Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What I Love About You ❯ There's No Stopping Us ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What I Love About You
All characters are (c) Natsuki Takaya
Don’t bother me if you don’t like it...


"Hello?" he slowly opened the front door.
"Yo", the younger sandy haired male said.
"Hiro?" Momiji gasped.
"In the flesh." Hiro said calmly.
Momiji looked at the very least confused. He hasn’t seen Hiro in about 4 years!
"w-what're you doing here?!" Momiji quickly tried to cover up the indecentness of his boxers.
"I’m here to help."
Hiro began studying Momiji's current living situation. He took off his shoes and threw Momiji his jacket. He picked up what looked to be a shirt with his foot giving off the impression of disgust.
"From the look of this place, it looks like you'll need a lot of my help..." he sighed.
"Now, what does that mean?" Momiji shouted and closed the door.
"I'm helping you clean your place up, right?"
"That's news to me!"
Hiro made his way, dodging broken glass and candy wrappers, to his kitchen. Momiji followed. He opened the cabinet under the sink and rummaged through whatever it was that was in there.
"No Windex, no Clorox... and please tell me you've heard of 409!"
"I DO have soap, though." Momiji said.
"That’s great..." Hiro sighed, "Do you have a bucket, at least?"
"Somewhere around here..."
"Go look for it, will ya?" Hiro said closing the cabinet.
"I can’t! I have to go to work. I'm already running behind." Momiji said looking at the clock.
"Ugh. Alright. I'll go out and buy some things." Hiro said heading towards the door. He put his shoes on and jacket and walked out.
"I am so confused. What is he doing here?" Momiji thought aloud.
He walked to the bathroom and turned the shower head on. He slipped off his boxers and threw them into his overflowing hamper. He stepped in the nice hot water of his shower. Just what he needed. He picked up the soap and lathered it in his hands. He took his time as he cleaned himself. Then he remembered Hiro took up much of his time so he quickened his pace.
After he was done, he tied a towel around his waist and another lay on his head. He went into his room and opened the last drawer of his bureau. He pulled out a pair of black pants and a white long-sleeved shirt. He dried his hair with the towel that was on his head and threw it on the floor next to his bed. Then he took off the towel around his waist and dried the rest of his dripping body. He threw the towel where he threw the last one and slipped on a pair of clean underwear. Then, he jumped into his black pants and tossed on his white shirt. All set for work.
He went over to the front door and slipped on a pair of nice black shoes. He grabbed for his jacket when the doorbell rang. He opened the door.
"I'm back." Hiro said with shopping bags under his arms. He took his shoes off and his jacket and put down the bags in the kitchen.
"Um... listen I'm heading out now. I'm giving you my key incase you have to run out or something. But if your going home just put it under the mat by the door, okay?" Momiji said handing Hiro the key, "Don’t let anyone see you putting it there, though."
"Alright." Hiro put the key in his pocket.
"I should be back by 8:00." Momiji left.
Momiji exited his apartment and called for a taxi.
"Kuidokoro bar Toki, please." He said to the driver.
10 minutes later he reached his destination. He paid the driver and walked in. He took off his shoes and slipped on custom slippers and hung up his coat. He went into the kitchen.
"Sohma! Table 4!" said one of the employees.
"Alright." Momiji said and tied his apron around his waist. He headed out of the kitchen and over to table 4.
"Can I get you something to drink?" Momiji said to the young couple.
"Yes. She would like a..."
happoshu, please" the young lady said, smiling.
"That sounds good. Make it two." He smiled at her.
"I'll be back with your drinks." Momiji said.
4 hours later he was done for the day. He got the money he earned for the day and headed toward the door. He got his shoes on and jacket and ran out.
He called for a taxi but none stopped for him. He continued walking the rest of the way home. Just then a black car stopped in front of him. The door opened and a voice appeared.
"Get in," it said.
"Excuse me?!" Momjii yelled. A figure emerged from the shadiness of the car. It was Kyo!
"It's me, you idiot!"
"Oh..." Momiji giggled at his foolishness. He got in the passengers seat.
"Why didn’t you tell me who Shiro Kazahaya was?" Kyo said looking a bit pissed.
"I don’t. Why?" Momiji said inching away from Kyo who looked like he would attack at any given moment.
"Don’t fuck with me!! You knew damn well who it was!!"
"No! Honestly!! Why? Who was it?"
Kyo whispered the name.
"What?" Kyo repeated the name in the same volume.
"I can't hear you."
"IT WAS YUKI, ALRIGHT?!" Kyo yelled. Momiji couldn’t help but laugh.
"Stop laughing!!"
"I'm sorry! What happened?"
(Flashback of Kyo)
Kyo walked around the streets looking for the apartment building scribbled on the piece of paper. He found it. Then, he walked in and went to the designated room number that was given.
He knocked on the door.
"One minute!" he heard.
"Why does that voice sound familiar?" Kyo asked himself. The door opened. All was silent.
"What...the..." they both said.
"What do you want you stupid cat?!" Yuki yelled.
"What are you doing here?! I thought Shiro Kazahaya lived here!" Kyo shouted.
