Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Time ❯ Funeral Of Hearts ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Funeral Of Hearts--Him

Love. It's a thing that all of us has thought of as impossible. He would stop it before we could take another step further. I was born for a purpose. A purpose, in which, may I like it or not, I would be forced to live my life by.

I was born as the rat, a special creature in the Zodiac. And he.. I was his pet, as he called me. I was to help him with his desires, and I was not supposed to disobey him.. Under no condition, for I was to listen and obey his every command.

And if I didn't..

I had become accustomed to the 'room' when I was younger and still living at the Main House. If I would dare step out of line, I would be placed in the dark room, to cry my eyes out in the darkness and await my punishment..

It was embarassing, trying to explain to people why I had bloody welts over my body. It was from him, my 'Master.' He was trying to brand me into something that I wasn't..

When I turned older, I was happy to finally escape the Main House and away from..him. He was always in my nightmares, in my dreams and even as I live now, here at the Main House with her.. He still haunts me.

Love's the funeral of hearts

And an ode for cruelty

When angels cry blood

On flowers of evil in bloom

I remember how I would cry, all day and all night when I was younger. I knew it would make the pain worse, and I knew.. that I eventually would make myself sick. I stopped eating, my face became pale, and my bones become frail as I would lock myself in my room.

Haru, one of my best friends, tried to comfort me. He'd hold me in his arms, crying along with me, trying to help share the pain.. And then we began to slip away from each other.

I was soon in my studies, studying like a good little boy, trying to do my best so I could get into a college far away and escape his clutches. Haru ended up making friends with Momiji, and.. well.. our friendship just kind of ended.

And I was then left alone..

And I cried like never before, curled up in a tight ball on my bed. I remember crying for hours until it wasn't possible to cry anymore...

The funeral of hearts

And a plea for mercy

When love is a gun

Separating me from you

Living at Shigure's house was one of Hatori's orders. It was a bit better, if you ask me. Although, I did have to put up with that stupid cat and the perverted dog. And I was doing okay.

No more asthma spells, and I remember that I began eating more. I soon became healthy and vibrant, and I finally took up one of my many hobbies that I was too afraid to try at the Main House. Scared to death that someone might beat me, lock me up in that dark room..


I had searched around the forest behind Shigure's place, looking for a perfect place to start my garden. I remember that it took me awhile, about a week, before I found the perfect spot. I planted many vegetables there, especially my favorite food, leeks.

I had a great life at school. People thought that I was the best thing in the world, and they always looked up to me. I had my own fanclub, in which I was known as the "Prince" in my school. And I can still remember this one.. familiar day..

I hadn't known her. I just thought of her as another girl in my class, a girl named Tohru Honda. I remember I had walked to school with her in the morning, saving her from the perverted inu who was shamelessly flirting with her.

And I never realized, that everytime she would smile, I would find myself smiling back, my heart filled with joy. And eventually, I realized that I loved her more than anything in the world. And I was fighting over her eventually.. with him.

I hated him. The way he'd look so smug as he always shot back smart remarks, thinking that he could beat me. Scoffing, I knew that he was wrong. He was a weak person, a stupid cat.. He was.. A monster..

With Miss Honda living in Shigure's house, I seemed to become more cheerful everytime I saw her. Smiles repeatedly shown about my face, and for once in my life.. I thought that this was okay..

She was the sun shining upon

The tomb of your hopes and dreams so frail

He was the moon painting you

With its glow so vulnerable and pale

I had forgotten about the real truth. The Sohma's are never meant to fall in love. We're not allowed to look at each other with that emotion.. And we are.. Strictly not allowed to let outsiders see our curse.

But she did..

The thing that really confused as all, was that Akito didn't care. That's when I got suspiscious.. Why would he do that when he made Hatori erase Kana's. It didn't make sense to me at all, but I eventually ignored it, and went back to smiling.

Love's the funeral of hearts

And an ode for cruelty

When angels cry blood

On flowers of evil in bloom

She was the angelic person in my life. I wanted to spend my life with her. I stood up for her when someone threatened her, I would give up my life for her.. Because she was the one person who was worth living for.

I didn't want her ending up with Kyou because I loved her so much. And she deserved much more than him. And it was also cute.. That day when we went to visit Ayame. And she came out wearing that dress..

The funeral of hearts

And a plea for mercy

When love is a gun

Separating me from you

"Yuki?" I heard her whisper as I look up, blinking. "Are you okay?" She asked me as a small smile forms on my lips as I nod. I watched as she continued to make dinner as I sat at the table, thinking about all that I've been through.

I was tortured, mentally abused, physically abused. My life, wasn't something that many people would wish to endure. My life has been hell. Created by the devil himself, laughing as everything goes wrong..

Sometimes, I felt like ending it all. But that was before she came. I remember how I would take knives and press them to my tender flesh of my wrist. It helped me numb the pains. Pressing it to my skin, watching as the knife deepened into the flesh and the blood began to flow freely, I would drag it across my wrist, tears slowly dripping down my cheek..

She was the wind, carrying in

All the troubles and fears you've for years tried to forget

He was the fire, restless and wild

And you were like a moth to that flame

She always asked questions that I sometimes couldn't answer. She'd ask me about why I didn't like Kyou, or why I disliked my older brother so much. She would bring in more fears, and I'd smile, as if nothing happened..

Because I loved her so much..

And I remember how I was pulled to her. I did not really enjoy her friends much, but I enjoyed being around her. She had this aura that seemed to always capture me and bring me in. But this is just one of the many things I love about her..


The heretic seal beyond divine

A prayer to a god who's deaf and blind

The last rites for souls on fire

Three little words and a question: why?

He paced across the room, an angry expression on his face as he turned to me. "Why?!" He shouted, moving closer to me, grabbing the collar of my shirt in his fist. "Why would you think I would allow something like that?!" Akito screamed. I flinched, trying my best to not allow the tears flow as I tried to breath.

After realizing how much I loved her, I had come here. I knew that the answer would be "no." It always was. Akito hated people falling in love.. But I didn't think he would care so much... And I thought..

"Why did I ever allow her to stay," Akito mumbled to himself as he looked at me, a small devilish smirk was plastered on his lips. "My pet.." He whispered, trailing a finger down my cheek..

Love's the funeral of hearts

And an ode for cruelty

When angels cry blood

On flowers of evil in bloom

And I was thrown in the room. I heard the door lock behind Akito as he walked in, his traditional kimono was sliding off his shoulder like usual as he held something tightly gripped in his fists.

"You have to be punished," He said, laughing at me as I curled up in the corner, my eyes welling up with fresh tears as I shook my head in protest. But that just made him even more angry. "Did you just tell me what not to do?!" He said hysterically, raising the whip, and in one short motion slashed it against my body.

I cried out in pain, my body quivering as I allowed the tears to flow freely..

The funeral of hearts

And a plea for mercy

When love is a gun

Separating me from you

"Tohru.." I whispered as I stood at the doorway, watching the horrible event. Akito lay sprawled on his black futon, a small smirk on his face as he looked at Tohru Honda who kneeled before Hatori. Tears were flowing down from her face as Hatori pressed his hand to her forehead..

There was a light flash..

And then she was gone..

Out of my life..

And then came back the nightmares........