Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Well That Was Surprising ❯ School is out, finally ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay, this is my first attempt at actually writing down fan fiction and posting it. So review and tell me if I'm doing an okay job, please!!! *begs* Thank you!!! ^_^

---------------------------------------------------- Chapter One: School is out.Finally!

Tohru gazed at the hazy blue sky, wishing that the bell would ring. It was the last day of school, and it felt like it would never end. Students around her became restless as the clock slowly inched its way to the 5 minute mark. Tohru didn't notice any of this. She had realized a long time ago that someday she would have to make a choice between her two favourite Sohma boys, and this summer vacation would be her perfect chance to tell him how she felt. Yes, she had made her choice, she had finally figured out which of the Sohma's was right for her. And it was.
"Tohru? Hellooooo!" Uo's grinning face was directly in Tohru's line of vision.
"What? Oh, Uo! I'm so sorry! I didn't realize you were trying to get my attention." Tohru apologized, ripping her eyes away from the beautiful day outside.
"It's perfectly alright Tohru. You must be anxious to get out of class, I suppose?" Hana smiled.
"As I was saying, do you know if that stupid carrot top is going to be hanging off you all summer, Tohru? Or will I actually get to spend some time with you?" Uo grinned, throwing her arm over Tohru's shoulders good naturedly.
"Oh-w-w, well." stuttered Tohru, who was beginning to blush furiously. Thankfully she was saved by a certain orange haired loudmouth.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'HANGING OFF' HER!" Kyo yelled furiously. And that started yet another verbal fight between the two. Tohru just watched and sighed.
"What's wrong Tohru? I sense odd electrical waves." Hana said, giving Tohru a concerned look.
"Oh!" said a flustered Tohru, "It's nothing, really! Don't worry about it Hana, I'm just a little nervous." Tohru muttered.
"Oh Tohru, you've chosen, haven't you." Hana said as an uneasy feeling washed over her. Something about it had her worried. But she didn't want to make her friend any more nervous, so Hana pushed the thought out of her head quickly and smiled at her cheerful friend.
"I'm glad for you Tohru." Hana said, pulling Tohru into a hug. Tohru smiled. She loved getting hugs. "I'm so sorry that I won't be around for the summer to watch the two of you. It is Yuki, isn't it?" Hana said. Tohru's smile said it all. It was big and goofy and so happy. Once again Hana felt a twisting feeling in her stomach, but willed it to go away, convincing herself that it was just something she had ate. Sensing something, she whirled around.
"I heard my name Miss. Honda, so I came over to see if you needed anything." Yuki smiled, making Tohru go red from embarrassment.
"Oh no Yuki, I'm just fine." Tohru said, looking up at Yuki. And Hana silently left her blue-eyed friend, making an excuse about talking to Uo. But just then the bell rung, and school was officially over.

Well that, ladies and gentlemen, would be the first chapter. So R&R, please! Give me some encouragement! Is it any good? Does it really suck? Review!

Ja Ne