Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Well That Was Surprising ❯ Something Other Then Mushy Gushy Love ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Darkdreams: I'm back, I'm so sorry for taking so long! I'm struggling for Internet and writing time in between school, homework, tutoring and guitar lessons, so I'm so sorry guys. But I'm trying my best to balance. It's my first couple weeks of grade 11 so I'm just settling in. I hope you guys are happy with this chapter, and I shall try to write swiftly!! Muhahahaha!


Kyo cracked his eyes open to see a familiar but frightening face hovering over him.

"Kagura!" He yelped in a frightened, `oh my god what the hell' tone.

"See," Shigure said from the door to a cheery looking Tohru, "I told you, you shouldn't have let her in here. Now you've scared poor, defenceless Kyo…" Shigure continued on, a flowery background appearing. Tohru watched him with interest, while Kyo looked over in disgust.

"Get outta my room you freak," he yelled at Shigure. Shigure slouched out of the room, leaving Tohru there.

"I'll just let you two talk!" She bustled out, a large sweatdrop on the back of her head.

"Kyo, why don't you ever call me," she said quietly, staring into Kyo's eyes lovingly. Kyo made a face, kinda like he just ate a sour lemon. He pushed Kagura off him roughly.

"I mean," she continued, her voice rising, "we're going to get MARRIED! THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS CAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLL!"

"WE'RE NOT GETTING MARRIED! WOULD YOU JUST STOP THAT ALREADY???" Kyo's face was flushed with anger and he ran his hand through his hair in a gesture of annoyance.

Kagura's face twisted into a frown and her eyes squinted. Tears poured out of them as she wailed, "BUT KYO, YOU PROMISED!"

Kyo backed away slowly, eyes darting nervously and just waiting for the inventible…

"KYO I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO TRULY LOVES YOU…" He didn't hear much after that, being thrown around and things of that sort.

"Ow…" he mumbled incoherently after Kagura was done ranting, and was busy fussing over him, trying to fix his bruises. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the present lying on top of his dresser.

"Kyo…" she said quietly, picking up the small box, "who's this for?"

She rolled it around in her hands for a moment, staring at it intently, searching for some clue, a tag, anything. From the other side of the room, Kyo was silent, barely daring to breathe, his guilt clutching at his heart and refusing to let go.

Comprehension dawned in her eyes after a moment, when Kyo hadn't answered.

Kyo felt horrible, more so then he had ever felt when someone had hurt him. Usually he didn't care about Kagura, she was just plain annoying. But the sadness written across her face, so plainly etched into her eyes, tugged at his proverbial heartstrings. He sat up painfully, staring at Kagura as she slowly picked it up and stared at it pensively.

"It's for another girl, isn't it…" she whispered a rhetorical question to herself. Kyo could find no words to answer her. He knew more silence would only cause her pain, but nothing that he could think of seemed appropriate, something that he could say to her to bring the light back into her eyes.

"Kagura…" he said finally. "Kagura I---I just…" he glared, unsure of what to say, angry because he couldn't form the right words to make her bottom lip stop quivering.

Kagura hung her head and took a step towards him. Kyo braced himself for anger, but instead she was remarkably calm.

"What will I do Kyo, without you?"

She hugged him, and for once Kyo hugged her back with real emotion and feeling. He wanted, more then anything, maybe more then his wish to beat Yuki in a fight, for her to find someone to be happy with.

"You'll find someone, and that person will be suited just for you Kagura…" he said, remembering something that someone had told him, but he couldn't remember who.

"I know," she whispered, and then she pulled away and left. Kyo just sat on his bed, looking solicitously out the window.


"Hari! And Ayame, Kisa and Hiro! Well, come in, come in!" Shigure bustled around happily, grinning from ear to ear. Hatori's eye twitched slightly, but he said nothing and stepped inside.

"Where's our darling Tohru on this fine day, Gure-chan?" questioned Ayame. Shigure turned slightly serious.

"I decided to let her sleep in…she had a rough night."

