Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What I Love About You ❯ Tea Date ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What I Love About You
All characters are © Natsuki Takaya
No like, no read.
I'm going to forget that last night ever happened. If I see Haru again I can't have THAT in my mind. I'll erase it from my memory. Even though it goes against my usual standards- I will forget it ever happened. It never happened.
“Hiro, I'm going to take a walk.” I said getting dressed and slipping my shoes on.
“Are you sure?”
“What do you mean?” I smiled, “It's just a walk.” Hiro looked at me with contemplative eyes. I left.
I need air. Being cooped up in that place doesn't fit me at all. Maybe I'll visit Yuki. I haven't seen him in a while.
“Yuki! How are you?” I smiled.
“Momiji, hi.” He said allowing me in his apartment.
“Anything new?” I said looking around his apartment.
“No, not really.”
“Huh? Why not?”
“I haven't really been in the mood to do much.”
Yuki sighed and flopped down on the couch.
“Is something wrong?”
“… It feels like… she's here.”
“The other day I was looking out my window and I saw someone who looked just like her… Now I can't stop thinking about her…”
I felt the pressure and intensity in the room. I backed up to the door.
“Umm… Yuki maybe you should go to sleep. You don't look good.”
“No… no sleep. I'm not tired.” Yuki said dozing off. I took the silence as a clue he was out. I quietly left.
I walked around the city. There was nothing to do. Nothing to distract me from…
“Momiji!!” a girl's voice cheerfully rolled inside my head. Am I hearing things? I turned around and there was Tohru.
“Tohru!” I smiled and walked her way.
“At first I didn't think it was you,” she stopped in front of me catching her breath, “I didn't notice you without your work uniform.”
“Hehe, What have you been up to?”
“Oh, nothing. How about you?”
“Uhh… nothing. Nothing since I've seen you last.” I faked a smile. “But hey, since we're here… do you want to have our little tea date?”
“Yes!!” she had a huge smile on. How cute.
We sat down at the nearest tea house. We were facing each other. I noticed her coat hadn't been very suited for this type of chilly weather.
“Are you cold?” I said about to take my jacket off to give to her.
“No, no! I'm fine!” she said reassuringly.
We both ordered our tea.
“What were you doing in this part of town?” I asked.
“Oh, I'm just sort of exploring.”
“It's not too safe for a girl to be off on her on. And in a city no less.”
“Yea, I know.”
“Here you are.” The waitress gracefully put our tea down on the table.
“Thanks.” I said with a smile.
Over the past 45 minutes we talked about the good old days. The culture fest, the onsen trip, the first day of my freshmen year… hearing it all and talking about really made me miss it.
We stood up, put our coats on. I left money on the table.
“Where do you live?” I asked.
“Oh just an apartment outside the city.”
We walked around for a little bit and talked some more. Before I knew it, it turned dark.
“I'm sorry, but I really should cut it here. I have work early tomorrow and I need sleep.” I said.
“I understand. Thank you so much for the wonderful day!” she smiled.
“Yes. Um… but I was wondering…”
“What?” she asked.
“Am I… the only one you've seen since 10 years ago?”
She looked like she had to think about it. “No.”
“Oh. Okay, then… bye-bye.”
“Bye, Momiji!” she smiled and walked off. Maybe I should've got her a taxi… But with what money? Damn.
I walked in the direction of the apartment. This was the same street that… something happened… to me. I should stay in the street light and away from dark allies. I was about to cross an intersection when I car swerved and stopped right in front of me.
“What the fuck?!” I screamed. The tinted windows slowly went down. “Kyo, you jackass! You scared the shit outta me!”
“Get in. I'll take you home.”
“Why are you so jumpy?” Kyo laughed.
“What moron stops in the MIDDLE of a busy street just to pick someone up?”
“What were you doing out so late?
“I was…uh… out. With a friend.”
“Who? You don't have any friends.”
“Tohru.” The car screeched to a halt. I fell forward almost hitting the dash board. “What was that for?”
“Did you say Tohru?” he looked at me.
“Yea. Why?”
“What did she want?” he gave me a dark glare.
“Huh? Nothing. We just talked over tea that's all.”
“Talked about what? What did she say?” his grip tightened around the steering wheel.
“Just things! Nothing special! What's your problem?”
“…forget it.”
2 long minutes of eerie silence passed.
“I quit.”
“The modeling career. I quit. It's not for me.”
“I see… Now where do you work?”
“I'm unemployed. Don't tell Shigure… he'll get ideas.” I laughed.
We made it to my apartment. He dropped me off and I waved goodbye.
What was with his reaction to Tohru? I gasped.
“Am I… the only one you've seen since 10 years ago?”
Maybe Kyo was one of those people…
What happened to Kyo and Tohru?!
Sorry for the wait… >.< I've been soo busy.
Sorry about not reviewing in awile, I could never find time between school ending, I gotta watch my little brother and I just recently got a new 'specal someone'.
I have been reading though. Get Haru in there NOW! I want him in there by the next 3 chapters or else!
You'll just have to wait til he comes :P
Slow Motion Runner
Oh. Hiro's motives! Of course he's doing it for Kisa. *slaps herself*

