Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Man…you guys (my readers) are gonna hate me….
The whip cracked against Kyo's back. He screamed, arching his back away from Akito. Distantly, for all his senses were focussed on the pain in his back, he heard Tohru sobbing loudly against the gag in her mouth. His back stung as the cool air hit his fresh gashes.
There was a soft clunk of something being dropped; Kyo looked at his feet. A whip, a cat-o-nine-tails, was beside his left foot, blood dripping off the ends. That fucking sonofabitch…The moment Kyo was out of these chains he was going to kill that sick motherfucker.
“How're you feeling, Kyo?” asked Akito, coming around to face him. “Still feeling…happy?”
Kyo glared at the deity, refusing to speak. Akito smirked, walking behind Kyo again.
“There's just one thing that is yet to be done,” he said, coming back into view. He was holding a very large shackle. Reaching up, he clasped it around Kyo's neck, where it hung very loosely; it was nearly twice the width of his neck. “You want Tohru?” Akito whispered in the cat's ear. “Well, now's your chance. You can have her- all of her- right now.”
“You sick fuck!” Kyo growled, knowing exactly what he meant.
Akito smirked again. “I want you to fuck her as hard as you can,” he said quietly, obviously not wanting Tohru to hear. “I want to see her crying, to hear her screaming, I want to see blood. She is a virgin, isn't she? There will be blood, and with your size, I expect there to be plenty of it.”
“I won't do it!” Kyo hissed just as softly, so as not to alarm Tohru. “I'm not going to rape her!”
“Fine,” Akito shrugged, keeping that evil smile. “I'll do it myself. And you will watch, and I will make it as painful for her as I can. Maybe, perhaps, I'll use some…toys…as well.”
“Don't you dare touch her!”
“You'll do it then?”
Kyo sighed, looking away. “Fine.…”
The deity walked out of sight once more and a moment later, the chains holding Kyo up went limp, and he fell to the ground. His arms and legs felt weak from being suspended for so long; he couldn't stand, he couldn't move. Quickly, before he could react, Akito went to each of his limbs, unlocking each of his shackles. At Kyo's right hand, he paused, then tore his beads off.
During the transformation into his true form, Kyo felt the strength returning to him, and made a lunge for Akito, but the young man was just out of reach on his right, the shackle around his neck holding him back.
“Don't be a fool,” Akito snapped, “and don't ever take me for one.”
Kyo growled. He wanted his beads back. Tohru was afraid of him, so afraid of him in this form. This would all ready be a traumatizing enough event; did Akito really have to make it worse. And, he size in this form…he was huge, far too large to take a virgin without tearing her up, without hurting her.
“Get on with it!” Akito ordered.
Slowly, Kyo made his way to a wide-eyed and clearly frightened Tohru.
Kyo lay on his stomach on one of the examining tables in Hatori's office, staring at a screen that divided him from Tohru. Hatori was with Tohru, doing something to help her. Tohru was sobbing. She hadn't stopped sobbing.
He stared at the screen, reliving last night, and feeling sick to his stomach. He hated what he did to her, hated that he did it. She had been so scared when he came at her, so hurt, physically and emotionally when he had finished. He wanted to apologize right away, had tried to, but before he could get the words out, he'd been hit over the head again by Akito.
Kyo sighed, and looked over at the clock. It was almost eight o'clock.
Hatori came out from behind the curtain; he wouldn't look Kyo in the eye. The cat flushed red. Why…why did someone have to know so soon? And without anyone telling him?
“How did your back get this way?” Hatori asked.
“Akito,” Kyo answered softly. “He whipped me.”
“Jesus….” Hatori muttered. “You're going to need stitches. It's going to take a while, so get comfortable. I'm only going to numb your back a little bit, so you will have a prickly feeling.”
Kyo didn't move. He didn't flinch when he felt the needle in his back. But, the doctor couldn't have been more wrong.
`Prickly feeling, my ass,' Kyo thought distantly as Hatori sewed his back up. It hurt like hell.
“How-How's Tohru?” Kyo stammered.
“She'll be fine. There were only cuts on her thighs; they weren't deep enough to require stitches. Her body will recover.”
“W-what about…her? I mean, her mind, her emotions….Will she be okay?”
“I can't say, Kyo,” Hatori sighed. “I am not a psychiatrist, but what I can say is that she is traumatized at the very least, and from what I have pieced together, I can't blame her for being so upset.”
“….I didn't want to….” Kyo murmured. “Hatori…do you think….she could be pregnant?”
“I don't know, Kyo. For her sake, let's hope she's not.”
Kyo sighed, and lay his head down.
“All right; you're finished.”
Finally, Kyo thought. It was almost nine now. Tohru had gone quiet long ago; Kyo hoped she had fallen asleep. She needed sleep; sleep and an altered memory.
Altered memory….
“H-Hatori?” Kyo asked as he sat up.
“Yes?” the dragon responded.
“Do you think you could…erase Tohru's memories…of what happened last night?”
Hatori looked over at him. “Possibly….If she wants the erased.”
“I'll-I'll talk to her….” Kyo said