Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Well That Was Surprising ❯ Momiji Tries To Fix Things ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everybody, sorry for the delay! Finally this is done though... :) I suppose action wise it's a bit boring, then again this entire fic has had no action... But it's coming up, I promise!!! (and another lemon chapter, once again with two unexpected people...)

Many thanks too:Bighearted fan who is super cool!, Tikigirl123 you don't have to worry, lots of Haru Yuki coming up, and animelover360, welcome back


Momiji reluctantly opened his eyes and sat up in the pristine hospital bed. The glare of the sun hurt his eyes and he winced angrily at it. With a small, contained sigh he got up as quickly as possible and gathered his clothes, rushing away from the building and into his own house, lest Akito appear and...

/I wonder where everybody is...Hari wasn't even in his office./ Momiji locked the front door, but didn't bother to call out to anyone. No one was home. No one ever was anyways.

"Lalala," Momiji sang out to himself in a made-up tune, skipping and pretending, pretending that everything was ok.

/I wonder if Akito has found out everybody yet...I've been asleep, haven't I. Haru, I tried to tell him. He didn't understand, I know he didn't./

Momiji set down his clothes in a pile and undressed, pulling on new clothes. Since it was summer, his school uniform sat in his closet. Momiji thought it looked very sad and lonely.

/The sky is very blue today, Tohru is probably outside. I wonder how Tohru is...hey, is that Yuki?/

"Yuki!" Momiji cried out, hurrying towards the grey haired boy who was hurrying away from the main house at a quick brisk pace.

"Hello Momiji-kun, how are you today?" Yuki said, not stopping for Momiji.

"I'm great! How's Tohru?" /Are you ok Yuki-kun?/ was what he really wanted to ask.

"She's fine."

"Oh, yay! I'm going to go visit her!" /Won't you talk to me, Yuki? Please tell me...what happened?/ but, of course, Yuki was not a mind reader and Momiji would never say things of such sort.

"I'm sure she'll be glad to see you again," Yuki said, not really listening. He was trying to pay attention to see if anyone was following them. All was silent behind him though, so he relaxed slightly.

"Yuki, why were you at the main house? Did Akito wish to see you?" Momiji looked worriedly up at the older boy.

"No, I was not there for Akito."

"...Oh..." Momiji fell silent, realizing whom he really was there for. /'s always Haru./

Because Momiji refused to say anything else, and Yuki really wasn't in the mood for talking, the rest of the way passed in moderate silence that was broken only occasionally by vain attempts for chatter by Momiji.

"Hatori's car is parked here," Yuki said quietly, stating the obvious since Momiji clearly had full use of his eyesight.

"So that's why he wasn't in his office. I wonder if he's visiting Tohru!" Momiji said, disguising his bad mood with a cheerful and loud voice.

"Is Miss. Honda all you ever talk about?" Yuki snapped. He immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that."

"Oh, it's ok. I just worry for Tohru, that's all..." They reached the front door and Momiji was grateful.

They walked in to see Hatori, Ayame and Shigure sitting around the table, talking in hushed tones. Kisa and Hiro sat off in front of the TV, watching an anime that Shigure conveniently had bought the other day.

"Why is everyone so quiet," Momiji inquired. Ayame sweatdropped and laughed loudly and nervously.

"Oh, haha, nothing, nothing to worry about. Tohru is merely sleeping, that's all."

"Oh, ok..."

"One thing that I am wondering, Hatori-san...I thought you were scheduled for Akito's physical today." Yuki threw the question casually, like he really had no interest. But he watched Hatori carefully.

"Oh, yes. I had one of the younger assistants do it today, as I was here."

"I see," said Yuki, leaving it at that.

Momiji sat down with Kisa and Hiro to watch the movie with them. Yuki retreated to his room and Momiji's eyes followed his figure sadly, but nobody noticed. Especially not Yuki.


"What was that!" Uo hurried to the window, peering out from it to see what had happened.

Kyo rushed towards the window as well, straining to see what had happened. A three-car pileup lay in the street below, smoke billowing from one of the cars. Uo hurried to her phone to call an ambulance and Kyo threw his jacket on, running down the flights of stairs to ground level and rushing out to see what he could do.

