Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What I Love About You ❯ Waste Me ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What I Love About You
All characters are (c) Natsuki Takaya
Don't bitch to me if you don’t like... I have way better things to do.


I decided to walk back home tonight. I was overcome by a refreshing feeling of joy and happiness. I guess it was because of the sudden arrival of Tohru. I'm so glad I got to see her after so long!
I remember the time when I treated the four of us to go the onsen and I ended up sleeping with her! That really ticked Yuki and Kyo off! But it was so funny. And that other time when we met at papa's building and I told her about my mom and we cried together... or that other time when...
"Hey, you! Come here!" I heard a voice from the shadows of a dumpster. This could not be good.
I continued walking with my head high, pretending I heard nothing. Ignoring, ignoring, ignoring...
"I’m talking to YOU." said the mans voice again. I continued to ignore him and walked on.
Within seconds, I had been surrounded by a small group of men. There must've been four or five but... they looked mad...
I'm scared.
"Where do you think your going?" threatened the leader guy. He was tall, kind of thin, short black hair. He was wearing a big black shirt and baggy jeans with chains. He had a nose piercing and a lit cigarette in his chapped lips. "Your one pretty boy."
"Yo, man. Don’t fuck with me or my cousin will kick your punk ass!" I yelled. Damn, I wish I took karate like the others...
"Well, I don’t see your cousin anywhere."
I really wish Kyo picked me up today...
"What do you want from me?"
What happened next explained the whole thing...


I was stripped completely naked and tied to a dumpster. One of the men went through my pockets and took all my money, some gum, and my apartment keys. The other guys were cheering and taking pictures of poor defenseless me.
"Let's see what you've got..." said the leader as he thrusted down his pants and got behind me. I could do nothing. He quickly slid deep inside me, not holding back. I screamed in pain which he mistook for pleasure. He kept slamming directly into me... how it hurt! I could hardly take the pain anymore. I continued screaming and yelling. I tried to kick but my legs had been tied down.
"Keep it up! You'll see what happens!" he threatened holding a knife up to my face. I stopped moving. I knew he could easily kill me without hesitation. He nipped at my face with the blade of the knife teasingly.
I cried. He just kept doing it. He just kept fucking me even after I had begged and pleaded him to stop. Where's Haru?! What happened to him?? This was not like the first time I had a penis inside me, not like the first time at all. This guy was a little bit smaller but more painful. Haru had been patient with me. Then again... this was... rape.
I could feel myself bleeding. I felt a warm liquid drip down my legs as he had his way with me. I’m not sure if it was the blood or the semen. After a long while, he was finished with me. But that wasn’t the end... all of the other guys took turns with me. I felt like a toy.
Several hours had past since they untied me and left. I could still feel them inside of me. Everything around me was so fuzzy, unclear. I slowly crawled to my clothes that had been tossed aside. They were mangled and torn. Dirt and footprints had found its way all over them. They were unwearable. I tried to stand up but I just dropped right back down. God, how it hurt! I can’t get those faces out of my mind! I'm scared... I am really scared...
"Where are you now, Haru?" I asked the nights sky. I sat in a puddle of blood, semen, and tears.


It was well past midnight. It was probably 3am. I had the hardest time walking back home. Luckily my jacket had survived most of the violence that has been done to my belongings.
'I should call for a taxi' I thought. Then I remembered that I had been robbed. I was left alone with no money, no keys, and undealable scars. As I walked down the street I had to squat a little. I walked like a drunken man. As women walked by they gave me nasty faces and spat. They thought I was up to no good. How did it end up this way?


Finally, after what seemed like forever, I had made it to my apartment. I hope Hiro was there. Otherwise I had no luck of getting inside tonight. Each and every step I took to my room the more it hurt like a bitch. After a few fleets of steps I made it.
I knocked on the door. No one answered. I knocked again. Come on, Hiro... please be there...
"Who is it?" Hiro asked opening the door. "Oh my god!!"
"Hey..." I tried to say.
"What happened to you?!" Hiro took my arm and lead me to the couch. I sat down slowly. The pain was still great.
"I was raped by some guys..." I said. "They took my money and my keys and ruined my clothes."
Hiro could say nothing. He just looked at me worriedly. I couldn’t blame him... I wouldn’t know what to say to someone who has been raped. Before now, I couldn’t even imagine what that would be like.
With Hiro's help, I stepped into the bath. The warm water felt nice on my tattered skin. I stayed in there for hours, just relaxing in the warm water. Hiro then walked in with two towels for me.
"Thank you", I said. He nodded. I tried getting out of the tub but the pain just forced me to stay down. Hiro held me up. I wrapped the towel carefully around my waist and placed the other on my head.
"I'll be in the kitchen." Hiro said and left. It was so hazy in here because of the steam. I dried off my hair and wiped the mirror with the towel. I jumped back at the image before me. I looked a mess! My lip was cut, I had a black and blue mark above my eye and I had a scar on my cheek.
"What am I supposed to do now?" I asked myself. I started crying again. "I promised Tohru that I'd meet her for tea..."


I made my way to the bedroom. I carefully flopped down on the bed. I had to lie on my stomach so it won’t hurt as much. How am I supposed to sleep after all that? How am I supposed to go on everyday knowing that I was so foolish as to get raped by some lower class punks? I'm a disgrace! I wonder what my family would think. What would Tohru think?
What would Haru think?

An hour or two later I cried myself to sleep.

Hallo. Nizza, zum Sie zu treffen. Danke zu jeder, das hat und überhaupt mein Material lesen wird! Genießen Sie bitte, was ich über Sie liebe.

HyacinthusYay! Another chappie! (Or 2 since I reviewed! =D)Woohoo!Still no sign of Haru...HARU... Where are you?Hahah I liked these two chapters! All da ppl are coming back!
Hehe... all in good time. Thankies :3
Squish Wow! I really liked your story it is so cute! Poor Momiji Haru's gone... I fell sad for him but then again he meets everyone else.
Yea... me too.... MOVING ON!!
unheard screamsah, my fanfiction buddy! lovely chapter! so tohru isnt with yuki? ah, yuki distances himself as usual! i do wonder what happened to akito? my computer just crashed- thank god i handnt typed up the next chapter yet ^^'but anyway im looking foward to the next chapter!
Howdy!! Heh-heh... Tohru and Yuki's relationship will all be cleared up soon. Maybe the next chapter. Akito will probably be explained later... much. lol yea, thank goodness. Thanksies!!
gure'slilinuhey there yet another good chapter!!i'm very sick right now and i'm trying to write my fics too!gure: i keep telling her to go. to. bed. but she won't listen and insists on writing, reading and reviewing ::sicks tongue out:: ::blows nose:: okay well any way guess i better go i just wanted to tell you to update real soon on what ever you can!by the way i love Katze und Ratte as well!hugs kisses and ale all 'roundgure's lil inu
Thank you! Oooh... I hope you feel better! Listen to Shigure and get some sleep!! lol, thank you.
TheAnimeFreak14Hello!Very Good Chapter as always.A doujinshi is like drawing a manga book.Use any character you want, including OC's.You draw it like a comic with frames.mandarake . co . jpHas great examples of Doujinshi.Including some rated X doujinshi.Chobits, Digimon, Full Metal Alchemist, InuYasha, etc...Update Soon!Sayonara
Hiya. Thank you. Oooh... now I see. Thanks for clearing that up. FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST?!?!? IM THERE!!!!
ItaiandChihiro4EverVery good chapter!Chihiro: Yeah, I like it too!Itai, Kumi, Tsuki: Very wonderful!All: UPDATE SOON!
Thank yas!! I'll try to update as soon as possible!!

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