Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Well That Was Surprising ❯ Try, Try Again ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm back! Sorry if I kept you waiting, I had a bit of a writer's block and couldn't write a single word without it sounding stupid! ^_^ I'd like to thank a few people for reviewing my story, it's a great moral booster! Kay, here I go...: Gomen: Thank you so much! You're my best friend! ^_^ Haru's Girl: Sorry if this chapter isn't long enough for you... -__-` I tried... :) Piro: Thank you! I hope this chapter keeps you interested! And, of course, to Yuki_The_Rat, who is my fanfiction-writing idol! Yup, she got me back to writing this chapter, so everyone go read her fic's, because they are SOOO awesome! (Especially Sleepless In Sohma House!) And yes, YTR, Haru/Yuki/Tohru love triangles are the best... but wait until I add in the fourth person! ^_^ Kay, enough of my talking, read on!--------------

Chapter Three: Try, Try Again.

Tohru skipped around the kitchen, happily preparing yet another meal for the Sohma's. She was just reminding herself not to put any leeks in the meal when she vaguely remembered something about Kyo not coming home for dinner. So she popped her head out into the living room to ask.
"Hey, do any of you know if Kyo will be here for supper?" Asked Tohru.
"No, that stupid cat ran off somewhere after school. He said he'd be home late." Yuki said, looking up from his studies.
"Oh. Alright." Tohru sighed as she turned back to the fridge and grabbed some leeks. "I hope that Kyo isn't out getting himself into trouble..." Thought Tohru, absentmindedly sprinkling some spices into the stew.
"Tohru?" A voice said from behind her.
Tohru jumped and spun around to see Shigure laughing.
"I feel like such a dope..." She thought, sweat dropping.
"I was just wondering, Tohru, if you were almost done. It smells delicious." Shigure said, between snickers. Tohru blushed, promising herself that she would never let herself zone out like that again...for about the hundredth time that day.
"Yes it will be ready shortly." Tohru said, smiling.

Kyo sat at a small, rounded marble table, cautiously poking at the meal set before him with his fork. It looked half decent, but this WAS Uo's cooking after all, so who knew.
"Look Carrot Top, it's not going to bite you. Just try it." Uo said, taking a seat across from him.
Kyo looked up from his plate, staring at Uo, trying to figure out if she was lying or not.
"Okay, here." Uo said, with an exasperated look on her face, "I'll take a bite first." And she did.
"Well, I don't see her choking...Or gagging...But then again, who knows what kind of tastes Yankee's have..." Kyo made up his mind and testily took a bite. Uo stared at him, watching for a reaction. " it okay?" Uo asked sarcastically, grinning. "Actually..." Kyo mumbled, looking up at Uo from his plate, "It's not too bad, for a Yankee's cooking." Laughing, Kyo dodged the remote control that was aimed at his head. Grabbing a nearby pillow, he chucked it at Uo's head, only to get smacked in the face with another pillow. An evil gleam came into Kyo's eye as he picked up a pillow and stood up. Uo stood up as well, mocking the expression on his face when she whacked him with the pillow. Thwack. Uo raised an eyebrow menacingly at Kyo.

"You did not just hit me with that pillow, Carrot Top."

"So what if I did?" It was a battle of wits and nerve between Uo and Kyo, neither on breaking eye contact, neither one willing to back down. With their faces merely inches apart, Kyo could practically taste Uo's lips on his. "If I just leaned a little closer...but, aw damn it! Stupid Sohma curse!" Kyo yelled in his head.

"Is he ever going to make a move on me? Any other normal guy would have by now... What's wrong with me? I wonder if I have bad breath-Stupid Carrot Top! Fine then, have it your way. I'll make the first move!" All Kyo heard was Uo mutter something about guys being stupid-a normal occurrence. But it definitely wasn't normal when Uo leaned forwards and pressed her lips against Kyo's all to willing ones. Kyo closed his eyes and, for a second, forget all about his curse and his messed up life. But it quickly came rushing back to him as he felt Uo putting her arms around him...

"No!" He exclaimed, jumping back like a cat that had just been drenched in water. "Kyo? What's wrong?" Asked Uo. Suddenly she felt very unsure of herself. "I, uh, I-forgot that I left something very important at school!" Kyo faltered. Was that hurt that he had seen, flashing across her features? "Dammit Kyo! Look what you've done. Now what are you going to do?"

"Oh... Alright then...being studious now, are we?" Uo said, with a hint of bitterness in her voice.

