Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Light in My Life ❯ Surprises ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

12: Surprises

Tohru stood before the front door of the house. She held a bag of groceries in one hand; she knew Yuki would be disappointed that he couldn't help her with her shopping, but she had wanted to be alone for a while. After acquitting the main house, she had been unable to stop the tears.

She didn't know what she was supposed to think, what she was supposed to do. Life had come to a sudden halt, and the sound of tires grinding to a stop on the tracks was loud and clear. Tohru wasn't sure what to make of anything, and such an instance was rare for her.

Tohru had a mindset: she took things as they came in strides, doing her best to keep her cool about the big changes in life. She always managed to pull through quickly and move on, hoping to keep up the spirits of those around her. And it always worked.

But suddenly, things had stopped. In one single moment, things had come crashing down all around her, and there was nothing she could do to prevent it. The realizations of all her faults, all her misdeeds, and all the problems she caused were a tremor, a sudden earthquake in her window to the world.

Without warning, the door burst open. Kagura plowed straight into Tohru, knocking her flat on her face.

"Tohru-kun?!" the girl cried, frantically helping up her friend. Tohru blinked.

"Oh no! The groceries!" Tohru cried, gasping at the food strewn across the porch. Kagura leaped into a fit of apologetics, but Tohru merely stood still. "It's alright, Kagura-san," she said. Kagura stopped mid-sentence, staring at the other girl.

"Tohru-kun? Are you okay?" she asked worriedly. "Here, I'll pick up the groceries!" Kagura set to picking up the fallen items, but Tohru put one hand on her shoulder.

"That's alright, Kagura-san. I'll get it," she said quietly. The seriousness in the usually smiling Tohru's voice caused Kagura to take a step back.

"...Tohru-kun?" she asked, but Tohru merely set the food back in her plastic bag and stood up, smiling weakly.

"Thank you, Kagura-san," she said, before opening the door and stepping inside. Kagura stood, dumbfounded.

Tohru walked into the kitchen, setting the bag onto the counter. She put one hand on her forehead. Shigure told her she was always welcome at their house, she thought. He really, truly didn't think her an inconvenience, did he?

She opened the refrigerator, slowly putting things in their respectful places. Tohru lightly closed the door, leaning against it. She thought about how pretty the day had been, how lucky she was to have friends like Hanajima and Uotani, and how much she enjoyed living with Shigure, Kyou, and Yuki.

Tohru smiled. Those simple thoughts could make her heart swell, and her lips to paint her comforting thoughts. Kagura stepped into the kitchen, silently standing at the entryway. Tohru looked distant, but was smiling. Maybe she was just having a bad day, the boar thought to herself.

Kagura walked away, her mind quickly moving past the event. "Kyooooonn-kun!" she cried, launching herself up the stairs. Tohru looked up as she heard a sudden cry:



That night's incident was by mere chance.

Tohru waved goodnight to the other cleaning ladies, taking off her white bandana and unbraiding her hair. She walked on her usual route, her small handbag hanging from her shoulder. She usually didn't walk home alone at night, but Yuki had assumed Kyou would pick her up, since he had a student council issue to take care of late. Kyou had assumed Yuki would pick her up, because he was going to the dojo for some reason or another. Tohru really wasn't sure, but hadn't seen the need in telling either of them of the other's plans. It would be alright to walk home alone for just one night.

Tohru had been in a rather pleasant mood that day after getting back to the house. She had made a leisurely lunch, and no one at the table had assumed anything to be wrong. Kagura had had a love-fit and thrown Kyou a few miles out of town, so the serving of the meal was a bit later than usual.

Tohru held her breath as she walked into a dark alley. It was the only straight path from the main road to the off road which led towards the Sohma property Shigure resided on, and she was too tired to take the long about-road. She couldn't see a thing, but there weren't many houses nearby to obscure the starlight above. She began to hum, stepping lightly. Her spirits were high, and she was ready to come home and go to bed.

Tohru collided with something very suddenly. She let out a scream, and was followed by a sudden "Poof!" sound and a large cloud of smoke. Tohru coughed, waving it away. She felt a cold, smooth thing wrap around her leg.

"WAAAAAHHHH!!!!" she cried, tripping on the afflicted foot and tripping to the ground on her back. The thing began to slither about her ankle, and she screamed louder.

"Shhh! Please!" came a familiar voice. Tohru immediately closed her mouth, her eyes wide. She felt the thing crawl up her leg, onto her shirt, and up outside of it to her face. It paused on her chest, and Tohru's rapidly beating heart was a loud pound in her ears.