Momiji: I am...Don Momiji of La Mancha! *runs around the neighborhood in his boxers*

Mother with toddler: Oh my! *covers the child's eyes, but stares intently herself*
Yea… you'd think they would've seen it coming. Lol.
::sniff sniff:: it was just a dream? Hiro why'd you have to wake me up?! i'm i still taking Tohru out?
momiji: aw!
haru: what are you reading?
momiji: O-O nothing!!
haru: ::reads your fic:: so where the hell am i? i need to protect momiji-koi... maybe i was taken way by fairies... a mystery...
momiji: ::giggles::
me: i liked it! it did explain why he was there but then i really didn't pay any mind to him... ::looks at little bro:: i think all people born in the year of the ram hate messy houses...
hiro: it's distasteful why would someone live like that?
me: ::looks around:: what's wrong with the way i live?
hiro: ::groans::

hugs kisses and ale all 'round
gure's lil inu
Haha! Sorry Momi. Thanks for reading lilinu. Love your reviews.
Diamond Lotus
Oh, I feel sorry for Hiro now, too! Oh no! Is Kisa with Haru? That would be so sad for little Momiji! (I guess he's not really little anymore, seeing as he's 26 in this story!) Oh, about the C2 community, I made one for Momiji, and I added this story to it (since you changed the rating to T. M stories aren't allowed in communities. Isn't that stupid? lol!) I'm really enjoying this! Update soon!
Thank you so much! That's awesome. But, yea it is stupid that it cant be M.
yo! definetly cleared up the hiro confusion-plus it made sense! ah, kisa slapped him. HA! he deserved it for being such a sarcastic little prick when he was little. but now he's cool. gya! ><
lova ya!
Lol. Your not supposed to laugh when someone gets slapped! Lmao. Luvz <3
Once again Great Chapter.

I agree with Kisa, Hiro needs to be nicer.

Kyo: It was quite good.
Yuki: Yes, brilliant.

Me: As a token of your brilliant writing.
I'm giving you Kyo.

Kyo: WHAT?!

Me: I'll even throw in Yuki.

Yuki: HAHAHA-- HUH?!

Me: Have fun with them.
Update Soon!.
Thankya Phil. Ooooh Id definently have some fun with them… O.O er, I mean… thanks for reading! ^-^'
*gives you giant cookie for updating*
Hope you like the giant 6 foot tall 8 feet wide cookie I baked!

Chihiro: X_X
Itai: X_X
Tsuki: *giggling with an axe behind her back*
Me: Good job, Tsuki!
Tsuki: Thanks!
Both: Update soon! *giggling like maniacs*
Daaamn big cookie. Lol.