ah yes. If you could just wait a minute while I finish up here.” Ayame said, smiling and gesturing around the store. “If you would like to look around a bit, please feel free.”
“Okay thanks.” Amy started wandering around, not really paying attention to what was around her. She kept wondering why someone like Akito would be anywhere near a store like this. She was certain that the Akito she knew would never buy anything from this kind of place, so why was he here? Did he know Ayame? And if so, how?
She walked to a back corner and came across three women huddled together talking. Curiosity fought with privacy for some time before curiosity won out. She walked near enough to the three that she could hear them but not so close so as they knew she was there.
“I think we should put an add in the paper. I mean that's how Ayame got his new employee.” The blonde said.
“I don't think so. We should find someone that we all know we get along with. Tohru, do you know if any of the Sohmas play guitar and sing?” The goth girl said to the ditzy looking brunette.
“I don't know. I could ask but I could never ask any of them to do this for us. It would be too much. I mean they've done so much for me in the past.” Tohru said, causing Amy to dub her pineapple (brunette on the outside, blonde on the inside).
“You need a guitarist and singer?” Amy asked walking over to them. The three of them looked up, shocked that they had been overheard.
“Yeah. What's it to you?” The blonde said glaring at her.
“ Oh well I thought that maybe since you seemed desperate, I might be able to help out since I am a guitarist and singer. But seeing as you're snapping at me and all I did was ask a question….” Amy looked at the goth girl and raised her eyebrow at her. She could feel the girl trying to read her, check her for threat. “Name's Amy, I caught Tohru's, what about you two.” She said looking back to the other two.
“My name's Hana and that's Arisa.” The goth girl said pointing to the blonde. “You said you play guitar and sing?”
“Yep, I'm pretty sure I do. I mean I did when I boarded the plane from America last week.” Amy smiled. “I would suggest that you stop poking at me Hana, It's not cool.” Hana looked shocked, Arisa looked confused, and Tohru just looked blank.
“Yes, sorry.” Hana recovered quickly. “Since you said you sing, could you sing something for us to hear right now?”
“Sure.” Amy closed her eyes thinking of a song then, after a few minutes picked the one that reminded her most of her painful past but still managed to make her smile.
Rolled over from last nights dreams
Happiness isn't from a
Drink me up in your thoughts
Just like I do with you
Are you left thirsty too?
Uh Oh Oh I am erratic
Can't break the habit
My current status
With you I'm insomniatic
My train is off the track it seems
Delirious from the lack of
Sleep deprived I greet the day
Won't be easy to do
Are you this restless too?
Uh Oh Oh I am erratic
Can't break the habit
My current status
With you I'm insomniatic
One by one the days grow longer and longer
And I in my own sweet pain grow stronger
I must admit
I must admit
I must admit
It's a good insane
I must admit
I must admit
Hear me admit
Uh Oh Oh I am erratic
Can't break the habit
My current status
With you I'm insomniatic
“Wow, that was amazing!” Tohru said, clapping.
“Yes, I think you will do nicely for our band.” Arisa said.
“Encore” The four girls jumped, having not noticed the two men who had joined them. Akito was clapping politely. “That was truly touching.”
“Thank you Akito.” Amy said, surprising everyone when she said his name. “It would be an honor, at least to me, for you to come to our first show when we get one.” She looked directly at him, smiling sadly, pleading silently with her eyes. Akito didn't respond, rather the silence that filled the space became very awkward and made Ayame quite uncomfortable.
“Well, why don't I get you to work and then when you're done you can talk with your band-mates about when that will be.” He said ushering Amy into the back room. Hana, Arisa, and Tohru exchanged looks as Ayame and Amy disappeared into the back room and Akito left the store.
Whew. Sorry everyone if that's a bit choppy. I was having a hard time with moving the characters where I wanted them to be but I think everything will go smoothly from now on. Thanks for reading, and please review.