A small, round head peeked through the darkness at her. It was a large, white snake.

"...Ayame-san?" Tohru whispered, her eyes still wide.

"Ah, my Tohru-kun! What are you doing about at this time of night?" the snake asked cheerily, slithering off of her. Tohru, still in shock, took a moment to respond.

"I was just walking home from my part-time job," she replied, finally getting the wind back into her enough to stand up and dust herself off. The snake wrapped flirtatiously around her ankle, and Tohru felt her cheeks turn a bright red. "Uh... Ayame-san..."

"And my brother didn't walk you home? He's just not a gentleman! Who knows what kind of horrible things could happen to a pretty young girl out on the streets!" Ayame let out a melodramatic wail. "What possible circumstance could prevent my younger brother from taking care of Tohru-kun?"

Tohru scratched her head. "Well, uh, Ayame-san, he had student council," she replied in his defense. "If you don't mind me asking... Why are you out this late as well?"

"Well... that's a bit of a story..." the snake replied. There was a sudden "Poof!" and a cloud of smoke. Tohru turned around swiftly. She had long gotten used to that sort of thing, and was quick and responding. "Now, the trick will be finding my beautiful red coat that I made... and because I made it, it's beautiful."

"Okay!" Ayame cried suddenly. Tohru jumped, turning around. Ayame grinned, his white hair perfectly groomed, no hair out of place. She blinked.

"Oh Tohru, lost and alone, all by herself in the big world!" Ayame moaned.

"Ayame-san..." Tohru said quietly, trying not to interrupt him. He stopped, blinking large, golden eyes. "I truly apologize for causing an inconvenience for you, but I really should get back. Kyou usually stays awake until I come home, and he needs his sleep," she said. Ayame grinned. She always kept everyone else in mind.

"Of course, of course, my dear lady! I shall walk you home!" he announced loudly. Tohru's eyebrows raised in surprise as Ayame took her arm--in a rather gentlemanly way--and began to march. "Tohru-kun! It has been a long time since you and my beloved brother visited the store! What have you been doing?"

Tohru lowered her head slightly. Ayame blinked, expecting her to blush and stutter in response. "It's... difficult," she said. Tohru immediately looked up, smiling brightly. "But I am with Yuki-kun and Kyou-kun and Shigure-san, and now Ayame-san! I am happy," she amended quickly.

Ayame, slightly confused, smiled back exuberantly. "That's wonderful, Tohru-kun! Mine wants to dress you up again... she said you were just perfect for all the outfits! You could be our model!" he continued on, his voice loud and bright. Tohru blushed and giggled.

"I would love to," she replied. Ayame grinned, straightening his coat.

"And then Tohru-kun could wear all of my wonderful creations! And she would look wonderful in them because they are wonderful too!" Tohru laughed, Ayame's lively dialogue raising her spirits.

"But Ayame-san," Tohru interjected, "I think I'll be okay from here." They stood at the path, which led into the trees for a ways to the house. Ayame blinked, staring into the darkness.

"My brother's beloved Tohru-kun, going all alone?! Never! I shall see you safely home!" he announced. Tohru blinked as she was swept off down the trail.

"Ayame-san, this is very kind of you, but shouldn't you be getting to your own bed right now?" she asked. Ayame paused, his smiling face faltering for a moment.

"Tohru-kun... what is too friendly?" Tohru raised her eyebrows.

"Pardon me? Too friendly?" Ayame nodded.

"With someone close to you..." he trailed off.

Tohru smiled lightly. "There is no too friendly. If your feelings are more than friendly, show them," she said wisely.

Ayame turned to her in surprise. "But what if you don't know how they feel about you?" he asked.

"Feelings have a way of showing themselves, regardless. If they care about you as more than a friend, you will know when the time is right," Tohru told him. "Tell... him or her how you feel. Then you are willing to show them your own feelings, and they will show you yours."

Ayame smiled. "Oh, Tohru-kun is just so wonderful! Just like me! We're made for each other," he laughed. Tohru giggled.

They arrived some minutes later at the house. Ayame released her arm, smiling and bowing. "Thank you for walking me home," Tohru said, bowing in response. Ayame only smiled and waved.

"Thank you, Tohru-kun!" He turned around, whistling happily as he walked away. Tohru tilted her head, waving as she walked back into the house and closed the door behind her.