Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Rooftop Revelations ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]

I don't own Fruits Basket, blah blah blah. You know the drill by now ^^
Oh, and by the way, I made it so this is Tohru's journal. Not much of a change, but I just wanted to let you know I was tweaking the format a bit.
I now proudly present…Chapter 4!
I should have known…..seriously, I really should have known. It was going too well. There just had to be something that went wrong. And not just one thing - oh no, not by a long shot - but multiple, fairly catastrophic incidents occurred in the next few days. They were so jarring that I find it rather hard to record them here, but for reasons of accuracy (and so that I can remember every oh-so-delightful event of these next few pages in detail….and look back when I'm older and think, “Wow. I'm glad I've grown up already.”) I will do so anyway. Shall we commence with the torture now? Ok then.
First of all, in my defense I would just like to state that Kyou-kun's and my agreement to keep our relationship a secret wasn't a TOTAL failure! We actually managed it for a few days…until our lack of self-control (and Shigure-san's absentmindedness) got in the way. It all began one night when Yuki-kun was on a week-long field trip. Kyou-kun and I were sitting on my bed “attempting to do homework together” (AKA really just holding each other's hands and giggling) when Kyou-kun said in what I thought was a genuinely confused voice, “But…wait…if X is multiplied by six up here, why is it doubled down there?”
“Because-” I said as I turned my head to look at him - only to find him already staring right back at me! Our faces were about an inch apart, and the distance between them was shrinking by the second. Before we knew it, we were kissing fiercely, our fingers lacing themselves together as my trigonometry book fell to the floor with a thud. We honestly could have carried on that way for hours (My god….it was blissful….mmm…) until we heard a sharp creak as Shigure-san opened the door to my room.
“Tohru, have you seen my latest chap-” He stopped mid-sentence as Kyou-kun and I quickly broke apart and whipped our heads around to stare at him. The room was completely silent for a few seconds, and I'm certain you could've heard a pin drop. Everyone seemed to be frozen in place.
Then Shigure-san broke into a grin. A slow grin. A……perverted grin?
“Well, well, well - what have he here?” He drawled, and then sighed. “I must say, it's about time.”
“WHAT?!” Kyou-kun and I shouted simultanteously.
“Oh, please!” Said Shigure-san with a laugh. “Do you think I'm a baka?! I would have to be pretty dense to not notice the way you two have been making googly eyes towards each other since the day Tohru arrived here!” We both blushed at this, and tried to stutter various rebuttals that all went unheeded by Shigure-san. He put up a hand to silence us.
“Don't even try denying it.” He said, and then donned a face that we both recognized. It was the one he had worn while singing a rousing chorus of “High school girls, all for me!” and one that Ayame wore much more frequently than we cared to remember. Shigure-san had sparkles in his eyes, and as he pranced around the hallway yelling and sighing, “Aaaaah…..young love! Is there anything more BEAUUUUUTIFUL?!” I could practically see the flower petals floating in the background behind him. Kyou-kun and I both sighed as he pranced his way back down the stairs screaming various other cutesy things.
“Why must we live with such a lunatic?” Kyou-kun asked with a sigh.
“Would you prefer my previous residence?” I replied, and we both looked at each other and burst out laughing, remembering how I used to live in a tent on the Sohmas' property.
“No, this is just fine.” He said, and kissed me one last time before getting up and retreating to the kitchen in response to Shigure-san's repeated cries of “DINNER FOR THE LOVEBIRDS! COME, COME, NOW! Your appetite for love may only be exceeded by your appetite for MY COOKING!! HHHHHHAHAHAH!” I smiled and followed him down the stairs, half-dreading the upcoming meal.
Come to think of it, maybe it wasn't such a bad night after all.
A/N - Hey all! Sorry this chapter took so long to get out - I've been swamped with schoolwork and various other things. But never fear! I am looking forward to continuing this fic. Did you like it? Let me know by, you guessed it, REVIEWING!!! Seriously, I live for this feedback.
Until next time, Sayonara!
- E