Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ My Strangled Emotions ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The wierciercilessly through the forest as the rain rage heavily apon the house. Its remaining residents where becoming very tired of waiting on one particular cat. Yuuki normally would have just started eating with out Kyo, but Toru insisted that it wouldn't be polite to started eating without the high tempered boy. Shagurai was working late, so the teens had to some how get along until he came back. Toru sat infront of the table, while Yuuki stood at the threshold of the door becoming more impatient with each glance his violet eyes made over the food.

"Miss Honda, I think its very kind of you to think of that foolish cat, but I don't think its fair that all this wonderful food that you have prepared has to get cold while we wait on that impossible creature. Its doubtless the'he'll even come home tonight."

Toru gazed at the food she prepared. In all honesty she did put alot of effort in it, but she was really looking forward to talking to Kyo. That was one of the main reasons she worked so hard on these dishes. She blushed at this realization. The redness in her face had turn a dark crimson as Yuuki stared at her wondering why she had become so flushed.

Yuuki had now realized this as well. Anger arose in the gray haired boys heart. To think that she would have any attachment to the foolish creature that he called cousin. What did she see? He was irritating, obnoxious,and bent on beating the hell out of him as he to him. He always felt so strange around him...
We'll, He definitely carried the Sohma charm. Even though he didn't like her judgment, Yuuki had to accept it. She had been through alot, and he didn't want to put any stress on her just because that stupid cat decided not to show his face. Sighing, Yuuki smiled at the girl with sympathetic eyes. "Miss Honda you really wanted him to be hear didn't you?"

Walking out the door, he promised to bring back the crea, an, and not to kill him.

The rain fell on the tree tops. Kyo sat on of the great Oak branches wishing he had something to protect him from the horrible water that splashed around him. The leaves were protecting him from the rain, but every now and then a droplet would fall apon his face and he would scowl at the disgusting feel of it. Damn Yuuki, he thought to himself, hes the reason I'm stuck up here. Hes the reason for every bad thing in my life!

He depised ray ray haired boy. He hated him for his strength, he hated him for his self control, he hated him for the way he felt around him. All of his life he was the shadow that always reminded him of his weakness. From the moment they first met , he knew there was something about him. Something that was the total opposite of his self.

A young Kyo sits in the forest playing alone.
"Kyo? Kyo where are you? You can't find me mother!"

"Who are you talking to?"
Suprised that someone else was there, Kyo looses his balance and falls off the tree branch onto a young boy.

"Are you okay?

"Yes I'm fine. Thanks for breaking my fall. Are you hurt at all?"

" No I just bumped my head. How did you get up there?"

"Im a kitten, or at least thats what my aunt calls me. Who are you?

"My names Yuuki. Whats yours?"


"Do you want to play with me?"

"I don't play. Im training to be a martial art master."

" Ha. That sounds pretty silly."

"It does not ! My father was a master!"

"I bet you can't land one finger on me."

"Oh yeah?!"

Kyo balls up his tinyt ant and strikes the litte gray haired boy in tthe eye. Yuuki falls back a starts to cry fieriously. A man runs up to them and snatches Kyo by his collar. As he watched the other cry, his tiny heart ached. Yuuki's l fal face reddened and he raised his hand to his cheek, cries turning ismalsmall whimpers.

"Kyo you can't fight with your cousin. You must learn self control!
And with that the man carried him off. In the distance he could still hear the others voice calling him.


End Flash back

Kyo cursed himself for remembering that day.
"Ugh.... One day I'm going to beat you dumb rat!"

Suddenly Kyo hears someone snickering. A Gray haired boy comes into the clearing drenched.

"So your up a tree and can't get down? Yoolisolish kitten."
"Shut up!"
"Do you know Toru has been waiting for you to arrive?! You stupid cat think about someone else other than your self."

Kyo felt anger arising in hiim. "That is it! I'm tired of you always acting like your better than me! Get ready because this is the last time you'll be able to!"
Forgetting his hatred of the rain, Kyo jumped from the branch to attack Yuuki, and not for the first time, was tossed aside by his superior cousin. He tried again and again not landing a single punch. He continued relentlessly as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. He was thrown onto the ground once again but this time he did not try to get up. He just lied their under a blanket of rain, feeling the pain and emotion that he always felt around the other take over him.

More than a little annoyed by the situation, Yuuki walked over to the other and demanded he get up. He was wet and hungry and was not about to take anymore of the selfish creatures childishness.

"Kyo get up now!", he yelled, but he just laid their motionless. "Kyo I don't have time for your games, get up now!"

He didn't move. Maybe I hit him too hard...Yuuki thought. Suddenly feeling strangely worried for the other, Yuuki stooped down, with out thought , and placed his hand on the others shoulder. Kyo forced himself not to sob as tears rolled down the side his face.

" Why.. why must I hurt over you ....why must I endure so much pain..."Yuuki stared in shock at the other boys tremulous words.
" I wish you could feel what I feel.....I wish you could feel this hatred! I hate you! I hate the way you make me feel!" Kyo turned to Yuuki with the passion that burned so deep in his heart, and began to throw punches at him aiming at his chest as to peirce his heart with the same pain. "I hate you! Your my WEAKNESS!!"

Yuuki grabbed Kyo's wrists and pinned him to the ground. As their bodies touched, Yuuki felt the the heart that he inflicted so much pain on, the others chest rising and falling with his own. He blushed at the touch. His violet colored eyes stared fieriously at Kyo bringing more tears to trail down his face. He said nothing more, he just laid their not protesting, showing this boy he loved so much the pain rought in his scarlet colored eyes.

Once he was sure Kyo wouldn't try to hit him, Yuuki shifted alittle off his mid section and loosed his grip on his wrists. His gazed was sympathetic, but intense as he caught his breath to speak.
"Kyo ... I'm sorry. If I had known I would have..."

"You would have done what? Call me some kind of weirdo because I 'm in love with you?"

At those words Yuuki's heart almost broke. "No...I wouldn't have said that... I would have said...."
"Forget it!" Kyo arose quickly and made his way back to their home, leaving Yuuki alone, holding the others heart break along with unthought of questions.

Toru was worried. It had been almost over a hour since Yuuki had left and Kyo had just walked in without him. She had asked him did he see him, but he just walked passed her to his room. Shagerai had just got home as well and he was about to go look for Yuuki, but he soon walked in soaked.
"Yuuki are you okay?"
He grimaced at the question. " I'm fine, thank you. I just need to ly down." He passed the two and went to his room.
Peeling off his wet clothes, Yuuki found something dry to put on, and laid down on his futon.

What was that?! All this time Kyo has been in love with me?! How do I feel about him? Do I love him? I have never looked at him that way. I guess hes cute. What am I saying!? Hes my cousin and hes a guy. Am I even attracted to guys?.... Im attracted to him........

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Come in."
From behind the door Toru appears with a dish of food.
"Thank you."
"No, thank you. You went out in the rain for me just to get Kyo. I hope you don't get sick."
"Thank you again Miss Honda"
And with that she disaper back through the door.
Yuuki looked at the food but continued to think about the feline in the next room.