"It...It was a present..." Kyo said, surprising both Uo and himself with his words. "For you!" He added quickly, just in case she had gotten the wrong idea. "Great, you stupid cat. What did you say that for? Now you actually have to get her a present!" Now Uo was beaming with happiness, which she quickly disguised in a small smirk.

"Wow. You actually got someone a present. And of all people, me?

"Yeah..." Kyo muttered darkly, his anger rising. He looked at his watch and did a double take. "Oh CRAP! It's eleven o'clock! Shit, how am I going to explain this..." Kyo yealled, running to the door and grabbing his coat.

"Yeah. Bye to you too, Carrot Top." Uo said sarcastically.

"Later Yankee." Called Kyo over his shoulder before running out the door. Pausing, he turned back to see Uo just standing at her front door, and, on impulse, ran back up to her and feather lightly kissed her before running off again. Uo just stood in the doorway, to shocked to move.

"He kissed me! He actually kissed me..." she wondered in amazement, wandering back into the house.

Yuki set his spoon down; the last one finished the delicious meal that Tohru had prepared. Tohru sat across from him, looking deep in thought as she read her schoolbook diligently. And beside him sat Black Haru, openly glaring at Tohru, who was oblivious to it.

"Oh, Yuki." She said, looking up from her book in surprise. "Are you done eating?"

"Yes Miss. Honda, it was wonderful." Yuki said, smiling.

"Oh, I'm so glad," smiled Tohru. "Would you mind, Yuki, if I borrowed you for a moment? I'd like to speak to you..." said Tohru, gazing at him nervously. Black Haru just looked at her and sneered.

"Well isn't that sweet. Tohru is going to confess her love to Yuki." He snorted, glaring hostilely at Tohru.

"Haru!" Momiji scolded, walking into the room, "Leave poor Tohru alone. Common! Hatori says it's time to go." And Momiji proceeded in dragging Black Haru out by his ear. Once he was out of the room, Tohru let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Finally," she thought, "I can talk to him alone." Tohru's thoughts were interrupted by Yuki's voice.

"Miss. Honda? What was it that you wanted to talk about?" "Oh, um...right." Tohru giggled nervously. "I almost forgot about the talking part..."

"Miss. Honda? Are you feeling alright? You aren't catching a cold again, are you? Do you feel dizzy? Do you need to lie down?" Yuki put a hand on her shoulder worriedly, looking deep into her eyes.

"No no no!" Tohru spluttered. She forced herself to calm down before continuing, "don't fret so much Yuki." She gave him a huge grin, and he quickly gave her a forced half smile. "So, you see Yuki, uh, the reason I wanted to talk to you was that I wanted to tell you that-" Just as Tohru was about to tell Yuki what was on her mind, a distant voice came from outside.

"Get outta my way you blonde-haired freak!"

"WAAAIIIIII! Hatori! Kyo's being mean again!!!"

"Oh shut up you--"

"Kyo..." Shigure's voice warned.

"-Stupid cry-baby." Kyo finished, quite ungracefully. He stormed into the living room, completely unaware of what he had just interrupted. Yuki glared at him.

"Oh. So you came back." Yuki said disdainfully.

"And you're still here." Kyo said, equally disdainful. Kyo threw a punch at Yuki, which the silver-haired boy dodged easily. "...Outside...fight...right now." Kyo said through clenched teeth.

"If you think that you can beat me, you stupid cat, you are sadly delusional." Yuki said calmly. It only served to infuriate Kyo more, and he launched himself at Yuki. Tohru stepped away from the two boys. Experience had taught her that no one could stop the two from fighting once they started. She waited for the inventible to happen. Rrrrrip.

"No! You're destroying my house!" Shigure mock-cried quietly in a corner, defeated.

"Yup. The ceremonial shredding of the door." Tohru thought, snickering. Quickly she stepped towards the door, to make sure they were all right. Kyo was lying facedown in the dirt, struggling to get up. Yuki stood beside him, towering over him imposingly. And Tohru's confession was once again forgotten, amidst all the confusion of fixing the door...again.

Tohru woke up to the shrill ring of the telephone. Cautiously she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "I'm such a chicken" She though sadly to herself, "I tried two more times to tell him, but I didn't...Mom, what should I do? How can I tell him?" There was a soft knock on her door. "Come in." Tohru said wearily. The door slowly opened...

Chapter 3 is done. (phew) I've had this chapter on my computer for who knows how long, but I'm a very big procrastinator... sorry it took so long!!! Ja Ne.