Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Release Me ❯ Abusive Father ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~Chapter 2~
AN: Hey people! I hope you like this story and the other ones I have written but can I please get some reviews?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??! I love it when I get reviews from people. If not then I put my story on hold so please review! ^^ Thank you for those who do. I might be putting some stories on hold though. Too much thinking! ^^ Enjoy!
~Kyo and Sanyu~
They had arrived in the park and Sanyu ran over to the slides and pulled out a heavy looking backpack. She dragged the bag across the ground until Kyo walked over and lifted the bag. They both began to walk back to the house. Something was bugging Kyo about the girl walking next to him.
Kyo: So where are your parents kid? Why you got this huge bag with you?
Sanyu: I have to go home and call mommy and daddy right? Can I have them come and pick me up?
Kyo: Sure. What are they gonna do make you walk home?
Sanyu went quiet after that sentence and they soon arrived back at the Sohma house. Sanyu dialed up her parents and her father picked up. She then gave the phone to Shigure who was standing beside her. They talked for a little bit and then Shigure hung up
Shigure: Your father is coming here to pick you up.
Sanyu: I'm sorry for the trouble I caused mister.
A good half hour later the doorbell rang and Tohru opened it to reveal a young looking man with cold black eyes and shaggy brown hair.
Tohru: Hello! You must be Sanyu's father! It's a pleasure to meet you. Sanyu is over in the…
Before she could even finish her sentence the man stormed towards the room Sanyu was located in.
Sanyu looked up at the man with large eyes knowing the mood he was in. He walked up to her and grabbed her by her hair and proceeded to drag her out of the house.
Sanyu: L-l-let me go! Daddy let me go!
A loud slap rang through the house and the Sohmas and Tohru stared at the man who abused his daughter by slapping her and dragging her by the hair.
Father: Shut up you wench. Be grateful I'm even taking you back. Now, say thank you to the nice people who took care of you. Stupid mistake.
Kyo stood up and ran at the man releasing Sanyu from the man's hold. Sanyu fell back painfully onto the ground. Yuki rushed in to help Kyo and Shigure and Tohru went to Sanyo's side as she cried. The two boys were able to beat the man out of the house. Sanyu covered her ears to block out her father's hateful yells and cried again. Finally he left for his car and took off into the night
Sanyu: I-I-I'm r-r-real-ly s-s-sor-r-ry f-for t-the t-trou-b-ble I-I ca-caused y-you g-guys.
Shigure and Tohru stared at the little girl sadly before Tohru embraced her. Tears leaked from her eyes. Sanyu looked at her.
Sanyu: I've been a bad girl haven't I? Are you going to hurt me too?
Shigure: No, no, we aren't. Let me call Hatori to check upon you he's a doctor.
Tohru looked at Sanyu and turned to Shigure as he stood up to leave the room.
Tohru: Shigure! Please let her stay! I'll be responsible for anything she does! I promise! Let her stay… let me take care of her…please.
Tohru was on her knees with her arms wrapped around Sanyu protectively.
Tohru: I promise that she won't cause any trouble! I just want to take care of her.
Yuki: It's fine Honda-san. She can stay. I'm sure she will be a pleasure to have.
Shigure: sigh For the time being she may stay. I must talk to Akito about this though. You know the consequences.
With that said Shigure retreated back into the house to call Hatori. Kyo was glaring at the door. His eyes filled with hatred ( it'd probably combust if he glared long enough!).
Sanyu: I'm staying with you? Yeah! Thank you Onee-chan! They aren't gonna hurt me like daddy right? Can we play nice games? Daddy always played Hide and Seek with me and I didn't like that game at all.
Tohru: Sure Sanyu-chan. Whatever game you want. Ah! You're bleeding! Oh no, oh no!
Sanyu: I'm fine Onee-chan. I'm happy he's gone. He won't come back right? He's not coming anymore?
Yuki: Don't worry we'll keep him away from you. He can't touch you now.
Kyo: He's not even going to be taking a step onto this property if I can help it.
Sanyu: Thank you. Thank you so much everyone. Thank you…
She once again began to cry and was tightly embraced by Tohru as she whispered into her ear. Hattori soon came after being explained about the events that had taken place. Hatori took Sanyu to another room to treat her. She had a nasty bump on the head and a couple of scratch marks on her face. Sanyu stared at him curiously as he cleaned her wounds.
Sanyu: Mister, what's your name?
Hatori: I'm Hatori Sohma.
Sanyu: Thank you Hatori-san
Sanyu quickly embraced him before he could react. Hatori shut his eyes waiting for the puff of smoke and for his body to shrink and his features to change to that of a seahorse but it never happened. He was still human. Hatori kneeled shocked with a little girl hugging him. He felt like a large burden had been lifted from his shoulders. Sanyu released him and the weight returned and his shoulders sagged. She smiled up at him before skipping out of the room. He stared after her obviously confused.
Sanyu: Onee-chan!
Tohru was cooking dinner when Sanyu came running into the room but Tohru had a glazed look in her eyes.
Sanyu: Nee-chan… the food's burning.
Tohru snapped out of her daze and began to obsess over the burnt food. Yuki at that moment popped his head into the kitchen.
Yuki: Are you alright Honda-san?
Tohru turned to Yuki with little tears on her eyes.
Tohru: I'm so sorry! I ruined dinner!
Yuki: It's fine Honda-san. We'll just order takeout.
Tohru: I really am sorry.
Sanyu grabbed Tohru's hand and smiled brightly at the girl.
Sanyu: Nee-chan, let's go play.
Sanyu dragged her to the family room and they began to play with each other. Yuki dumped out the food and went to the phone to go order take out. When Yuki got off the phone Hatori came down the stairs with his bags ready to leave. Sanyu saw him and jumped up and grabbed onto the edge of Hatori suit before he left toward the front door.
Sanyu: Hatori-san are you leaving?
Tohru joined them in the hall and watched with a bright smile as Hatori bent down to eye level with Sanyu.
Hatori: Do you want me to stay?
Sanyu rocked back and forth on her feet and stared at the ground. Tohru decided to butt into the conversation.
Tohru: Why don't you stay for dinner Hatori-san?
He looked up at Tohru and then slowly nodded in response. Shigure decided to chow up at that point.
Shigure: Yeah! Haa-kun is staying for dinner!
Soon enough the food arrived and they began eating once everyone settled around the table. Sanyu drooled at the sight of food and just began to stuff food into her mouth. Everyone had started eating but stared amazed at how much the little child could put away. Hatori noted though that she probably been properly fed in the last couple of days or even weeks possibly, also for the fact that she was pretty much skin and bones. The food was soon gone and everyone had slowly gotten over the amount the girl ate and began to eat their own food.
After dinner Sanyu played hand games with Tohru and Yuki and tried to get Kyo to join but he just went on up to the roof. Slowly Sanyu's eyes began to droop and slump against Tohru. They smiled and Tohru gently with help from Yuki brought her upstairs to bed. They placed her on the bed and gave her the stuffed animal that lay at the foot of the bed. She grabbed it and cuddled with it and let out a content sigh. Smiling the two went downstairs. As soon as the door clicked closed though the once content smile on her face became painful and fearful.
Downstairs Hatori was about to tell Shigure what had happened when a loud bloodcurdling scream rang through the house. Immediately everyone dashed to the room where it came from. Kyo had hopped in through one of the open windows and was the first to reach Tohru's room.