Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Well That Was Surprising ❯ A Surprising Revelation ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey all, sorry for the long wait, I apologize!!! And to anyone who's reading this, please review because it makes me happy! ^^

Disclaimer: This is for all chapters, I'm getting sick of writing this over and over again. I don't own Fruits Basket; it's characters, or anything else. >_<



/What the…/ Haru's vision was blurred as he tried to wake himself up. Disoriented, he vaguely wondered why he felt warm and kind of sticky. It all came rushing back to him at once, and he had to leap up and make a run for the bathroom, retching into the toilet. Once he was finished, he stood up shakily and wiped the corners of his mouth. Tears threatened to form in his eyes but he blinked them away, knowing that Akito would only take pleasure in knowing that Haru couldn't even stand his own reflection. He flushed the toilet and began to search for his clothes. Akito was asleep in his chair, smiling peacefully.

/You would never think, by his image right now, that he is an evil, bitter tyrant./ Haru chuckled at the unjust irony of everything. Of the curse, of how Akito could control him, but most of all the love that flowed in the family. If anyone could call it love.

Haru pulled his leather pants back on and didn't look back when he left the room, shutting the door behind him. His first instinct was to go check on all the members of the zodiac that lived in the main house, for if Akito had such a smile on in his sleep then surely he had done something. But he smothered that impulse, and headed towards Hatori's office for a quick check-up to make sure Momiji was ok.

"Hatori?" he called, pushing open the large wooden door leading to his office. It was immaculate, perfectly organized and spotlessly clean. At the desk, Hatori was snoozing over a bunch of papers that he obviously was supposed to be working on. Haru didn't wake him, he went into the other room where the hospital beds were.

"Momiji?" he called. He found the young rabbit sitting at the edge of one of the beds, tears dripping down his usually cheerful face. "Momiji what's wrong," asked Haru, horrified.

Momiji looked up at Haru with a sad expression on his face, and began to explain of Akito's plans. He said, "I, I can't be everywhere at once Haru! I'm trying to keep everyone from letting out their secrets, but it's to hard! It's just too hard! I don't want them to anger Akito, especially Tohru. Then he'll make Tohru leave, or maybe he'll do worse! But they all just don't seem to realize! Akito is always watching them, they just-" he paused to hiccup, "they just don't notice yet…but they will once he knows…he already is suspicious of Tohru and Yuki, and now he knows about Uo and Kyo…And it's my fault!" The blonde boy dissolved into tears again.

/Damn Akito…what are you up to you bastard?/


Kyo inched up the front porch, afraid to make too much noise. The porch creaked, and he froze with a comical expression on his face. Inside he could hear Uo talking with Shigure, which creeped him out to no end. But it still presented a problem.

/With that damn dog right in front of the door, he'll point me out to Uo and then I'm busted!/

Shigure was never well known for his talent of keeping his mouth shut.

Stumped, Kyo sat down on the front step, pondering what to do.


"What!" he snapped. He turned around to see Yuki standing behind him. "Oh, it's just you."

What's wrong you stupid cat? Afraid to go in the house," Yuki taunted. Kyo glared up at him.

"I am not you bastard!" Kyo stood up and clenched his fists. Yuki just shrugged.

"Okay then, I'll just go in and announce that you're here…"

"NO!" Kyo grabbed Yuki's wrist and pulled him back. "Ok, look. I need…I-I need your-IneedyourhelpYuki."

Yuki stared at Kyo with a mildly disgusted look and said, "Why would I do that?"

"Look, all I need you to do is go in and find a way to get Uo out of the house."

Yuki shook his head.

"Come on! I need to wrap this present so she thinks I've had it all along and not that I just got it!"

"You're pathetic, you know that?"

"I don't care, just do it!" In his head, Kyo swore he would get Yuki back for the pathetic comment. He was pretty desperate though, and decided he would say anything…to a certain extent.

/If that damn rat makes me beg, I swear I'll--/

"Yuki? Kyo? What's wrong," asked Tohru, who was walking up to them carrying a grocery bag.

"Nothing," they replied simultaneously, glaring at each other.

"I heard what you guys were saying…and Yuki, I think you should help Kyo! It would be the right thing to do," she said, shifting the bag to her other hand. Yuki hung his head in defeat, and then looked up at Kyo, who was scowling.

"Fine, I'll help you this once. But it doesn't get out to anyone. And later, you can clean my room." And with that, Yuki turned gracefully and went inside.

