Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ No longer alone ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Wooo! Chapter 12 here! What do you guys think? This IS my first fic after all!!E#@!$
Thoughts are in italics!
Dialogue in the traditional quote signs of course. Enjoy the chapter!
Kuu: Eee! I'm sorreh for the delayed updating!! It's just, this is my first fic and all..And I've had to rewrite alot of it to make it sound okay..
Black Haru: YOU LIE YOU LAZY BASTARD!!!!! -pointing-
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After their little 'run in' with the dog and snake, Haru, in all his hot headed glory had grabbed Kyo by the wrist and led him out of the house. Kyo followed obediently as Haru pulled him along at a fast pace. He walked, looking around at their surroundings. Haru suddenly stopped, and since the cat wasn't paying attention he bumped into the cows back. He regained his composure and fixed his attention to the quiet teen in front of him.
Haru stood there quietly looking ahead, then he looked down at his hand, which had a firm grip on another hand. He quirked a brow, following a trail up a slightly tanned arm with his eyes, and continued up the body until their eyes met.
"Uhm..Where are we..?" He took a look around then glanced back at the redhead apologetically.
"Wait..You mean you've been black this whole time? Geez, I could have been in real danger.." He absent mindedly ran a hand through his short red hair. Haru just blinked at him, his face very serious. Kyo sighed.
"Well..Let's see. You randomly appeared at a..very akward time and you went black and pretty much beat Ayame within an inch of his life, that's of course after you scared him shitless. You threatened Shigure immensely, then dragged me out of the house and that's how we got here." He motioned around him for emphasis.
"..." He cows eyes softened a bit. "I'm sorry."
Kyo arched a brow in question, bidding the placid teen to elaborate further.
"I didn't mean to make a scene, I guess seeing Ayame doing all of those things to you make me lose my temper a bit..Now they know. So much for keeping it quiet." Haru absently kicked at the ground.
"That's what you're worried about? Man! It was great!" Kyo laughed out loud as he remembered the priceless looks on each of their faces. "Don't worry about it, besides, form what I saw..I'm almost positive they won't do anything about it, they'll probably leave us alone about it.
Haru nodded, looking around again. (Probably trying to figure out where he'd let them.) Kyo observed the confused look on the directionally challenged teen and heaved a small sigh.
"Come on, the parks just over here." Kyo pointed, pushing Haru in front of him. Haru nodded, walking in the direction Kyo pointed him in. Man, did he feel stupid. He had NO idea where they were. But it was okay. As long as he acted like he knew then everything would be just fine.
"Hey Haru, the parks right here." Kyo called to him. The cow looked over his shoulder and saw that Kyo had stopped walking a good 20 feet behind him.
". . . . . . . . . . . ."
Haru roughly shoved his hands into his pockets and slowly began walking back toward the neko. 'Note to self: Next time you try to act like you know what's going on.. PAY ATTENTION!' He mentally scolded himself.
Kyo stared at the silent cows back as they walked. He's usually more talkitive then this, was he still mad..?
The breeze picked up, Kyo sighed, enjoying the weather while he still could, it wasn't hot or cold. It was just right, perfect weather for a cat-nap.
"It's a nice day." Haru said out of no where, practically reading the cats mind.
"This way." Kyo told him, taking the lead. They walked deeper into the park until they came to a covered area that looked like an old basketball court. Kyo began climbing the ladder that lead to the top of the court and motion for the other to follow.
Haru mentally kicked himself. This had the be the one downside to their relationship..What was with cats and high places anyway? He hated heights. And this was a little different from Shigures, who's house wasn't that high off the ground, and the school, who had safety rails in case you're stupid enough to fall over the edge. That one person would be Haru..
'Imagine that, stupid AND wimpy.' He thought to himself as he hoisted himself up the ladder. After a few moments he looked up and realized that he was almost to the top. It wasn't as bad as he thought..
'As long as you don't think about slipping and falling to your bloody demise..' He thought bitterly as he reached the top. He felt better once he had both feet on the flat surface. He let out the breath he'd been holding in since he started the inevitable climb.