"Yea. That's me."
"I'm going to kill Shigure!" Kyo yelled and ran out.
"What an idiot..."
(End of flashback)
Momjii continued laughing.
"Shut up!!" Kyo yelled.
"Wait... why would you kill Shigure?" Momiji looked puzzled.
"When I told you that he hired me an agent, what I actually meant was that he hired himself to be my agent..."
"I see." Momiji said. "But I seriously didn’t know anything about Yuki being Kazahaya."
"Where are we going?" Kyo asked. I told him my apartment.
Ten minutes later we reached my apartment. I opened the door, thanked Kyo, and closed the door again. I walked inside and trudged up the stairs. I wonder if Hiro's still here.
I made it to my door and looked under the mat. The key wasn’t there. He must still be here. He opened the door and took his shoes off and jacket.
"Wow." Momiji said. His apartment was nearly descent.
"Your here. Finally." Hiro said coming out of the bathroom.
"I didn't know I had a floor..." Momiji said.
"Yea. Well, I'm not done yet. So, I was thinking about coming back tomorrow to vacuum and finish up. You have a vacuum, right?"
Momiji pointed to his closet. "In there, I think."
Hiro went over to the closet, opened it and checked. "Okay, good." He closed it. "I’m leaving now."
"Alright. Be careful." Momiji waved him off.
"I think I'll be safer out there than in this dump." Hiro sneered and left.
"How mean!" A minute later the door opened again.
"I forgot to give you this back." Hiro tossed him his key.
"Oh yeah."
"Later." Hiro left for good this time.
Momiji got undressed and flopped down on his bed. He was too tired to do anything else. Slowly, slowly he drifted off into a deep sleep.
"Haru, what're you doing?" Momiji crept up behind him. Haru was on the computer.
"Looking up something..." Haru said not taking his eyes off the screen.
"Looking up what?"
"Airplane tickets."
"Are we going somewhere?"
"Well... it's up to you." Haru smiled.
"Really? Where, where?" Momiji squealed excitedly.
"I was thinking... maybe England? Or Germany?"
"England... would be great."
"Alright! England it is!" Haru laughed. "I was thinking about getting a job to pay for the tickets."
"But what about Akito?" Momiji whispered.
"You want Akito to come, too?!"
"Seriously... what would Akito think?" Haru had a stern face on him. For a minute he looked a little bit mad.
"I don't know... and I don’t care."
"Haru!!" Momiji yelled shooting straight up in bed. He was sweating terribly and had a scared look. He reached into the pitched black room in front of him. "Don’t go! Don’t leave me!" Momiji dropped right back down to his pillow.
And then... the tears came.
Authors Note:
Hey. I'm quite pleased with how this story's coming out. Also, sorry for the wait. I had to upload Sick of Secrets and Katze und Ratte.
Hyacinthus =(Oh no... where's Haru?Update soon! =)
You'll just have to find out! :P
OMG!! i loved it!! you must hurry w/ the next chappy please!
Thanks! Sorry, but I must also upload SOS and KuR. = ' . ' =
Diamond LotusYAY! A MOMIJI STORY! They're so rare, but so wonderful. *huggles Momiji-usagi* You're going to do more Momiji and Haru shounen ai, right? :) My favorite pairing. I'm thinking of making a C2 community for Momiji stories and I'd definitely love to include yours if I do (I've only found 4 Momiji stories to far. And one of them is mine. So sad. So sad.) But I can't put your's in if its don't know. Just keep writing because it's real cute. Oh, even though I'm not a big Kyo fan, I had to laugh thinking of him as a model. ;) He'd kill the camera people though lol.
Yea, they are pretty rare. I'll defiently think about making another one, though. You SHOULD start a C2 community! Why no rated R ones...? I just HAD to make Kyo a model!! I mean, just look at his hot body!! lol. Yea, he'd definently leave them in scars...
unheard screams::thumbs up:: excellent! kyos a model, nya haha!
Heh heh. Kyo would make one hot model, though...
gure'slilinuloved it! i don't know if i reviewed you last time...but i'm really sorry if i didn't!GOMEN NASAI!gure: you are not but i can be!!gure: you were born in the year of the so. gure: so this story is kinda about yeah! momitchi-kun acts just like me!gure: you're room is proof of that.hugs kisses and ale all 'roundgure's lil inu
It's alright. Thanks anyway! Ritsu?! WHERE?! (loves Ritsu)
DarknessRose63Ya, another clif hanger. I want more, damn bugging writer self inside of me and my naging friends to stop leaving them at hangers. Mawhahaha! tourching souls is sounds fun. Can i help.
Heh, I love leaving my readers at suspense. Torture is F.U.N. "Can i help" did you just ask me if you can help? Get back to me on that one.
TheAnimeFreak14Ah. 'Twas very good. Ami (as barry white):Yes very good, what did you think Yumi?Yumi (as barry white):It made me giggle.Very Good Story.I'm hanging on to the words.Update SoonJa, NeAmi & Yumi: BYE BYE BU!
Thank you all very much :3

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