Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ My Strangled Emotions ❯ 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

With the coolness of the midnight air blowing threw his window, Kyo sat at in his room, the words that fell from his lips earlier playing unwantedly in his miind.

I hate you...Your My WEAKNESS!

He growled. This mantra echoed repeatly as if the Imp herself was beside him chanting it. "Why..why do I have to be in love with that jerk?!" Kyo balled his hand into a fist. In truth, he was a very unstable creature, and the emotions that had been so long dormant now flooded threw him so much he thought he would errupt. Instead, a single tear slid down his soft cheek and made its way to the side of his lips causing him to suddenly cringe from its salty taste.

This is not how he imagine it would be when he told Yuuki. He always dreamed that when he told his prince his feelings, that he would recieve the same. The only thing he recieved was to him words of disgust. Sighing, he wiped his cheek, climbed out the window leting the cool wind blow his anger away.

Meanwhile, Yukki sat in the kitchen, unable to get andy rest. The words that streaked out of Kyo's lips had left him with a deep ache. He relized that he had feelings for Kyo, but was worried about the implications of him tell him. He probally wouldn't even listen. He had hurt the cat for so long.. What if he really truely hated him? Yuuki thought it was only fair if he did. He treated Kyo with such cruelty that he wondered why he loved him at all. Love...

That was it. He was going to tell him how he felt even if he still hated him. Kyo needed to know that he didn't hate him. Yuuki quitely walked into the hallway and headed for Kyos room. Slidding the door back, Yuuki walked into the dark room to find it empty.

He knew where to find him. He peered out of the window and looked to the roof where he saw Kyo siting down looking at the stars. Kyo noticed the gray haired boy and stood up ready to pounce off the house. Before he could Yuuki's voice stopped him.

"Kyo, we need to talk."

No we don't"

"Kyo please, you can't avoid me forever, and ......I would be hurt if you did."

Kyo never wanted to really hurt Yuuki, he just could hide his feelings no other way. Since he had bared his heart to him already, their was really no reason for him to retreat. He climbed down in his feline manner,watching for any sign that Yuuki was going to attack. 'It didn't matter anymore,theres nothing left for him to hurt.'

When he finally made it inside, saw Yuuki waiting for hiim on the bed. He dared not sit next to him, for fear that he might, hurt him.

"Kyo", Yuuki said softly, " About what you said earlier....I'm sorry I hurt you. The only true reason that I acted meanly towards you is because I thought you didn't like me. The truth is I don't hate you."

Kyo growled. "The only reason your saying that is because you feel bad.We''ll I don't need your simpaathies!"

"Why are you so pig headed! The reason I said that is because I love you!"

Shock spread through Kyo. Yuuki loved him? He must be lying, but why does it sound so sinncre?

Kyo turned away froom the other boy, not wanting him to see him crying because of a cruel practical joke.

How could you be so god damn cruel Yuuki?! Even I woulddn't stoop that low."

The gray haired boy walked over to his crying kitten, wrapping a arm around his waist.

"But I do Kyo. I love you, but I can understand if you don't want to listen to me. I've hurt you for too long."

THe cats heart beat wildly, feeling the heart that he wanted for his own beat from behind him. He was telling the truth! he really did love him!
He had been waiting all his life to hear his prince say those words.

"I love you to'm.'m...sorry for all that time I waisted by not telling you how I really feel."

Yuuli kissed the cat's neck, wrapping his other arm around his chest.

"Don't worry, you've got all night to make it up to me."

Both boys laughed.

"Hey, why do I have to make it up to you to night?"

"Because I've been thinking about making it up to you tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day....... you'll be too tired to do anything after that."

Kyo resisted the urge to laugh out loud.

"I love you."

"I love you too kitten."

Suddenly Kyos cat reflexes kicked in as he felt someone at the door of his room. He quickly stood infront of his gray haired love, and stood in a defensive position.

It would have been funny if he wasn't growling. It would have been funny if his senses hadn't told him that they were in danger. Yuki stared in shock at the others imediate change. "Kyo..."

Suddenly a gust of wind blew threw the room that nearly knocked the two off their feet. It swirled like a very small tornado in the room until it died off, leaving a tall man standing before the two boys.

The man had a smile on hiscefuceful lips and a devilish twinkle in his eye. There was a tremulous whimper and Yuki gasped. It came from Kyo. He never heared Kyo....whimper, and as he stared at the man infront of him, he knew he had an serious hold on his cousin. No his mate. A serious hold on his only love. A growl stirred in his chest and made his way up to his throat. This man was someone important to Kyo. He could see it in the way the boy stared at him. His firey eyes looking almost painful; just way way he did in the forest when he proclaimed his love.

The man walked over to Kyo, ignoring the purple eyed boy who tried to burn a hole in him. The moons light made the man more visible. He was... gorgeous. He had deep tinted blue hair that fell aimlessly in his face and rained down his back. He had the face of a fallen angel in the dim light. His piercing blue eyes twinkled with mischief as he stared at the orange haired teen.

Kyo blushed. "Sensei..."

"My little hellcat....."

The man grinned and laid a kiss on the boys forehead, which was still to friendly for Yuki. He growled more, sounding more like a angry loiness about to tear the blue haired man to shreads. Inside he was shocked at his behavior. He had calmed down abit and let his growl subside. Something inside still told him they were in danger, and weather the man who was kissing his mate was it or not he wasn't surut hut he was going to find out.......


So how was that? If you like it so far, please review and tell me. I will post the next chapter soon. Just to let you know, it will get heated in the next chapter. This mystery teacher from Kyo's pass is rubbing Yuki in all the wrong ways, but rubbing Kyo ll tll the right ones! What happened between him and this 'teacher'?...... If you wantknowknow, wait for the next chapter!!

Prisma Kakkerra