"You okay, Haru? You look kinda pale." Kyo stood on the opposite side of the roof.
"I'm fine." He looked over the edge, he could see most of the park from here.. "Nice view" He turned to get away from the edge before his legs got wobbly on him. He layed flat on his back, resting his hands safely on his stomach. He silently watched as the clouds drifted over head.
"Yeah. I come here alot, usually to get away from that damn Shigures house." Kyo explained as he took a seat next to the impassive cow. Both of them sat quietly, enjoying the silence and fresh air. The sun was getting lower in the sky giving it a orange-ish tint.
Kyo fidgeted. He was going through a list of possible reasons for the cows odd behavior. He just wasn't himself today, he was usually straight forward and just blurted out whatever comes to mind. He took a glance at Haru, who seemed to be entranced by the sky and sighed.
'Maybe he's just tired.' He told himself 'Or does he regret wasting his time with me..?' Kyo shook his head. 'Damnit, I'm acting like Tohru now..' He noticed the cows bandaged hand and arched a brow in wonder.
"Hey. What happe-" Kyo started
"I've been thinking." Haru stated as he propped himself up on his elbows. Kyo looked at the cow and his heart stopped. Did he really regret it..? There was a silence before the white haired teen spoke again.
"You and I are pretty similar, ya know?" Haru said looking at his hurt hand. "We're both cursed by the zodiac, and we both have out own second curse." He glanced up at the teen beside him.
"You with your other form and me with my black personality. And because of these, we've been treated differently, which is why we've been avoided and lonley for most of our lives." He broke eye contact and stared straight ahead. He sighed. How should he say this..? He's never had this much trouble saying what was on his mind.
Kyo waited impatiently as the obviously troubled cow tried to put his thoughts into words. He looked up when Haru began to speak again.
"It's just..I..Uh..Well.." Haru tried but stopped, furrowing his brows in irritation. He couldn't find the right words to use..He didn't want to look stupid. 'It's not like I do this often..' he thought to himself. ' I should just come out with it.'
Kyo fidgeted some more, was Haru afraid of hurting his feelings or something? Like his feelings weren't hurt enough already..He'd been stupid for assuming something this good would happen to him. Although..Admitting it, even to himself, made him sad..Which pissed him off even more. He stood.
"Damnit! Out with it already!" Kyo's face was flushed as he looked away, glaring at the park below. Haru flinched at the Cats tone, did he do something to upset Kyo?
"Okay..Well..It's just." He paused. "I've decided that I don't ever want to be without you, if that's possible. It's like when I'm not with you, I feel empty..I don't really know how to explain it.." He risked a glance at the older boy. Kyo's head popped up, he stared at the flushed cow, laying there, smiling up at him with warm eyes.
"I think I love you." he stated sheepishly, still blushing. He looked away so that cat couldn't see he worried look in his eyes. Hopefully his little declaration wouldn't scare the cat away, he didn't know what he'd do if Kyo rejected him. He seemed kind of mad in the first place, although he didn't really know why.
Kyo was dumbfounded. Did he hear that correctly? His eyes softened. He'd been getting upset over nothing. He slowly walked toward the tense boy.
Haru remained propping himself on his elbows. He closed his eyes and sighed. He tensed and cracked an eye open when he felt arms snake around his neck. To his surprise, Kyo was practically straddling him. His cheeks turned a shade of pink as he sighed in relief. Kyo pulled back. He cupped the taller teens face, resting his forehead against the others. He closed his eyes.
"Idiot. I'm not goin' anywhere." He told him. Frankly, Kyo wasn't used to this type of thing, but it all just felt so right at the moment. He'd never actually been needed by another person, or needed a person as much as he did. Of course, he hasn't admitted it..The cat in him is what made him so rebellious, the thought of settling down in one place didn't even cross his mind.
"Promise..?" Haru asked in a worried tone.
