Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



….Two months earlier….



Kyo stared at Shigure's house from a tree. It was several days after Valentine's Day, the second one he had spent at Shigure's house, or would have spent if he had stayed for that holiday. But this year, he kept track. After New Year's (which he and Yuki skipped out on again), he counted the days down until February twelfth, in which he left Shigure's to stay out of Kagura's way.


So, now he was patiently watching the house, for any sign that Kagura was still there. He had spent the night in the tree, and had watched the house since sunrise. It was well after lunch now, and Kyo was beginning to get so hungry that he was ready to risk finding Kagura still inside if it meant he could eat.


He laid a hand on his rumbling stomach and willed it to stop. Twenty more minutes, he told himself. Just twenty more minutes, and then he'd go in for sure.




The cat jumped and looked below him, scared that it would be Kagura below him. But it wasn't. It was Tohru, and it looked like she had just finished food shopping for the week, by the paper bags that would nearly toppling out of her arms.


"Is- is Kagura still here?" Kyo hissed down at her.


Tohru shook her head. "No, but she came by on Valentine's Day looking for you."


"Thank god," Kyo murmured as he leapt down.


"She seemed really upset that you weren't there," Tohru continued.


"Eh, she's always upset when I'm not there. Give me some of those bags; you're going to drop them." He pulled the two largest bags out of her arms.


"Thank you Kyo!"


He shrugged. He knew he should say something in return. "It's no problem" or some bull like that. But, he never said anything like that, and Yuki was always the one to return with a perfect answer….He didn't want to go sounding like Yuki.


He always felt so awkward around Tohru. She flustered him a little, and he valued their friendship over everything. But he wanted that friendship to become more. Kyo had always liked Tohru, almost immediately after they first became friends. But, he never believed that it could ever grow to be something greater. He was terrified she would find out what he really looked like. When Kagura almost blurted it out in front of Tohru, Kyo felt as though his heart would stop. There was no way Tohru would still think of him the same way after she saw what he really was.


But then she saw him, and they were just as close as before, or as close as Kyo would let her get. He was afraid of losing his head, and taking the next step. It was so hard to tell if Tohru liked him or not. He and Yuki had been in a silent war for months. Both of them liked Tohru, and both of them didn't want the other to go out with her. Each was slowly trying to work their way in, to get Tohru to like them first, but without rushing her. And Kyo was afraid Yuki was winning.


Tohru seemed to like him better, seemed more at ease around him. It was probably his calm personality, and the fact that he never started any of the fights between him and Kyo. Kyo couldn't help it. He had to beat Yuki, to become part of the zodiac. He wasn't going to change that, or anything, for anyone, not even Tohru. But he so wished she would return his feelings for her….


"Where did you go?" Tohru asked as they walked to the house.


"Around. Away from here."


"Oh….Was it fun?"


"Fun?" Kyo snapped. "I slept in trees, for crying out loud! I haven't eaten in two days! Does that sound fun to you?"


Tohru looked hurt, and Kyo could've slapped himself. He said the wrong thing. Again.


"Are-are you hungry? I could make you something," Tohru offered.


"Nah…don't worry about it," he said as they stepped inside. "I'll get myself something."





After eating, Kyo grabbed his towel and headed to the bathroom for a shower. He hadn't bathed since the day he left, and was slightly afraid that his smell would repulse Tohru.


"Kyo, I forgot to give you this!"


He turned around. Tohru was walking towards him holding out a small gift bag, decorated in red, white and pink hearts.


He furrowed his brow. "What is it?"


"Your Valentine's Day chocolate! I wasn't able to give it to you on Valentine's Day since you weren't here, so I'm giving it to you now." She smiled up at him.


Once again, Kyo could've hit himself. He should have bought her something; she obviously was going to buy them all chocolate this year if she did last year, and just like last year, he didn't have a return gift.


Kyo thought quickly. What would Yuki do? He hated to have to think that way, but Tohru seemed to like what Yuki did or said no matter what, so it seemed like the best plan. Yuki probably would've remembered and bought Tohru a gift, Kyo grumbled in his head. But if he had forgotten he'd probably take Tohru out somewhere.


"Thanks," Kyo said, taking the candy from her. "Do you want to go to the movies or something later? As my return gift?"


Her eyes brightened. "I'd love to go! What movie are we going to see?"


Kyo shrugged. "I don't know. Just not some cheesy chick flick."


"I don't care what movie; whatever you want to see is good," Tohru said.


"How `bout we just decide when we get there?"


"Okay! Thank you, Kyo!" She smiled at him. "I'll go start getting ready!" She walked down to her room.


Kyo watched her until she disappeared into her room, then, with a slight smile on his face, went into the bathroom for a greatly needed shower.




So, didja like it? I hope it's not too confusing, jumping from the future to the past.