Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Kyo, what happened last night?” Hatori repeated.
Kyo looked down, swallowing, trying to force the lump in his throat down. “She-she-” he stammered, forcing the words out as tears stung his eyes as visions of the night before flashed through his brain. “She'll need a-a morning-after pill.”
Kyo bit his lip, turning away. It was out. Hatori would quickly figure out what had happened, why Tohru would need the morning after-pill. He'd know she was raped.
Hatori didn't say anything for a while, perhaps from shock. Kyo didn't know, and he didn't care. He just didn't want any more questions about the prior night, didn't want any more of it revealed.
“All right,” Hatori said finally, picking up his medical bag and dropping a few things inside it. “Let's go.”
Kyo turned to leave, but was stopped by a short, almost silent gasp from Hatori.
“Kyo, what happened to your back?”
“Huh?” He turned back at his cousin.
“There are gashes all over your back,” Hatori said, concern clear and ripe in his voice, putting a hand on Kyo's shoulder and twisting him around so that his back was facing the dragon.
Oh yes…that.…
When he and Tohru reached to the main house, they had been told, by a servant, to go to the house that contained that room. Kyo was immediately on edge; nothing good could come from going to that room. He insisted on going in first, that Tohru should wait outside while he saw what was inside. If there was anything too horrific, anything that could potentially hurt her, he'd take her back to Shigure's straight away. He didn't care about the consequences then; he wouldn't let anything hurt her if he could help it.
Kyo had pushed the door slowly open, and peeked into the room. It was large and seemingly bare. Then Kyo saw something shine from the light coming form the open door. He pushed the door open wider. They were chains and shackles. Kyo turned to leave. There was no way he'd let Tohru go in there, not with something like that in there.
“Let's go-” he started to say, but was cut off by Tohru crying out.
Kyo looked to where Tohru's gaze went; behind him. As he started to turn to face the deity, something hard and heavy collided with the back of his head, and everything went black.
When he finally regained consciousness, Kyo found him in that room again. He was cold; his clothes were gone. His arms hurt. They were above his head, and strangely, he was standing. He tried to pull his arms down, but they wouldn't. Kyo looked up. His hands were in shackles that were connected to the ceiling, and were pulling his arms up so that he was practically dangling off the floor. He tried moving his legs; they were chained as well, but to the floor.
“What the hell-”
“I see the pretty kitty has woken up,” said a cold voice from somewhere to his left; he recognized it immediately as Akito's.
Kyo looked up. Tohru was across the room from him, chained and gagged, and staring at him with such an intense look of fear on her face.
Akito walked in front of him, his hands behind his back. “Hello Kyo,” he said, smirking at him.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Kyo growled. “Let Tohru go!”
The deity tsked. “You really do care for her, don't you? How pathetic.” He walked around Kyo, carefully keeping his hands from Kyo's view. “I thought that you would know by now, Kyo…. The cat can never be happy. And you thought you could hide this from me…this source of happiness. I have to make up for it now.”
“Don't you dare hurt Tohru!” Kyo screamed.
“Hurt Tohru? I would never ever hurt anyone outside our family,” Akito said silkily. “Did I lay a hand on Kana? Oh no…. I had to punish Hatori instead.”
Kyo swallowed. Akito had hurt Hatori on purpose when he had nearly blinded the dragon. Would the same happen to him?
“…And now,” Akito continued, “you must be punished.”
Tohru suddenly started struggling against her chains, tried to scream through her gag as she stared at something just behind Kyo, where Akito was standing. Fear raced through him; what was he doing?
Then he felt something sharp strike his back, cut open his skin as he heard the crack of a whip. And he screamed.
Kyo looked up at Hatori and shook his head. “Tohru's more important…. Worry about my back later.”
Hatori looked doubtful, but nodded. “All right….”
They ran to the room where Kyo had left Tohru. She was in the same position she had been when he had left; huddled in a fetal position and facing the closest wall. Hatori went to her immediately, kneeling beside her, while Kyo stayed a few feet away. She had flinched away the last time he tried to touch her, and didn't blame her, not after what he'd done.
“Tohru,” Hatori said softly. “Tohru, are you hurt anywhere?”
She nodded. Her eyes were constantly moving, as though searching for something to look at. But, they always avoided looking at Kyo, and Kyo felt like screaming. She was afraid of him….
“Where are you hurt?”
Her lips moved, but Kyo couldn't hear what she said. Hatori obviously hadn't either, for he leaned in closer, asking for her to repeat what she just had said.
“Okay, that's normal,” Hatori said softly to her, straightening up. “It will ache for a little bit. Do you hurt anywhere else?”
“My…my thighs…There…are cuts…on them.”
“Can you roll over on your back for me, so I can look at them?”
She did as he said, and Hatori gently parted her legs to examine her cuts. “They don't seem to be too deep, and the bleeding seems to have stopped….Why don't I clean and bandage them back in my office? Can you stand?”
Tohru nodded, and ever so slowly sat up. Hatori offered her a hand and pulled her to her feet. But not a second after she was standing, he knees buckled and she gripped Hatori's arms to stay standing.
“It hurts,” Tohru gasped, fresh tears starting down her cheeks.
“Kyo,” Hatori called to him. “Take Tohru's other arm while we walk; it'll give her support.”
Kyo hesitantly approached Tohru. Would she let him near her, let him help her?
As he came closer, Tohru's eyes watched him carefully. When he was in reach of her, he slowly touched her arm, to grip it from underneath to help her walk. She seemed to be all right with this; she didn't flinch away at least. He gripped his hand around her arm and reached over with his other-
“No!” Tohru suddenly screeched. “Don't touch me!”
She jerked away from, clinging to Hatori, who had quickly grabbed her waist and held her at enough distance so he wouldn't transform. Hatori looked down at the quivering girl that was struggling to get closer to him for protection, then back at Kyo, a strange look on his face; a look of horror, and of sudden realization. Kyo felt his stomach turn.
Hatori knew….