Kyo brushed his lips to the top of the younger teens head and pulled back to look into his soft, smoky eyes. He arched a brow, looking amused then crossed his hands over his chest.
"Oh, so I'm a liar now? I see how it i-"
But before he could finish the sentence, Haru leaned forward and caught the cats mouth with his own. He felt the redhead smile against his lips, he smirked inwardly. It seemed that his kitten was beginning to feel a bit more comfortable around him.
Kyo felt as Haru nipped slightly at his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He acknowledged, parting his mouth slightly for the cow, who immediately jumped at the chance to deepen the kiss. Finally, Kyo pulled back for air, his lips were parted slightly as he took a few shallow breaths, trying to recover from the light-headed daze he was in.
He'de never felt like this before, it was all so new to him..But he liked it..Kyo glanced down at the flustered boy beneath him, his eyes were glazed over with lust and a very lopsided smile adorned his face. He wasn't sure if he'd ever seen the cow look so content. He placed a hand on the cows face, slowly drawing him in, their eyes never leaving each other.
Just as their lips were about to meet Kyo's stomach emitted a very loud and strangled sound. They both froze and sweatdropped. That was the perfect way to ruin a moment. Haru sighed and fell back into the laying position he was in before. Kyo just sat there, looking slightly embarassed.
"Guess we should head back then." Haru stated in amusement. "It's getting kind of late anyway."
Kyo nodded. Haru sat there for a moment and waited. He quirked a brow when the cat still didn't move.
"Hm." He queried. "I guess not?"
Kyo looked at him questionably for a moment then looked down at himself. He hadn't even realized the position they were in.
"Er." Kyo stood and waited for the younger teen.
"After you" Haru stood by the ladder, waiting for Kyo to go ahead of him, then carefully descended himself.
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Okay. What do you guys think? Review please. Flame me or don't I don't care, any review can help?! Please? I love you? Or if that bothers you then I don't love you..Or if you WANT me to love you then review and tell me..Then I will in fact, love you! ORRR You can review and tell me that you don't want my love and I'll be sure to save a spot on my shit list for you!!!! What do you say???? DEAL?
Thoughts are in italics!
Dialogue in the traditional quote signs of course. Enjoy the chapter!
Kuu: Eee! I'm sorreh for the delayed updating!! It's just, this is my first fic and all..And I've had to rewrite alot of it to make it sound okay..
Black Haru: YOU LIE YOU LAZY BASTARD!!!!! -pointing-
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After their little 'run in' with the dog and snake, Haru, in all his hot headed glory had grabbed Kyo by the wrist and led him out of the house. Kyo followed obediently as Haru pulled him along at a fast pace. He walked, looking around at their surroundings. Haru suddenly stopped, and since the cat wasn't paying attention he bumped into the cows back. He regained his composure and fixed his attention to the quiet teen in front of him.
Haru stood there quietly looking ahead, then he looked down at his hand, which had a firm grip on another hand. He quirked a brow, following a trail up a slightly tanned arm with his eyes, and continued up the body until their eyes met.
"Uhm..Where are we..?" He took a look around then glanced back at the redhead apologetically.
"Wait..You mean you've been black this whole time? Geez, I could have been in real danger.." He absent mindedly ran a hand through his short red hair. Haru just blinked at him, his face very serious. Kyo sighed.
"Well..Let's see. You randomly appeared at a..very akward time and you went black and pretty much beat Ayame within an inch of his life, that's of course after you scared him shitless. You threatened Shigure immensely, then dragged me out of the house and that's how we got here." He motioned around him for emphasis.
"..." He cows eyes softened a bit. "I'm sorry."
Kyo arched a brow in question, bidding the placid teen to elaborate further.
"I didn't mean to make a scene, I guess seeing Ayame doing all of those things to you make me lose my temper a bit..Now they know. So much for keeping it quiet." Haru absently kicked at the ground.
"That's what you're worried about? Man! It was great!" Kyo laughed out loud as he remembered the priceless looks on each of their faces. "Don't worry about it, besides, form what I saw..I'm almost positive they won't do anything about it, they'll probably leave us alone about it.
