Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Time ❯ Love And Death Embrace ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Love And Death Embrace--HIM

"I'm sure Kyou-kun's going to like this," I say with a smile as I continue to brush my hair as I stand infront of the mirror. I was wearing my usual attire, my orange cat backpack, my knee-length green dress. Placing the brush down on the counter, I fluff my dark brown hair before turning and leaving the bathroom.

Skipping down the hallway of my house, I stop by Rin's room. Knocking polietly on her door, I soon opened it, a huge grin placed on my face as she looked up. "What.." She muttered, not looking up, but instead flipping through the page of her magazine. I didn't answer, but just continued to smile. Rin soon sighed before placing the magazine beside her on the bed and looking over at me. "Okay, what.."

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm going over to Sensei's house to see Kyou-kun," I said with a smile before closing the door, and skipping to the kitchen. Grabbing my basket full of salmon onigiri, I soon left my house and ventured to Shigure's house.

I met Haru on the way there. He was lost as usual. Giggling, I helped him find his way back to the Main House, giving him one of my many home-made onigiri. He gave thanks before heading back home. I just hope he gets there okay.

Still giggling at what happened with Haru, I continued to walk down the dirt path leading to Shigure's house. Soon I reached the clearing, my smile was widening as I hurried down and went to the porch. I could hear Kyou and Yuki fighting, like usual.

I couldn't wait to see Kyou. He had been my childhood sweetheart. Although, I hated it how he always decided to push me away. It was as if he disliked me. But he couldn't, I knew it for sure. He promised he'd marry me.

Smiling, I slid the porch door open and undid the laces of my shoes before prancing inside the house and into the living room where a fight was currently being held. "Kyou-kun," I cried out loudly, after placing the basket on the floor beside me, I had my arms wide open, expecting him to come running at me with a hug..

But he didn't..

I watched as his face twisted in horror, his words becoming stutters as he turned to run away, not even welcoming me. But I wasn't that slow..

In a swift movement, I grabbed him tightly in my arms, pressing his head against my chest as my smile continued to be on my face. "Kyou-kun," I cry happily, stroking his vibrant orange hair, "Oh how I've missed you.."

"Get off my damnit," He managed to croak out. She was crushing him in her embrace.

"Why didn't you call," I began as tears slowly streaked down my cheeks, shaking him violently as my pent up anger began to flow. "Why haven't you visited me? I've missed you so much!" I cry, crushing him in my embrace, wishing his arms were wrapped around me..

"Get off me, woman," I heard him cry. But I ignored it as I held him tighter, brushing myself against him. I suddenly let go, watching as he crashed on the floor, watching him scrambling to his feet to run away.

"I brought you something," I said cheerfully, prancing over to my basket and holding it under Kyou's nose before placing it on the table. "I made them myself.. I know how much you like salmon, my Kyou-kun.." And for the first time ever..

"Uh, thanks, Kagura.." He said before sitting down and plopping one in his mouth.

I'm in love with you

And it's crushing my heart

All I want is you

To take me into your arms

I stood there in shock, trying my next not to allow my mouth to drop. He had just thanked me. I know, I know, I shouldn't be over-reacting because it was just a thank you. But it was from him. Kyou..

The boy who loved to be left alone. The boy who loves me... Who promised to marry me when we got older, despite how I'm a year or two older... My eyes immedietly begin to sparkle as tears of happiness begin to slowly run down my cheeks.

"Mm.. these are actually pretty good," I heard him say to himself, picking up another one and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Y-You really think so?" I manage to whisper as I stand behind him, my fingers clasped together and lightly clap them.


"Oh my gosh! Kyou-kun, thank you so much," Kagura squealed, dropping instantly to my knees and throwing my arms around the orange-headed neko. "I know they're not as good as Tohru-kun's, but I tried my best. Just for you!"

Kyou squirmed around underneath my grip, trying to get out. A slightly annoyed look was on his face as he just sighed and gave up. He reached for another onigiri, but suddenly realized that Shigure had slinked out of the room, along with Yuki. And Tohru.

Blinking, I just squeezed him tighter, running my fingers through his vibrant orange hair. I was just happy to see him. So happy.

When love and death embrace

"Kyou.." I say quietly, sitting beside him, looking up at him as he glanced down, mumbling something in reply.

"I love you.." I reply as he looked back at me. Something was wrong with this look. I have never seen it before. I wasn't sure what it meant, but I continued to talk quietly, "And I wish I could spend the rest of my life with you, Kyou-kun. I love you so much.. That if you left.. if you were to die, I wouldn't be able to keep on living.. That's how much I love you.."

Kyou just blinked at my reaction. He couldn't believe how calm I was acting, how I was not flailing around, beating the living pulp out of him.. He was truely amazed. A small smile formed on his lips as he just propped his head up with his elbow as he looked at me.

"And I know.. that you don't love me back.. But when we were younger.. you promised that you would marry me..And I know how now.. You don't really want to.. but.. I'll always love you in my heart.." I said quietly before standing up and leaving Shigure's house, and began walking back to my house.

I love you

And you're crushing my heart

I need you

Please take me into your arms

But the next day, he got angry at me. I had only come over to see him again. I remember entering inside the house, a cheerful look on my face as I called out to him, my arms spread as I expected him to run into my arms after my confession yesterday.

There was silence for a few minutes...

Kyou stood there, fighting with Yuki, looking over at me. His eyes were slightly narrowed as the two stopped fighting once I entered.. "What the hell are you doing here?" He shouted at me, as I tried not to let the tears fall.

"I-I just thought.."

"You thought what? That you could come over here when ever you want? God, woman! Leave me alone, I don't even like you! I hate you..!" Kyou shouted angrily, his face was a bit red from anger as I turned around, cupping my face in my hands as I ran from the house..

I ran fast, flinching as twigs slashed me in the face. I didn't care. All I wanted was to get home.. I needed someone to talk to.. Maybe Rin.. Or maybe.. Hatsuharu..

Arriving at my house, I open the door and slide my shoes off before hurrying up the stairs to my room, dropping on my bed as I allowed the tears to quickly run down my cheeks as I held the pillow close to me..


When love and death embrace

I was angry when I did it..

I felt like it wasn't worth it anymore..

I pressed the blade to my wrist, remember what once a girl at my school had said about this. Go down the road, and not across the street...

I dragged it down my arm..

And watched as the fresh blood came sputtering out and ran down my skin..

When love and death embrace

It was a numbing pain..

I switched hands with the knife, pressing hard into my flesh into it bled, and I dragged it back to the other side of my elbow...

I began feeling a bit faint...

Blood was splashed all over the walls..

All over the floor..

And it was staining my clothes, but it wasn't like it mattered.. Because..

He didn't love me..

When love and death embrace

I knew how he'd regret yelling at me like that after the confession. I wanted him to feel my pain..

I laughed..

And then I collapsed on the bathroom floor, the knife gripped tightly in my hand..

And I headed toward the light in the tunnel..

When love and death embrace

And now..

It's sad to say..


I didn't live long enough.. for my happy ending..