Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kyo stood up to go see Tohru when he heard a voice behind him.
“Yes…Do convince her to forget the occurrences of last night.”
He turned around. Akito was leaning one the wooden panels of the doorway into Hatori's office, smirking slightly. Kyo held back a growl.
The deity looked down at his fingernails, picking dirt out from underneath them. “It'll be far more fun when I have my fun again, with her having no recollection of what had happened.” He looked up at Kyo, that small smirk still on his face.
“You wouldn't fucking dare,” Kyo growled.
“Akito,” Hatori said, almost hesitantly, “perhaps you and Kyo could go…talk elsewhere? Tohru is resting.”
“I will talk where I want to, when I want to,” Akito snapped at the dragon before turning back to Kyo. “Wouldn't I? It'll be so much fun….It will be like the first time, every time.”
Kyo lunged at Akito. He didn't think; he didn't care that this was Akito he was about to attack, didn't care what penalties could happen. That fucking bastard wasn't going to do anything more to Tohru. He was going to strangle him, he was going to-
Hatori caught the cat around the middle and both fell to the ground, Kyo struggling to get out of Hatori's arms.
“I'll kill you!” Kyo screamed, wriggling around, fighting the dragon's hold on him. “I'll tear you to pieces, you son of a bitch! Let me go, Hatori! Let me go!”
Kyo continued to struggle, not noticing that Akito had moved forward until a strong hand gripped his neck, turning his head upward. Kyo stopped moving as Akito's black eyes stared angrily down into his.
“Never,” Akito hissed, digging his nails into Kyo's skin and tightening his grip on his neck, “ever talk to me like that, you filthy cat. Far too easily I could have you locked away so that you'd never see sunlight again. I'd watch my words, if I were you, if you want to continue living the way you do.” He released Kyo's neck, but still Kyo didn't move. He couldn't, even if he tried. Hatori was still on top of him, pinning him down.
“Now, you go ask pretty little Tohru if she wants her memory erased of last night. It matters not to me; as long as she is in this family, I will do as I please with her…. Hatori, come tell me of her decision, after you've finished,” Akito said, standing. He smirked down at Kyo, then left.
Kyo stared at the door in which the deity left through. Tohru could never get away from him; he made that clear. If her memories were erased, Akito would be sure to do something to her; whether it be just as bad, or worse, Kyo couldn't be sure. And if she didn't have her memory altered, she could never come near him. She would always be afraid of him, always afraid he would hurt her again. And, Akito could try to do something else to her.
Hatori stood up, and offered a hand to Kyo. “I'm sorry I tackled you there,” he said, pulling the red-dead to his feet, “but attacking Akito would have put you into an even worse state.”
“You should have let me get him,” Kyo muttered, running a hand through his hair.
It was Tohru's voice; he could recognize it anywhere. Kyo turned around to find Tohru coming out from behind the curtain, hugging herself.
“I…I heard everything,” she whispered. “I…I know you didn't want to….” She looked down at the wooden floor. “And….I…I'm sorry. I wish-I wish I wasn't…scared of you….”
“It's-it's okay,” Kyo choked. Oh god, why did Akito do this to her? How could he? Didn't he have a fucking soul underneath that stony exterior? He took a step toward her, then another. She didn't move away, and he tentatively reached out to stroke her cheek, to give her some comfort, but at the sight of his hand coming near, Tohru flinched away. Kyo immediately drew his hand back.
“I'm sorry!” Tohru suddenly cried, bringing her hands up to cup her face. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Kyo. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry-”
Tears overwhelmed her, and she collapsed to her knees on the ground, sobbing. Kyo crouched beside her, keeping a safe distance between them so she wouldn't get nervous.
“It's all right,” he whispered. “You don't have anything to be sorry about-”
“I shouldn't be scared of you!….I don't want to be scared of you….”
“Then….” Kyo thought quickly. “Then let Hatori erase last night from your memory. I won't let Akito hurt you again; I'll protect you, I swear it.”
“….I don't want to have my memories erased,” Tohru whispered, wiping her eyes. “I want to keep them all, no matter how painful they are…. I promised Momiji this, a while ago.”
“That was before any of this happened! Momiji would understand; this is too big for anyone to deal with! Please Tohru,” Kyo pleaded. “Just…just let Hatori do it. You-you'll be happy again.”
“I-I can't….”
She stared at the ground, arms once more wrapped around herself. Kyo wished desperately that he could hug her, hold her, comfort her, but even if she allowed him to touch her, he couldn't. Not with his curse.
This curse had ruined it all…. The only way Tohru could ever be from Akito, from the Sohma's curse….
Was to have her memory completely altered.
Kyo stared at Tohru. She had to have her memory altered, had to. But, she'd never agree to it. Even if she wanted to have the previous night erased from her memory, she'd never let all her memories of the Sohma's to be swept away. Kyo wished, for the first time, that he had the power to erase memories. It would be incredibly painful for him, but it had to be done, even against her will.
“Tohru, you should go lie down.”
Both Kyo and Tohru jumped at Hatori's voice. He'd forgotten he was there. Tohru looked up at Hatori.
“You need your rest.”
She nodded, rose to her feet and disappeared behind the curtain.
“Kyo, why don't you come with me? We'll get a little breakfast in you,” Hatori said, and Kyo nodded just as Tohru had and stood up.
Kyo was told to stay in Hatori's house, and Kyo actually did stay. There was no where else he wanted to go. The dragon said he had some business to do with Tohru, that he had to talk to her in private. Breakfast would come to him, so he didn't have to make anything.
Kyo sat on a sofa, staring out a window. Tohru would definitely have to have her memory erased, but she'd never agree to it. Hatori was the only one who could erase people's memories, but he'd never do it without her permission. What could he do…?
A maid came in, and left breakfast on the coffee table in front of him. Kyo didn't touch it; he wasn't hungry. The idea of eating made him feel sick. Too much had happened within the last twenty-four hours, and even thinking for a second of what he had done to Tohru made his stomach churn.
I am a monster, he thought. Only a monster would rape the one person in the world they cared about. He could have done something else; there was always another option, wasn't there? He could have found a way to break free of the chains, could have tried to protect her instead of…doing what he had done.
He bent forward, elbows on his knees and his forehead resting in his palms. He ached, he ached so much inside, for himself…and for Tohru. Whatever he was feeling, she'd be feeling tenfold.
How could he convince her, or Hatori, that her memory had to be suppressed?