Haru nodded, looking around again. (Probably trying to figure out where he'd let them.) Kyo observed the confused look on the directionally challenged teen and heaved a small sigh.
"Come on, the parks just over here." Kyo pointed, pushing Haru in front of him. Haru nodded, walking in the direction Kyo pointed him in. Man, did he feel stupid. He had NO idea where they were. But it was okay. As long as he acted like he knew then everything would be just fine.
"Hey Haru, the parks right here." Kyo called to him. The cow looked over his shoulder and saw that Kyo had stopped walking a good 20 feet behind him.
". . . . . . . . . . . ."
Haru roughly shoved his hands into his pockets and slowly began walking back toward the neko. 'Note to self: Next time you try to act like you know what's going on.. PAY ATTENTION!' He mentally scolded himself.
Kyo stared at the silent cows back as they walked. He's usually more talkitive then this, was he still mad..?
The breeze picked up, Kyo sighed, enjoying the weather while he still could, it wasn't hot or cold. It was just right, perfect weather for a cat-nap.
"It's a nice day." Haru said out of no where, practically reading the cats mind.
"This way." Kyo told him, taking the lead. They walked deeper into the park until they came to a covered area that looked like an old basketball court. Kyo began climbing the ladder that lead to the top of the court and motion for the other to follow.
Haru mentally kicked himself. This had the be the one downside to their relationship..What was with cats and high places anyway? He hated heights. And this was a little different from Shigures, who's house wasn't that high off the ground, and the school, who had safety rails in case you're stupid enough to fall over the edge. That one person would be Haru..
'Imagine that, stupid AND wimpy.' He thought to himself as he hoisted himself up the ladder. After a few moments he looked up and realized that he was almost to the top. It wasn't as bad as he thought..
'As long as you don't think about slipping and falling to your bloody demise..' He thought bitterly as he reached the top. He felt better once he had both feet on the flat surface. He let out the breath he'd been holding in since he started the inevitable climb.
"You okay, Haru? You look kinda pale." Kyo stood on the opposite side of the roof.
"I'm fine." He looked over the edge, he could see most of the park from here.. "Nice view" He turned to get away from the edge before his legs got wobbly on him. He layed flat on his back, resting his hands safely on his stomach. He silently watched as the clouds drifted over head.
"Yeah. I come here alot, usually to get away from that damn Shigures house." Kyo explained as he took a seat next to the impassive cow. Both of them sat quietly, enjoying the silence and fresh air. The sun was getting lower in the sky giving it a orange-ish tint.
Kyo fidgeted. He was going through a list of possible reasons for the cows odd behavior. He just wasn't himself today, he was usually straight forward and just blurted out whatever comes to mind. He took a glance at Haru, who seemed to be entranced by the sky and sighed.
'Maybe he's just tired.' He told himself 'Or does he regret wasting his time with me..?' Kyo shook his head. 'Damnit, I'm acting like Tohru now..' He noticed the cows bandaged hand and arched a brow in wonder.
"Hey. What happe-" Kyo started
"I've been thinking." Haru stated as he propped himself up on his elbows. Kyo looked at the cow and his heart stopped. Did he really regret it..? There was a silence before the white haired teen spoke again.
"You and I are pretty similar, ya know?" Haru said looking at his hurt hand. "We're both cursed by the zodiac, and we both have out own second curse." He glanced up at the teen beside him.
"You with your other form and me with my black personality. And because of these, we've been treated differently, which is why we've been avoided and lonley for most of our lives." He broke eye contact and stared straight ahead. He sighed. How should he say this..? He's never had this much trouble saying what was on his mind.
Kyo waited impatiently as the obviously troubled cow tried to put his thoughts into words. He looked up when Haru began to speak again.
"It's just..I..Uh..Well.." Haru tried but stopped, furrowing his brows in irritation. He couldn't find the right words to use..He didn't want to look stupid. 'It's not like I do this often..' he thought to himself. ' I should just come out with it.'
