Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Well That Was Surprising ❯ Meeting At The Sohma Residence ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay, Chapter two! Yay! Well, thanks to the people who reviewed my story, it's my first one you know ^_^ I know this chapter isn't very long, and the first chapter was short as well, so Gomen Gomen Gomen!!! But I've already started working on chapter three, and I promise it will be longer! Cross my heart! Kay, read on then... ----------------------------------------------------------------

C hapter Two: Meeting at the Sohma residence

Tohru jumped slightly when the bell rang, the sound was sharp and shrill and unpleasant. But there she was, standing beside Yuki Sohma, just as always, but today something was different. Today Tohru knew that there was no running away. Tohru was going to tell him how she felt. And she was scared. And nervous. And so very happy. But mostly nervous.
What if he didn't like her back? What if he saw her only as a friend. Thoughts of Yuki rejecting her, telling her that she wasn't good enough to be with Prince Yuki, filled her mind.
"Oh mom, what will happen if I make a fool of myself? Or if Kyo gets hurt? I don't want anyone to be upset with me..." thought Tohru, blankly following Yuki out of the classroom and through the crowded halls. Uo shouted something about going straight home, and Kyo told Yuki not to expect him home early because he was doing something. Then he stalked off in the direction that Uo went. Once outside, Tohru seemed to brighten up a bit, and was once again her cheerful and talkative self. Yuki, for one, was slightly relieved. He had been worried that she wasn't feeling well again.
"So, Miss. Honda, did you do well on your final exams?" Asked Yuki, knowing perfectly well that she had done fine. He brought it up because of conversation. Or, more precisely, lack thereof.
"I did well on them, I guess. They were passing. I hope I'm not letting my mom down..." Said Tohru.
"I'm sure she's very proud of you." Yuki said, looking down at Tohru and smiling apathetically.
"Oh, do you think Yuki?" Tohru said, staring at the ground.
"Yes, I do." He said, and the topic was dropped, as Tohru inquired about his final exams, and about different Universities and Collages. By the time they reached the Sohma house, Tohru had forgotten that she had wanted to talk with Yuki before they reached the house.
"Oh no!" She exclaimed, "We're here already? That was so fast."
"And look. We have visitors. Hatori, Momiji and Haru, most likely." Said Yuki with a peculiar gleam in his eyes.
"Oh yay! Momiji is here! He's so adorable!" Tohru giggled, rushing down the hill and over to the house. Yuki smiled at her retreating figure, not at all surprised that he had a crush on her.
"Oh Miss. Honda... What would you think of me, if you knew how I felt about you? Kyo is right, I am just a stupid rat." He thought, shaking his head in resignation. Then he followed after Tohru, his face a mask of neutralism.

"Hatori, is something the matter?" Shigure asked offhandedly, sipping his tea and glancing up at the silent doctor. "You're awfully quiet, even for you."
"It-It's Hatsuharu. I'm worried about him." Hatori said, after a long silence. Shigure looked up from his paper, his face feigned perfect innocence.
"Really? This wouldn't have anything to do with our darling Yuki, would it?" Shigure asked, a small, amused smile plastered to his face.

"Tohru!" Momiji squealed as he saw her running towards them. He was sitting on Shigure's front porch with Haru, talking about school and waiting for Tohru to get home. Or rather, he was waiting for Tohru and talking about school, and Haru was waiting for Yuki, and talking about him too. Usually him and Haru were on the same wavelength, but today he seemed off. Momiji would have been concerned, if not for the fact that Haru was still white, which was a good sign.
"Momiji! I'm so happy you came to visit! Are you staying for supper?" Tohru asked, her face flushed from running so fast.
"I don't know...I'll go ask!" Momiji said brightly, taking off into the house. Haru stayed where he was, just looking at Tohru.
"What attracts Yuki to her so much?" He wondered, smiling back at her when she flopped down beside him and said hello.
"Haru. How are you?" Tohru asked, grinning.
"Fine. Did you walk home alone today, Tohru?" He asked, looking around for Yuki.
"No, I thought Yuki was right behind me..."Tohru said, also looking around. "Oh, there he is." She said, pointing to Yuki, who was walking and staring absentmindedly at his shoes.
"Yuki." Haru said, standing up and smiling.

"He calls for him every night, in his sleep. I've begun giving him sedatives, so Akito won't find out, but I don't like doing that. It will make him immune to the drug, and that won't be good when he actually needs it." Hatori said, glaring at Shigure, who obviously wasn't taking what he was saying seriously.
"Calm down Hatori." Shigure said, rolling his eyes. "It's normal to dream about the people you love. Akito will never find out. Haru does live on the opposite end of the Sohma estate, after all." For a moment, it was silent as Hatori struggled to put all his thoughts in order. But just as he was about to speak of the worst of it, a streak of blonde and blue raced in.
Hatori! Shigure! Can we stay for dinner? Please please please??? Tohru invited!" Momiji said excitedly, hopping from one foot to the other, waiting for Hatori and Shigure to say something. He was blissfully unaware of the fact that he had interrupted something very important. Shigure nodded his consent, and then looked at Hatori. As soon as Hatori bobbed his head down and halfway up, Momiji was out the door, yelling excitedly that they could stay.
"Well, so much for our conversation. I'm going to go say hello to Tohru. You can either come with me, or stay here and act like you have a stick shoved up you butt Hatori." Shigure said, smiling at him and standing up. Hatori frowned at the insult but stood up as well, walking towards the front door with Shigure.

Oi! Yeah, it was short. And once again, I'm really sorry! I'm not quite sure what the really bad thing (that Hatori was going to say) is yet, but I'm sure it will just flow while I am writing...I guess >_<' Third chapter will be up soon, I promise! Ja Ne