Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Rooftop Revelations ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Hey, everybody! I would just like the take this opportunity to thank those people that reviewed my fic! You have no idea how much it means to me to see you guys liking my story, and those reviews are really what make me keep writing fanfiction - as well as continue this story that was supposed to be a one-shot. Anyways, thank you soooo much and please keep reviewing!!! <(^-^)>
(Oh, and I don't own any characters or anything whatsoever from the Fruits Basket anime or manga.)
Without further ado, here is Chapter 3!
There is only one word I can think of to describe the two weeks that followed our first kiss - divine. I don't know if we liked each other more than we had thought, or if it was just Kyou-kun's inability to have much contact with girls his entire life that made him so affectionate, but almost every chance we got we kissed each other and grinned like morons. We were completely giddy whenever we were together, and I'm pretty sure all we did was think about each other when we were apart. (At least, all I did was think about him.) For a while, things seemed to be flawless between us. Except for one small problem….
We couldn't tell anyone. -_-`
But wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. After the night on which we revealed our true feelings, we realized that things were a bit more complicated than we had thought. So one night we returned to the roof to discuss matters, a conversation which was… interesting, to say the least.
“…Do you think we should tell people?” I asked.
“HELL NO!” He replied immediately. At this point, red warning lights went off in my mind. He was ashamed of me! What else would explain the sudden, enthusiastic answer?! Maybe he really didn't feel the same about as me as I felt about him! But then, why would he kiss me first?! I was beginning to panic, and was becoming more confused by the second - but the only exterior sign of my extreme inner turmoil was a crestfallen look. Kyou-kun, however, noticed this and interjected, looking as panicky on the outside as I was on the inside. “No, wait! I didn't mean it like that!” I looked up hopefully, and he looked slightly relieved.
“Tohru, you know how my family is. If Akito finds out, well, let's just say she won't be too pleased with it. And after what Hatori went through…” He looked down, his hair falling in front of his face, hiding his eyes. I frowned slightly as I recalled how Hatori-san had fallen in love with a woman, only to be forced by Akito to erase her memory shortly afterward. Just thinking of the incident made me sad and angry at the same time, and it seemed as though it had the same effect on Kyou-kun. He clenched his hand into a fist, and looked determinedly up at me. “I won't let that happen to us.”
As saddening as thinking about Hatori-san was, seeing Kyou-kun this way cheered me up considerably. I must say that I have never seen anything more adorable than Kyou-kun's “Determined-To-Protect-Me” Face!! He first displayed it (in a slightly angrier version), along with Yuki, when Ayame transformed into a snake and climbed up my shirt. (Don't ask…..*shudder*….) He also showed it when I was sick, and he was determined to make me leek soup. But I had never seen him this determined before! I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. “I think that's smart. Besides, the girls at school would shoot me death glares until graduation if they knew about us!”
“Why would they do that?” Kyou asked, looking down at me and blinking. Sometimes, it's just so hard to believe how adorably oblivious he can be.
“Because you are one of the most desired boys in our school, baka!” I exclaimed.
“WHAT?!” He yelped, genuinely shocked. “G-g-girls….desire….me?”
“Of course they do, Kyou-kun! I guess it's all right to tell you now, but you really are quite attractive.” OH MAN! HOW BOLD AM I?! I am immensely proud of my nerve on that particular moment, I must say. Hehe…anyways, back to the conversation. “But I'm not surprised you never noticed - you were too busy jumping out of windows to notice the girls staring at you googly-eyed!”
“Hey, in my defense, I only did that so they wouldn't see me as a neko!” He said, huffing and crossing his arms, a pose which would normally make him look proud and strong, but was entirely ruined by the faint blush still staining his cheeks. I giggled, and he glanced over at me, his eyes softening and a small smiling tugging at the corners of his lips.
“So, for now, I guess we can just….enjoy each other's company. When the time is right we'll tell people about it.” He said softly, and I nodded in agreement, taking his hand and intertwining my fingers with his.
A/N: Sweet, ne? I know I promised some twists this chapter, but who could resist the urge to write more fluff?! Not me, that's for sure. ^^ Don't worry - things won't be this picture perfect for long. Keep reading and reviewing!