Kyo fidgeted some more, was Haru afraid of hurting his feelings or something? Like his feelings weren't hurt enough already..He'd been stupid for assuming something this good would happen to him. Although..Admitting it, even to himself, made him sad..Which pissed him off even more. He stood.
"Damnit! Out with it already!" Kyo's face was flushed as he looked away, glaring at the park below. Haru flinched at the Cats tone, did he do something to upset Kyo?
"Okay..Well..It's just." He paused. "I've decided that I don't ever want to be without you, if that's possible. It's like when I'm not with you, I feel empty..I don't really know how to explain it.." He risked a glance at the older boy. Kyo's head popped up, he stared at the flushed cow, laying there, smiling up at him with warm eyes.
"I think I love you." he stated sheepishly, still blushing. He looked away so that cat couldn't see he worried look in his eyes. Hopefully his little declaration wouldn't scare the cat away, he didn't know what he'd do if Kyo rejected him. He seemed kind of mad in the first place, although he didn't really know why.
Kyo was dumbfounded. Did he hear that correctly? His eyes softened. He'd been getting upset over nothing. He slowly walked toward the tense boy.
Haru remained propping himself on his elbows. He closed his eyes and sighed. He tensed and cracked an eye open when he felt arms snake around his neck. To his surprise, Kyo was practically straddling him. His cheeks turned a shade of pink as he sighed in relief. Kyo pulled back. He cupped the taller teens face, resting his forehead against the others. He closed his eyes.
"Idiot. I'm not goin' anywhere." He told him. Frankly, Kyo wasn't used to this type of thing, but it all just felt so right at the moment. He'd never actually been needed by another person, or needed a person as much as he did. Of course, he hasn't admitted it..The cat in him is what made him so rebellious, the thought of settling down in one place didn't even cross his mind.
"Promise..?" Haru asked in a worried tone.
Kyo brushed his lips to the top of the younger teens head and pulled back to look into his soft, smoky eyes. He arched a brow, looking amused then crossed his hands over his chest.
"Oh, so I'm a liar now? I see how it i-"
But before he could finish the sentence, Haru leaned forward and caught the cats mouth with his own. He felt the redhead smile against his lips, he smirked inwardly. It seemed that his kitten was beginning to feel a bit more comfortable around him.
Kyo felt as Haru nipped slightly at his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He acknowledged, parting his mouth slightly for the cow, who immediately jumped at the chance to deepen the kiss. Finally, Kyo pulled back for air, his lips were parted slightly as he took a few shallow breaths, trying to recover from the light-headed daze he was in.
He'de never felt like this before, it was all so new to him..But he liked it..Kyo glanced down at the flustered boy beneath him, his eyes were glazed over with lust and a very lopsided smile adorned his face. He wasn't sure if he'd ever seen the cow look so content. He placed a hand on the cows face, slowly drawing him in, their eyes never leaving each other.
Just as their lips were about to meet Kyo's stomach emitted a very loud and strangled sound. They both froze and sweatdropped. That was the perfect way to ruin a moment. Haru sighed and fell back into the laying position he was in before. Kyo just sat there, looking slightly embarassed.
"Guess we should head back then." Haru stated in amusement. "It's getting kind of late anyway."
Kyo nodded. Haru sat there for a moment and waited. He quirked a brow when the cat still didn't move.
"Hm." He queried. "I guess not?"
Kyo looked at him questionably for a moment then looked down at himself. He hadn't even realized the position they were in.
"Er." Kyo stood and waited for the younger teen.
"After you" Haru stood by the ladder, waiting for Kyo to go ahead of him, then carefully descended himself.
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Okay. What do you guys think? Review please. Flame me or don't I don't care, any review can help?! Please? I love you? Or if that bothers you then I don't love you..Or if you WANT me to love you then review and tell me..Then I will in fact, love you! ORRR You can review and tell me that you don't want my love and I'll be sure to save a spot on my shit list for you!!!! What do you say???? DEAL?