Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Well That Was Surprising ❯ Lies, Secrets, And One Tiny Mistake ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yes, it's another update…sorry for the wait, I lost all files on my computer, including the 4th and 5th chapter, and I just never really got back around to writing them. I'm attempting though, and hopefully in the time I've been away I've improved as a writer…heh. Anyways, on to chapter three, sorry for the wait…and thanks to Sandy, (also known as Aishiteru until my dieing day) who is my helper in getting my ass in gear and writing. She writes fanfiction too, so check her out if you have a few minutes ^_~ Oh yeah, one other thing. B-chan77 brought up something that I would like to comment on…I never meant to imply that Haru was mean to Tohru. In fact, I tried to make him exactly the opposite the short time he appeared in chappy 2. So, I'm sorry B-chan77 if I made you think that Haru was being mean to Tohru, but he wasn't. He was just merely expressing his feelings towards Yuki's relationship with Tohru. It's not like he said it out loud, that would've been mean. And chapter three was black Haru, enough said.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except maybe my toe socks, so trying to sue me would be a waste of your time. Does anyone even read the disclaimers anyway?

/……/ thoughts


"Haru?" Tohru said, surprised. Haru stepped in, smiling sadly. He had calmed down after last nights episode when he had turned to Black Haru and was quite rude to Tohru.

"I cam to apologize, Tohru," he quickly explained, more then a little bashful. "I didn't mean to be rude last night, but…" he shrugged. There was nothing left to say. At least, not that he could think of at the moment.

She said, "oh, please don't apologize Haru, it's perfectly alright! I didn't mean to make you upset, whatever I did…" trailing off, she looked down at the floor. Haru walked up and sat on the bed with her.

"You…you love Yuki?" Haru questioned, also staring at the floor, blushing. His heart hammered in his chest, and waited for the answer that he dreaded to hear. Glancing up from the floor he eyed Tohru, who was fixated on the pattern of the walls. She looked over at him, and was about to say something when the door slammed open once more.

"Tohru! Are you up yet?" Came the excited voice of Momiji. Haru snapped his head to face Momiji, and Tohru stood up hastily.

"I'll be out in a minute Momiji-chan…how does pancakes sound?" she smiled, and Momiji hopped out of the room, satisfied for now.


Stepping down the darkened hall, Momiji slowed down, covered in shadow, and sighed.

"It's getting harder and harder to intervene at just the right moments…Sometime I'm going to slip up…and then there will be trouble…"

"Momiji!" called Shigure from downstairs.

"Coming!" Momiji chirped cheerfully, bouncing down the steps. The hallway brightened, and a contemplating Kyo was shown, leaning against a wall.

"What is Momiji up to now…?" he wondered.


"Um…" Haru stood up and moved towards the door, pausing to look at Tohru, who stared back at him, blinking once. He turned back and grasped the door handle. It was smooth under his hand, and shiny. He saw the reflection of Tohru look out the window as if contemplating, but he ignored it and opened the door.

Haru?" she spoke, and he paused again. "I-no, I don't."

Relief spread through Haru, and he merely nodded and left, not stopping to consider that she may have been lying, for his sake.

Stepping downstairs, he greeted Yuki, Shigure and Hatori. Kyo passed by Haru, not saying anything; he must have been close behind him on the stairs. Tohru followed, and greeted them all cheerfully.

"Good morning! Pancakes, anyone?" she asked, grinning happily. A unified agreement rang out, followed by shouts of personal preferences. Tohru was overwhelmed, but kept the cheerful expression on, and then hurried into the kitchen. Flustered, she frantically tried to get everything straight.

"Ok, Momiji wants blueberry, and Haru said strawberry-no no, Haru wanted the same as Momiji, and Shigure wanted strawberry, and Yuki wanted leeks-" she paused from her flurry of thoughts to wonder how to make leek pancakes, but then continued on after it hurt her head a little too much. "And Hatori wanted them extra fluffy while Shigure, no, I've already said Shigure, who am I missing…Kyo!"

"Yeah?" came the reply from behind her. Tohru jumped slightly, startled by the reply.

Oblivious, she turned and said, "and what would you like?" smiling and tilting her head. Instead of a reply, Kyo thrust a piece of paper into her hand.

"There you go, I wrote down what they all wanted. Mine's on there too…well, what are you waiting for, get on with it…" Kyo said, glaring.

"Of course…" Tohru said, turning to begin cooking. Kyo sighed, puffing out some air in an attempt to blow his bangs out of his eyes.

"You shouldn't do that. Stand up for yourself, it's ok you know." He said, leaning on the counter. "And…I'm kinda sorry. I shouldn't be ordering you around."

Tohru turned to blatantly look at him. It wasn't often that Kyo apologized, to anyone. He looked away from her gaze and said nothing else, so Tohru smiled happily and went back to cooking. Kyo spoke again, still looking away from Tohru, of course.

"Um, Tohru?" he said hesitantly.

"Hmm?" she said, focusing intently on her pancake mix. She was trying to memorize that moment, so she could remember it forever.

"Well, if you were to, say, get a present, for a girl…what would you get her?"

It took Tohru a moment to register the full weight of what Kyo had said, and once she had, she dropped the spoon and smiled happily. /He has a crush? Oh, I'm so glad for him! Wow, that's the second; no third, time Kyo has surprised me today. And with Haru this morning…the Sohma family certainly is interesting./

"Well Kyo, who is it? It depends on the girl what kind of present you get her." Tohru said, sweetly smiling. Kyo blushed, and mumbled something.

"Pardon?" Tohru asked, listening for Kyo's reply.

"Uo…" he whispered, and Tohru burst out in happy giggles.

"Uo? Oh Kyo, I knew it…that's so cute!" she said, a little to loudly. Kyo clamped a hand over her mouth and looked embarrassed.

"Please, don't say anything. I just need to know what she likes…" Kyo mumbled. His face was beet red, and he was avoiding Tohru's looks.

"Well, I'm not sure. Maybe flowers, every girl likes flowers." Tohru sighed happily, and then poured the mix onto the pan, sprinkling blueberries on it. Outside birds chirped, and one particular bird sat on the windowsill, silent. If one didn't know better, one would think that it was actually listening to the conversation. It fluttered off when Kyo left the kitchen and moved into the living room.


End of the fourth chapter…can you figure out the mistake? Hehehe…anyways, I hope that was a little longer then the others, I wanted to continue but this just seemed like the perfect place to end it, so I did. I don't write these, my hand has a mind of its own!!!