Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Only One ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Only One
A/N: Heyhey!! I'm back, late as always, of course. Sorry about that, by the way.
Anyways, nothing much to say, except, I'm really trying to write this. It's just, I'm SO fucking busy nowadays. I got a new job two days ago, and it's from 4-7, then I gots clubs at school and yea. Soo…I'm trying, I really really am.
Happy Thanxgivin! My thanks go to: Lain the Fluff Master . B.C. Company . ILOVEInuyasha07 . kishe . cowgirlkitten2000 . Kairen Goddess of the Night . EyeoftheTigerKissoftheDragon . Anime master Inu . togetheritsumo . Kai Sohma . No name . super kawaii gwen stefani . kattygirl32132 . Shock1119 . Hersheyz Kissez . Sakai-sama
Next chapter, here it comes!
Chapter 7
Two days had passed the day Tohru and Yuki went to the park with their daughter for the first time. However, that day still felt like yesterday to both parties.
"Ahma, I'm 'ungry. 'Ungryunryungry! Heehee!!" Anai sang her little hungry song, jumping a bit on her ahma's bed.
"Just a bit longer, silly. Hold…hold still! Anai! You can't eat unless you let mommy dress you first silly!!" Tohru held the little girl dress, yellow and pink with bits of blue ribbon that matched the ones in the little girl's hair, trying unsuccessfully to dress Anai for breakfast. Anai giggled and continued to sing her little song.
"'Ungryungryingryyyyyyyy!! Heeheee!!"
It was a few seconds after that Yuki happened to pass by the room, and happened to stop and see what was going on. He smiled.
"Daddy!!!!! 'Addyaddyaddy!!!! Heehee!!" Anai launched herself off the bed right as Tohru managed to get the hyper girl's arms into the sleeves. Sighing, Tohru gave up and walked over to the father.
"Hello Yuki, nice day isn't it? How are you today?" She smiled and asked the boy whose hair was currently being tugged on adamantly.
"A bit painful but otherwise nice." He smiled back and finally managed to get the little fingers out of his hair. Tohru giggled a bit before taking Anai. "You?"
"Well, I'm trying to get Anai dressed so she can eat breakfast, but she won't let me."
"Why don't I help?" Yuki took Anai back, who almost immediately took interest in her father's hair. "I think I can manage a bit of distraction for you."
Tohru smiled thankfully at him before stuffing Anai into her dress. Taking her from his arms, Tohru started to go downstairs asking if he had eating or not. Hearing his no, she adamantly told him to 'sit and eat before doing anything else since he would get hungry and sick and then what would happen?!'
"Hey Tohru, what are you doing tomorrow?" Yuki stood beside her desk at four o'clock, smiling at her.
"Um…nothing, Yuki. Why do you ask?"
Taking a deep breath, he said in a hurried voice, "IwasthinkingthatmaybewecouldgoseeamovietogetherwhileAnaistaysathomewithShi gure."
"Um…what was that Yuki? I…I didn't really catch it…"
'No duh Yuki.'
"I said…I was wondering if maybe you wanted to see a movie with me? Anai would stay at home with Shigure, or maybe Momiji could look after her."
"Sure! I'd love to, Yuki." Tohru smiled, then looked a bit worried. "But what movie would we see? I don't quite know what's showing…"
"I'm sure we can choose when we get there. Does Friday sound fine?"
"But…didn't you say tomorrow?"
"…Oh yea. I meant that. Tomorrow, I mean. Yea." And with that, he took a deeeep deep breath and walked out the door, congratulating and berating himself. Because of his nerve wrecked state, he didn't hear another door close in the house, or see Shigure slide onto the floor, whooshing out a big breath of would-have-been-caught breath.
"…And did you see how Mogeta hit the bad guy really hard in…" Tohru and Yuki exited the movie theater while she talked about the movie. "And then the boy and that girl kissed and Mogeta…"
Yuki smiled. 'Perhaps now would be the time?'
His smile faltered. '…I don't think I want to destroy her smile just yet.'
There he had sat, two rows behind them, in the shadows.
And now? Here he stood, two eyes crying, in the shadows.
He ran for the first time, admitting defeat.
A/N: Okay. The story should be done soon. Wow, both of my stories are finishing soon. :cries: My babies…
Review and Read please!! Not necessarily in that order, mind you.