/What am I doing, I'm not a professional or anything, I can't do shit./ But he went anyways, quickly moving one of the crash victims that was conscious out of the car. Soon the sounds of ambulances and police sirens filled the air, and Kyo stepped back to let them do their job. But he didn't go inside, he stayed, watching as the ambulance drivers declared one dead at the scene and rushed another off to the hospital. He didn't even realize Uo stood behind him, until her hand touched his shoulder lightly.

"Kyo, come inside, ok?"

Wordlessly Kyo followed, trying not to look back at the scene behind him.



Tohru awoke to her name being repeated softly, and light shaking.

"Hmmm, mmm?" She opened her eyes a crack to see golden blonde hair and a smiling face. "Momiji," she exclaimed, waking up quickly.

"Good morning sleepyhead!" he exclaimed, grinning.

"What-what time is it," Tohru asked, glancing over at her clock. "Oh my goodness, I slept in so late!" Frantically Tohru shuffled Momiji out of the room and threw on a cotton white dress and a light pink apron. Two minutes later she rushed out of her room and past Momiji into the bathroom, where he heard the water running combined with Tohru's frenzied mumbles. Finally she emerged, looking frazzled and rushing downstairs. Momiji followed, a grin on his face.

"Oh, Shigure-san, I'm so sorry! I don't know why I didn't wake up! Gomen, please forgive me!"

Shigure chuckled and patted her head. "Oh don't worry Tohru, it's quite alright. You're up now, so-"

"I want some tea," Hiro cut in impatiently.

"Oh, of course! Right away! I'm so sorry--"

Hiro cut her off a second time and said, "Just get the tea will ya." Tohru bustled into the kitchen, and the five occupants all gave Hiro disapproving looks.

"Hiro, you shouldn't order Tohru around like that!" Momiji exclaimed, leaving and going into the kitchen to see if Tohru needed help. Hiro just sulked and said nothing.

Inside the kitchen, Tohru made the tea, absentmindedly thinking of Yuki, and wondering if he was home.

"Tohru do you need any help," Momiji asked.

"No, I'm fine thanks," she said, putting the water on to boil and leaning against the counter. Momiji did the same, and waited for her to talk.

"Hey Momiji, is Yuki home?"

"Uh...Yeah, he is. I think he went to his room," Momiji smiled at Tohru. "Why?"

"I...well..." Tohru blushed and stared at the wallpaper, "what does he think of me, Momiji?"

"Wha..." Momiji said nothing for a moment. "So"

"Yes, I li--" There was a soft sound of fluttering wings and an impatient chirp. Momiji started and quickly clamped his hand over Tohru's mouth.

"What's that Tohru, you like pudding? Wow, so do I! That's so amazing, that we both like pudding." Tohru gave Momiji a weird look, but he continued. "Oh, look, the tea's done! Better get that to Hiro..." Momiji grabbed Tohru by the wrist and pulled her from the kitchen.

"Momiji what was-aack!" Tohru's foot caught on the edge of a rug and sent her flying into Momiji, who deftly caught her in his arms, transforming him.


Shigure Ayame and Hatori sipped their tea in the other room, discussing matters of Akito's health, when they heard a poof.

::Poof:: "Oh no, Momiji I'm so sorry, oh no oh no oh no oh no oh..."

"What was that," Shigure asked the other two.

"I'm not sure, Shigure darling," answered Ayame.

"Would you two stop being stupid and check? I think Momiji just transformed." Hatori said in a bored voice.

"Oh no oh no oh no oh no" continued in the background.


"You stupid girl, stop being so careless," Akito spat as the young assistant's hand shook with the needle.

"I-I'm sorry master Akito, I'm very nervous," the girl said quietly, tears forming in her eyes.

'Ow!" Sounds of crashing were heard by the maids outside the room, and glass shattered. "Where Is Hatori!"

"I'm sorry, he's not here," the assistant cried.

A resounding slap echoed. Then the sound of crying.

"Someone get me Hatori!" screamed Akito. Several maids hurried off. "Kureno!"

"Yes, Akito?"

"Find me Kyo. Somehow this is all his fault."

"Yes Akito."


tbc :) Ok, my promise to you: next chapter there will be- more YukixHaru, a bit of Akito's wrath, HatorixTohru, Momiji-ness, and...the unexpected, completely un-related to the pairings lemon! (disclaimer, the lemon may be the next chapter.)

ok, review...I'll make the lemon extra soury...and everything else really sweet...