Hatori, who had his back turned to the two, perked up slightly, eavesdropping on the conversation.

"You know Hatori, you can actually come over and listen to us without eavesdropping. You're a doctor, you have an excuse," Shigure said in a singsong voice.

"I'm a doctor, Shigure, not a school-boy with a crush. I'm merely concerned for Tohru's health. I just didn't want you badgering me with your silly nonsense…" None-the-less, Hatori joined the two.

"He has you there Gure-chan," Aya said, smiling. Kisa and Hiro snuck off, ignoring the grownup talk.

"I wonder if sissy is ok…" Kisa said sadly.

"I'm sure she's fine Kisa, she's too dense to know how to be sad," Hiro said, sitting down on the bottom step.

"I'm going to go check on sissy," Kisa said, heading up the stairs. Hiro sighed, but followed her grudgingly.

"There's no point. That dumb dog even said to let her sleep Kisa, you should just come back downstairs."

"But---" Kisa stopped in front of Tohru's door, pausing to talk to Hiro in a hushed tone. "I want to know if sissy is ok. She helped me when I was sad…"

Hiro instantly caved when she mentioned that. He knew how much that meant to her, how much Tohru had helped when she desperately needed someone to cling to, and Hiro wasn't there…

"Ok, we can look in on her, but don't walk in or anything like that. It's rude you know."

Kisa merely smiled and nodded, and Hiro gave an exasperated sigh.

The door creaked open; seeming infinitely louder then it actually was in the quiet halls. Hiro found himself wondering where everyone was. Usually at least Yuki would be downstairs studying or something. Kisa poked her head in, and gave a small, almost inaudible sigh. His curiosity peeked, Hiro glanced in as well.

Tohru's room was very neat, and her bed sheets were tangled around her slender frame. If Hiro looked hard enough he could've almost sworn that there were tear streaks down her face, but he didn't look very hard at all. Kisa closed the door quietly, going back down the stairs and sitting at the bottom.

"Do you think she's alright Hiro-chan," she asked quietly.

Hiro nodded yes, but he really wasn't sure, he wasn't sure at all.


A knock on Uo's door jarred her awake, making her blink in surprise.

"Comin'…" she yelled hoarsely, reaching for her glass of water.

She opened the door to see Kyo on her front step, holding something behind his back, and was suddenly acutely aware of how she looked. Messy blonde hair, pyjama bottoms and a tank top, barefooted, with a glass of water in her hand.

"Kyo…heeeeeey…" she said, stepping back a bit. "Come in…"

From behind his back he pulled out a single rose, and handed it to her. She took it awkwardly, and then the present.

"Thanks carrot top…I---I gotta go get changed…" she wandered back into her bedroom, debating over whether or not to drag him in there with her. But, remembering the way he had scrambled away that other day, it made her think twice.

/There's always been something strange about all the Sohma's, but I've never been able to figure it out completely. I couldn't possibly ask Tohru; to put her in such a position would be cruel. All the same, I bet Carrot Top's secret is why he can't stand being close to many people…/

Thinking like this made her think of all the times in the halls when he would go out of his way to avoid giggly girls, when he'd always keep a meter distance between him and a girl he would be talking to.

/Maybe---maybe one day I'll be so important to him that he'll be able to tell me. One day, I could be just as important to him as Tohru is…/ she frowned and pulled on a white dress shirt and her leather jacket. She slipped into blue jeans and headed back out towards her small living room, combing her hair quickly with her fingers. It wasn't right of her to be jealous of Tohru, who had to go through so much at such a young age.

"So Yankee, are you going to open it or not," Kyo asked from his sitting position on the couch, an irritated note in his voice.

"Yeah," Uo drawled, "Since you went through so much trouble to get it for me," she said sarcastically.

Kyo snorted cynically, and added in under his breath, "You have no idea." But Uo paid him no heed, having really no idea what he actually had gone through to get it. Giggling schoolgirls, Hana's creepy conversation, a hysterically crying chick, a search for a lost cell phone, buying the gift, old biker guys hitting on him, nearly getting caught hiding behind a potted plant, creepy Hana yet again, nearly getting caught once more, wrapping the present, and then…Kagura.