"WHAT??" Kyo waved his fist in the air angrily. "Like Hell I will!!!"

"Shhh, Kyo, be quiet…" Tohru whispered. Gulping, Kyo scurried up onto the roof and watched as Yuki led Uo out of the house, his charm turned on full blast.

"Oh, Tohru! Hi!"

"Hello Uo, how nice to see you again!" Tohru said cheerfully, nearly dropping the bag she was holding. Kyo rolled his eyes.

"Come Miss. Uotani, I'll walk you home." Yuki took Uo by the arm and led her towards the path, with Tohru waving frantically goodbye.

Kyo flipped down from the roof, landing in front of Tohru.

"Thanks," he said, trying not to make it a big deal. Tohru brightened up instantly and was cheery all the way into the house and down to the kitchen. Kyo split to go upstairs and wrap Uo's present…that he had all along…of course.

Once upstairs he looked at the wrapping paper he had bought sceptically. Now that he thought about it, the white wrapping paper with orange kitties on it didn't seem like such a good idea.

/It's all you have, you idiot./ he set to work wrapping the present. Something of which he had never attempted before.

"Damn wrapping paper!" He struggled with the roll, somehow winding it around his torso and hips. He stood up and stepped forward to grab the scissors, catching his foot on the roll of wrapping paper and tumbling forwards, landing with a loud thud.

"Oh, my goodness! Why," Shigure stood at the door, smothering snickers and giggles, "Kyo what are you doing?"

"Cram it Shigure," Kyo said, glaring testily.

Shigure grinned and helped Kyo up, getting no thanks in return. Not that he was expecting any, but still.

"Try cutting the paper first. It helps," he said, a sudden seriousness in his voice. He left quickly, before Kyo could give him an odd look.

/Cutting the paper first…baka, how could you not have thought of that!/

Kyo went back to work, managing to wrap the present decently enough. It wasn't perfect, but if Uo expected perfect then she had another thing coming.


"Well Prince, it was very kind of you to walk me home," Uo said, a hint of sarcasm in her tone. "Now, why did Kyo want me out? He didn't have my present, did he," she said, a small smirk on her face.

Yuki sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Although he did not like the neko, he still felt sympathy towards him at certain times. Like right now.

"Actually," he found himself saying, "He did have it. He wanted to wrap it for you, but he didn't want you to know. He was…more than a little embarrassed. He's had it all along." Yuki sighed inwardly for telling such an outright lie, but even if this wasn't for Kyo, it was for Uo and Tohru. Uo would be upset if she knew Kyo had lied, which would in turn make Tohru sad.

"Oh," Uo said distractedly. Yuki could see a small smile playing on her lips. "Hey, isn't that your cousin Haru over there?"

Yuki looked to his left, and saw Haru walking down the street, casually whistling and looking around.

"Oh no, he's probably lost again. I'd better go help him." Yuki smiled apologetically to Uo.

"Sure," Uo said, raising an eyebrow, "go `help' him." She smirked and walked into her apartment building. Yuki blushed and looked away from Uo's retreating figure, and came face to face with Haru.

"Yuki," Haru said, sounding moderately happy.

"Haru." Yuki nodded. The two boys stood rooted to the spot for a minute.

"Hey, uh, you wanna do something today? There's something going on at a park around here, it looks like fun," Haru said casually, leaning against a nearby tree. What Yuki didn't know was that inwardly Haru was fidgeting and worrying about Yuki's reaction.

"Sure." Yuki gulped and smiled at Haru. "Where to?"

Haru lead Yuki in the opposite direction of where he was heading. "This way, if I remember correctly…"

A couple hours later the duo finally reached their destination, after walking in circles for a while, and then backtracking and finally finding the park.

"Remind me to never, ever trust your sense of direction again," Yuki said flatly, quirking an eyebrow at Haru, who just smiled sheepishly. (A/N: Get it? Sheepishly, Hiro…Hiro is the sheep…Nevermind.)

"Well, we're here now…so what do you want to do," Haru asked. Yuki paused and surveyed the scene set up in the park. Mini roller coasters, game booths, and a large Ferris wheel were dominating the majority of the park's space.

"It's a carnival," Yuki said in surprise. The last thing he had expected was this. Haru smiled at him and grabbed his hand, eagerly pulling him towards the fray. For a moment Yuki tried to linger, desperately trying to capture the moment, just the scene and the sounds and the picture. But Haru jerked him forward, and Yuki stumbled quickly to catch up.

