Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What I Love About You ❯ A Reunion? ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What I Love About You
All characters are © Natsuki Takaya
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“Momiji!” a voice called. “Momiji, wake up!”
“Who's there?”
“Whattya mean `who'? It's me.”
I opened my eyes. I was in my bedroom. But Haru was here!
“Haru! What are you doing here? Where have you been?”
“Shh. Chill, little one.” He whispers patting my head. “But I can't stay. I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I always think about you.”
“No! You can't leave yet! I have to tell you something!”
“Sleep now. We'll talk in the morning. How about if we meet at Tokyo Tower? We'll talk then.”
“Wait… when?”
“As soon as you wake up.” Haru leaned over and kissed my head. “Bye, Chiquitita.”
I sat up from my bed. I felt Light- headed. How long was I asleep?
How about if we meet at Tokyo Tower? We'll talk then.”
Oh my god! That's right! Haru was here. He was actually here. He told me to meet him at Tokyo Tower.
I hurried to get dressed. Wait… shit! I have work today. I should skip. No, wait, I need money. Dammit all!
I threw my clothes off and looked for my work clothes. I looked at the clock. I have work in 30 minutes. Shit. And Tokyo Tower is out of my way.
I ran out of my room and to the door to slip my shoes on. Looks like Hiro's not here, why should he be? The house is spotless.
I left.
I walked in the direction of the bus stop. But I have no cash… damn. I guess I'll have to walk.
I practically ran in the direction of the tower. I don't care if I knock people over. I just have to see Haru!
25 mins later…
I'm here… finally. I sat down to breathe.
Where's Haru? I looked around. Maybe he's not here yet. Or maybe… he was here but he left! No! He HAS to be here. I'll stay a little while longer.
5 mins later…
He'll be here… I know it.
I don't know what I'd do if I don't see him… it's been way too long. 10 years is far too long.
“Who are you waiting for?” said a voice.
“What?” I looked up. It was a woman. She looked a little younger than me.
“It looks like your waiting for someone. And by the look of you face I'd say they were pretty important to you.”
“Huh? Oh… yea. I am waiting for someone.”
The girl sat down next to me. She had long black hair and was wearing a school uniform. “I'll keep you company.” She said.
“Um… it's okay, you don't have-“
“What do they look like? Is it a girl?”
“Are you looking for your girlfriend?” She looked at me with soft gray eyes.
“No. Not a… girlfriend.” Her eyes…
“Oh… then it's a friend from the past, isn't it?”
“How did…”
“Oh, I just know.” She smiled.
“Um… I should go. I'm gonna be late for work. Well, actually I'm already late… but…” I stood up and turned around to face her. “Bye!”
“But what about your friend?”
“I'll just have to meet them again… later!” I ran.
“What a strange guy… but he sure was cute!” the girl giggled.
Man! Why couldn't I have woke up earlier! Now I lost my chance to see Haru! I hate work! But that girl… her eyes… they reminded me of Haru. It felt as though he was actually there looking at me, and talking to me.
Oh, Haru… come back to me soon!
30 minutes later…
“Momiji! You're late!” yelled my boss.
“I know, I'm sorry!” I apologized, trying to catch my breath.
“I'm deducting money from your pay.”
“No! please don't! Money's really rough for me these days…”
“Well, you should've thought about that BEFORE you chose to be late.”
“It's not like I could help being late! I had no money for a cab, MUCH LESS for bus fair! So I had to walk to work this morning, not to mention I was held up because a foreigner asked for directions. Are you saying that I shouldn't put my life on hold for some poor bastard from out of the country? I guess I COULD of just screamed `no' in his face without trying to understand him, but that's YOUR method isn't it? Not listening to other people, just doing what makes YOU feel good?!”
“…” he slowly turned and walked away. Maybe I over did it? Foreigners are always a good excuse!
Damn, I think Hiro is rubbing off on me…
After hours of work I finally got my paycheck. Damn, he actually did give me less this time.
I walked outside.
Walking home in the dark… makes me feel very uncomfortable. But I guess I have… What's that?
There was a car parked in front of the restaurant. It was Kyo! I walked over and got inside.
“Hi, Kyo!” I smiled.
“Yo.” He said. Was he in a bad mood?
“Um… can I ask you something?” I said before we got to my block.
“Why do you always pick me up? I mean, when we were younger you used to… I don't know… hit me, make me cry, yell at me, call me names like stupid, retarded, idiot… did I mention all the hitting?”
“Well gee, excuse me for wanting to be a little nicer.”
“Now THAT is just not like you. What happened?”
“I think I should be asking YOU that.”
“What?” Kyo stopped the car outside my apartment.
“Hiro told me everything.”
“About what?”
“Don't play dumb! You know what I'm talking about!”
“No… I…”
“That night… when… when you got raped.”
“H-he told you?
“Yea. And what's with you acting like nothings ever happened?”
“What do you mean?”
“When you smile… it's not like it was before. When you smile it's so empty.”
“Listen, Kyo… thank you for worrying. But I'm okay now.”
“The hell you are.” He huffed.
“Really. I forgot all about it. But could you do me a favor?”
“What is it?”
“Could you not tell anyone about this? Especially… Haru.”
“Haru? I haven't heard that name in a while.” He smiled. I frowned.
“Well… bye. And thank you for always picking me up.”
Wow… Kyo sure has changed a little from 10 years ago. I wonder… maybe he's found someone he could love…
Am I… the only one you've seen since 10 years ago?”
Maybe… Kyo and Tohru… were…
“What did she want?”
That time… when I told Kyo I just met with Tohru. His eyes… they looked hurt.
So… maybe they… fell in love?
Sorry about the wait. I haven't been to my computer in a long time… I was too busy ROLLING IN ZE HAY!! Erm… no… I was just out.
I got an e-mail saying that were not allowed to answer the readers questions at the end of every chapter anymore… WHICH BITES!!