Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The next day passed slowly for Kyo, who desperately wanted Tohru's birthday to come as quick as it could. He couldn't wait to see her reaction when she opened up the small black box on her birthday. At first, when he had gotten home after buying the ring, he had second thoughts. Tohru usually almost hated getting pampered; she was so uncomfortable with it. But then he convinced himself that she'd love it, for it was only a ring. She would definitely be thankful for it; she was thankful for everything, and maybe it'd be different since he was her boyfriend.
And now that he was excited about giving her his gift, each class crept by slowly, driving him insane. But it was Friday; only three more days. He'd have the weekend with her; maybe he'd give it to her Sunday night, since she was going out with her friends on Monday.
At last school had ended, and Kyo and Tohru headed home. Yuki had some sort of student council meeting, and so he had to stay after. The walk home was quiet, and Kyo liked it this way. He was afraid that if he talked, he'd accidentally talk about her birthday present.
Shigure was waiting on the porch for them, a serious look on his face. Kyo became tense; what could have happened to make Shigure serious.
“Hi Shigure,” Tohru said happily, obviously not noticing Shigure's grim look.
“Hello Tohru,” the dog said, giving her a slight, strained smile. He looked at her, and then at Kyo. “I just got a call from the main house. You two have to go there immediately. Akito wants to see you.”
Kyo blinked. Is this what Hatori was warning him about? What could Akito want them for? “Did he say why?”
Shigure shook his head. “No…He just wants you to come to the main house right away; that's all I know.”
Tohru looked at Kyo. “I guess we'd better get going. I'm going to put my schoolbag inside; I'll take yours if you want.”
Kyo shrugged, and handed his schoolbag to her. Maybe he'd get some answers from Shigure if she weren't here.
After Tohru had disappeared into the house, Kyo said, “Are you sure you don't know?”
“I have no idea, Kyo,” he said. “But….I do have my suspicions. Be careful with Tohru….We don't know what Akito will try to do.”
“Do you think he's going to erase-”
Kyo stopped. Tohru was coming out the door.
“We'd better get going,” Kyo said, his happy spirits from thinking about Tohru's birthday gone completely now.
“Bye, Shigure!” Tohru said. “There's some food in the fridge in case I'm not back in time for dinner; just heat it up.”
Shigure nodded and smiled. “Will do, Tohru.”
It was cold. A breeze was blowing over him. The floor was hard. It was cold too. What was he doing on the floor?
Kyo slowly opened his eyes. He was in a room…. That room. The one that Akito usually reserved for Yuki. So large, and bare. Silent. A door on the other end of the room was open; that was where the breeze was coming in. He could see daylight from the doorway, a sunrise.
Kyo shivered, and looked down at his body, puzzled. His clothes were gone. Why were his clothes gone? How did he get into this room? Why was he in this room?
Then he heard a noise; someone sniffling. He rolled over, looking behind him. Tohru was huddled on the floor, lying with her back to him. The events of the night before came back to him, and he felt a wave of nausea wipe through him. He remembered what Akito had done….what he had done.
“Tohru?” His voice cracked, it hurt to talk. He'd screamed so much last night, yelled, cursed Akito….
She jumped at the sound of his voice, but didn't respond.
Kyo crept over to her. “Tohru?” He touched her shoulder and she flinched away from his touch, crying out wordless sounds. She was looking up at him, fear written all over her face.
“Oh god Tohru I'm so sorry!” Kyo cried, bringing his hands away from her. She was scared of him, so scared of him…. He looked her up and down; was she hurt anywhere? He didn't know what happened after Akito knocked him out; Akito could have done so many things to her. She seemed fine….Then he saw her thighs, just at the hem of her skirt. Dried blood caked her skin there.
Goddamn Akito.
“Tohru,” Kyo said quietly, just so she could hear. “I'm going to be right back. I'm going to get Hatori. I'll be right back.”
He looked around the bare room, for anything he could use to cover himself. He spotted his clothes in a pile in a corner, and rushed over, quickly pulling his pants on.
Kyo ran as fast as he could to Hatori's house. He hadn't seen any injuries on Tohru, but he couldn't be sure. The skin on his back stung as though there were hundreds of cuts all over it. There were, Kyo suddenly remembered.
He reached the dragon's house, and ran right in, not waiting to knock.
“Hatori!” he yelled, looking around the room, for a clue as to where his bedroom was. Kyo had never been inside his cousin's house before. “Hatori!”
There was shuffling in a room to his right, Kyo ran there. Hatori was slowly getting out of bed, stretching and rubbing his eyes. He caught sight of the teen. “Kyo?” he yawned.
“Hatori, Tohru needs help at least I think she needs help I don't know you have to come quick!”
His mind was going too fast for him to make a normal sentence. Why wasn't Hatori hurrying?
“What? Slow down, Kyo,” Hatori said calmly. “What about Tohru?”
“She-she might be hurt,. You have to come look at her!”
The dragon suddenly became alert. “Where is she?”
“In the room, that room.”
Hatori understood, and nodded. Every one of the Sohma's knew about that room.
“I'm coming, hold on a minute.” Hatori pulled a pair of pants out of a drawer and slipped them on. “What's Tohru doing; what was she doing when you left?”
“Just lying on the ground; she didn't move or anything.”
“Was she conscious?” He walked out of the bedroom.
“Yeah. She-she was crying.” His voice broke. He felt so guilty, so dirty for what he'd done to Tohru.
“What happened last night?”
Kyo stared at Hatori. No….there was no way….he couldn't say what happened….