Thinking about it all, Kyo blanched and his eyes widened a bit. He really had gone through hell and back again for the damn Yankee.

Uo carefully opened the gift, trying not to tear the paper. If she noticed Kyo pale, she didn't comment on it.

/I wonder what he got me…/ Even just trying to picture Kyo shopping for a present made her laugh, it just wasn't possible. Tohru probably hand picked it for him. Even so, she was slightly elated that he would even bother getting her a gift. She was about to open the box when a loud crash was heard from outside.

"What was that!" Uo hurried to the window, peering out from it to see what had happened.


Sunlight filtered past the window, shining into Yuki's eyes. He opened them fully, wondering for a moment where he was and why he was so warm. The weight of Haru's arm around him was barely noticeable until Yuki moved it, and then he suddenly became cold. It was no matter to Yuki, he just wanted to leave. The main house always gave him shivers and brought back unpleasant memories.


Hatred, loathing, and maybe a bit of fear lingered in Akito's cold eyes as he gazed towards Haru's bedroom door. He was well covered by the shadows that he had become accustomed and friendly with. They were his allies, the one thing that would cover him up at the needed moments. Perfect for spying, like his small birds. Slowly but surely they had been gathering information, despite Momiji's attempts to hide their secrets.

/Not for long though,/ Akito's smile was harsh and crooked, and had no trace of any happiness or goodwill. That had all left him long ago, he was the head of the Sohma's, born to die for them. And they would have to suffer for it.

But he had hoped, in some remote corner of his heart, that maybe he had seen something wrong last night, that it was not Yuki Sohma that had walked into Haru's bedroom and would be soon leaving, but merely some look alike. Of course, Haru would be punished for bringing a whore under his roof, but Haru was of no concern to him, other then in relation to Yuki.

"Akito-sama?" a voice said from behind him. When he turned, a pretty young maid stood, her head bowed respectively. Akito noticed her hair was white blonde, as white as snow. He knew that snow brought Hatori great sadness, and it made him smile. His smile quickly darkened though, and the maid looked frightened.

"What is it you worthless girl," he spat out, looking her over ruthlessly. She fidgeted in fear before answering, managing to keep the quiet quiver from her voice.

"Master Hatori sent me for you sir, it's time for your physical." She winced when Akito's gaze darkened even more.


Yuki slipped from Haru's room quietly, clutching the stuffed rat from the evening before, a reminder that it really had happened.

"What is it you worthless girl!" Yuki froze in fear, recognizing the voice. In the shadows he saw Akito addressing a maid, his back turned away from Yuki.

Yuki hurried out of Akito's line of vision, but stuck around a little longer, curious as to why Akito was waiting there. The maid mumbled something about a physical. Yuki's heart was hammering so loudly that he was sure Akito would be able to hear it from where he was.

"Fine," he heard Akito spit out, and then retreating footsteps. Wasting no time, Yuki fled from the main house, making a beeline for Shigure's and not looking back.



Yay, this took me so long to finish and yet it's so unrelated to the title…I meant for the title to be exactly what it said. But I guess things don't always work that way, haha. But I'm keeping the title anyways, I like it ^_^

Many thanks to:

Bighearted Fan: I've hinted towards Tohru's pairing…but I'm still open for any suggestions! Thank you so much for reviewing all the time ^_^ It makes me happy.

Silence: Yes, I can be interesting at times… ::bows head in shame:: ok, really I'm not that interesting. But I try.

Izzi Jorge Chant: Yes, twists, turns, and unusual hookups are my specialty! And have no fear, more Hari and Tohru will be mentioned and maybe even put into the actual plot…as soon as I decide to get my ass in gear and decide on official pairings.

Scarlett Fayelinn: thank you. ^_^

Madhatter0666: Yes, I quite agree. :) Although there are other wonderful couples as well.