Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Only One ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Only One
A/N: Before I start the fic, I just want to say a few words. One of my reviewers, Lain the Fluff-Master, definitely deserves to be known because her reviews are so kind to me, it's not even funny. Thank you times infinity, Lain, for ALL the kind words. I am so extremely flattered. :gives you cookie jars full of cookies: I LUB YOU! :smooches:
This chapter is all Kyoru. I HAD TO!! THE MUSES MADE ME…:points at muses: So if you REALLY don't like Kyoru, then just skip this chapter. It's only a bit, and it's only one-sided. I'll put up the information that you'll need to know in the next chapter so you won't miss anything. Sides, this chapter is short b/c of this fact, so no biggy. :smiles:
Chapter 4
Climbing up the stars to the roof and trying not to slip on the steps was a tricky thing to do, but Tohru had managed to perfect the talent after the few thousand times she had climbed onto it to check up on a certain neko. Unfortunately, two years of not climbing up the ladder leading to the roof takes away all signs of knowledge on climbing roof ladders, apparently.
“Oof!” Came a soft grunt from the grass. Two eyes and a face appeared from the roof edge and peered down at the shadow on the ground.
“…Tohru?” Kyo asked unsurely, “What are you doing out here?” Inwardly scowling at his softness in his voice; he never could get too mad at the fragile girl. She was too innocent. Apparently not innocent enough, though.
“What did you say Kyo? I couldn't hear you.”
Apparently he had also said that out loud. “Nothing. Uh…you need any help?”
Shaking her head, Tohru answered no and headed for the damned ladder again, determined to get to the top. Clenching her hands into little fists, she held onto the sides and raised her foot.
“Oof!” Kyo shook his head. She was too determined for it to be good for her health. Jumping down from the roof (and landing on all four limbs), he picked her up and climbed up the ladder again, plopping her down on the roof tiles.
“…Uh…thank you Kyo…” She said, unsure of what just happened.
“So whadyou come up here for?”
“So that you would tell me what's bothering you. You used to always tell me, so I figured maybe you'd want to me now like before.” Kyo turned angrily at her and snarled, “Things are definitely not like before. You've ran away for two years, Tohru. Things have changed. You've got a frickin kid with that mangy rat, for hell's sake! So don't think that things are going to go back to the way they were.”
He immediately regretted his words after they escaped from his mouth.
Eyes wide and tear filled, she stammered, “O-oh…I-I'm s-sor-ry Kyo…I…I'm s-so sor-ry! I didn't m-mean to offend yo-ou…”
“Don't be.” Kyo sighed. “Didn't I tell you not to apologize for things you didn't do? I'm the one who's sorry.” Tohru's face relaxed a bit at that, but didn't go back to it's normal happy look.
“Forget about it, alright. I didn't mean it.” He sighed again. “Look, you should go to bed or somethin'. It's getting late.”
“Oh. Um…alright.” Tohru started for the ladder before turning around and hugging him lightly so she wouldn't transform him. “I'm sorry if I made you mad.”
Stepping inside the house, Kyo sighed.
`WHY do I always keep her from bein near me? Ya want her close ta ya, yet ya always chase her away. So damned stupid…' He berated himself. `Whatever, she probably doesn't want to be near me anyways. She chose the rat anyways; it's not like what I do matters…'
Climbing the stairs, he passed Tohru's room and saw the door open just a tad bit. He looked inside and saw her and Anai asleep and smiled a bit.
`If only…'
Closing the door, Kyo quietly ran down the stairs and out the house.
A/N: There. Only two pages. That wasn't so bad, was it?
Another chapter is coming very soon to make up for the extreme shortness of this fic.
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