"How about the roller coasters first," asked Haru. Yuki paled a bit and shook his head.

"How about something that stays on the ground and doesn't flip over," he suggested with a nervous laugh. Haru looked at him sceptically, and an evil grin spread across his face. With surprising speed and strength, he swept Yuki off his feet, in the literal sense, and ran towards the nearest coaster, with Yuki kicking his feet and protesting.

Haru reached it and threw Yuki into one of the seats, hopped in himself, and secured them before Yuki could make sense of what was happening and run. Yuki looked over at him in disbelief.

"Haru," he exclaimed, "what do you think your doing!"

"Just having some fun Yuki," Haru said, grinning. Yuki looked like he would be sick, but kept quiet and turned forwards, keeping his eyes glued straight ahead.

"Oh Gods…" he whispered just before the carts shot off into a series of complex twists and turns. Haru looked over to see Yuki with his eyes squeezed shut, his hands gripping the bars so tight that his knuckles were white. There was a lull in the momentum, and Yuki took the opportunity to open his eyes and look around, which was a mistake. They were perched on top of a huge hill that had a steep drop. Instinctively he reached out, one hand grabbing the bar, the other Haru's arm. The carts moved again, falling quickly down the hill. Yuki repressed a scream. Haru winced in pain as Yuki's nails dug into him, and he looked over at him in amusement. Then, the ride was over as quickly as it had begun. The ride screeched to a stop and the bars unlocked. Haru stepped out cheerfully, helping Yuki out by his arm. Yuki's legs felt like jelly and the stumbled, falling into Haru's soft white shirt. He stayed there for a minute, regaining his composure, until he realized his position. He straightened up quickly, fixing his hair and announcing that now Haru had to remain on the ground. Haru agreed reluctantly and followed Yuki away from the ride.

"It's starting to get dark," Yuki commented after a while. He carried a small stuffed rat, while Haru carried a rather large stuffed cow. They had won them for each other. Haru had learnt that he had horrible aim, while Yuki had realized that basketball wasn't hard at all.

"It is." Haru looked up at the darkening sky that was now a beautiful palette of colours. The reds and blues and purples all bled together and gave a spectacular show. Haru and Yuki both stood side by side, watching the sky darken. The street lamps came on one by one, but mostly the flashing carnival lights lighted the park. Yuki smiled sadly and turned around, watching two small children put magnetic rods into a wading pool, trying to catch a magnetic fish. The small boy finally caught one, and his prize was a real live fish. The girl squealed in delight as the boy handed it to her proudly.

"Do you want one?" Haru whispered into Yuki's ear, making him shiver. He glanced over at Haru, whose gaze was now focused on the game.

"Sure, why not." Yuki shrugged and Haru paid the man at the booth, taking a small rod and sitting on the ground.

"You don't have to you know," Yuki said, taking a seat next to him after Haru paid the man for a third try.

"Sure I do, I want to." Haru pulled up the rod, smiling in triumph. A small golden cut out fish hung from it.

"You've won the special fish! " The man happily proclaimed in a thick accent. Haru stood up and looked at the man suspiciously. Yuki stood up and laughed. The man pulled out a small fish bowl with a brightly coloured blue, red and purple Siamese fighting fish. He put it in a bag and handed it to Haru.

Haru accepted and inched away from the jolly man, who was laughing hysterically now. Yuki joined him quickly.

"Well that was weird. Here you go Yuki." Haru handed him the bag with the fish swimming around in it.

The two sat down under a tree and placed their things beside them for a small rest. Yuki surveyed the park, looking for something they hadn't done yet that would not put him at risk of being hurled off.

"Do you want to go on the Ferris wheel," he asked Haru. Haru nodded and the two stood up, gathering their things and heading towards it.


Meanwhile, Tohru sat at the table with Shigure, the two of them eating in comfortable silence.

/Should I tell him tonight? He's taking an awfully long time getting home. He may be tired, so then I shouldn't bother him. Oh, now I'm just making excuses. Mom always said to go for what you want. So, mom, does that mean I should tell him tonight? Before I put it off for even longer?/

"So, Tohru," Shigure said, halting her thoughts.

"Um hm?" She looked at him questioningly. "Was there something wrong with the food? Was it the flavour? It was too bland, wasn't it! Oh, I know I didn't put in enough spices! I'm so sorry, I'll go make you something else-"

"Woah Tohru, hold on a minute. No, there's nothing wrong with your cooking," Shigure smiled, "it's as wonderful as ever."

"Oh." Tohru calmed down and smiled, sitting back at her place.

"I was just wondering if you were okay. You've been acting slightly strange," Shigure said, tilting his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you were worried. It's nothing though." She smiled, looking away. "Yuki's late," she said, changing the subject.

"Yes, he is."

And the subject was dropped.

The time ticked away and Yuki didn't come home. Tohru paced back and forth, staring out the window every so often. When she yawned, Shigure spoke up.

"Tohru, go to bed. Whatever you have to tell Yuki can wait until the morning. You have the entire summer.

She looked back at Shigure, blinking and smothering another yawn.

"You're right. Goodnight Shigure." She walked upstairs slowly, flopping down onto her bed and snuggling under the covers. The phone rang and she heard Shigure answer it, but she was so tired that she fell asleep instantly.

Down with Shigure, he was busy greeting Hatori.

"So, Hari-chan, what's the occasion?"


"Oh, calling for Tohru? She just went to bed. Awww, Hari has a crush on Tohru, our sweet little flower! Isn't that cuuuuuute!"


"That's not nice Hatori. Do you want me to set you guys up?" Shigure's grin grew wider and wider with every word he spoke.


Shigure winced and said, "Now now Hatori, you wouldn't do that."


"Ok, ok. I'm sorry for implying that you like Tohru. I know you don't. Besides, you're probably afraid of the competition from Yuki!"


"Just joking Hari!"


"Okay, we'll see you soon then. Bye bye!"


Shigure hung up the phone and shook his head. "Poor Hatori, can't even admit that he likes someone. It's because of Kana…"

He left the room to go sit on the porch, lost in thought.


"The view is great," Yuki mumbled, looking over at Haru. They had left their stuff down with the ride operator, and the wheel had stopped them right at the top to let other people in.

"Yeah, it is."

Yuki noticed that Haru looked very sad, sitting beside him and staring out at the horizon.

"Is something the matter Haru? Are you unhappy?" Yuki's brows furrowed in curiosity, and he placed his hand over top of Haru's.

Haru was silent for a minute, glancing down at Yuki's hand overtop of his own.

"Yuki," he said suddenly, "do you love Tohru?"

"I, uh…" the question caught Yuki off guard, and he looked intently into Haru's distressing eyes.

"I mean," Haru continued, "is she the one you think about most often? When you're happy or sad or excited, is it her that you want to share the news with?" Yuki was still silent, and Haru took it as a confirmation of what he was saying. "I see. One last question Yuki…This is the only, truly important one…did you ever feel anything, anything at all, for me?"

Yuki stared at Haru. He was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say or what to think. He wasn't even sure of what he felt anymore, about Tohru and about Haru.

"Haru, I…I…"

He didn't get to finish. Haru leaned forwards and captured Yuki's mouth in a tender kiss. Yuki slid closer to Haru in the vinyl seats and responded, parting his lips slightly and placing his hand behind Haru's head. Haru wrapped his arms around Yuki's slim frame and pulled him even closer, smelling the sweet scent of Yuki's shampoo. His hair was soft and easy to run his fingers through. Haru slipped his tongue into Yuki's mouth, battling for dominance. When Haru couldn't breathe anymore, he pulled back slightly, resting his forehead against Yuki's. Silence enveloped them, staying even when they began to move. Yuki shivered and Haru put his arm around him, cuddling for warmth. They went around a couple times, Haru didn't know how many. They stared at the stars until the ride stopped and they had
to get out. They stayed quiet, as they got their stuff, as the left the park, and they didn't begin to talk until they were almost to the main house.

"So…" Haru mumbled, keeping his eyes on the ground.

"So, what now," Yuki asked, unsure of how they stood together.

Haru grasped Yuki's hand lightly in his as they walked, entering the main gates and walking up to Haru's house.

And from his window, Akito watched.




Yes, I am mean, evil, and anything else you can throw at me :P Sorry for leaving it there, but it was getting to long and I had to cut it off. Sorry for the wait as well, I was pretty busy. And grr, I'm so mad. Before when I first posted this, I had so many reviews. -__-` I have to start all over again. Oh well.

…..Review! You know where the button is!