Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What's Left Unseen ❯ Second Testimonial ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Fruits Basket and all its characters are properties of Takaya Natsuki-sensei and Hana to Yume comics. Everything else in this fanfic are figments of my imagination. Any similarities to name, places, yada yada yada are simply examples of the world's many coincidental mysteries.

August 10, 2003

What's Left Unseen: Second Testimonial

By Ina-chan

Never in my life, not even for the slightest moment in the darkest crevices of my fantastic imagination, did I even dream that as scandalous something like this would happen! Least of all, involving my beloved brother. When I first heard of "that particular incident", I had to admit that I was shocked beyond words. All these years, my sweet brother and our lovely flower had shown nothing but their unshakeable devotion to each other… like a true prince and princess.

Mind you, I'm not blaming Gura-chan at all! NON! NON! NON! Gura-chan had gone through a lot since Kyonkichi made it clear that there can be no romantic relationship between the two of them. After which, Gura-chan courageously picked up the pieces of her broken heart and moved forward!

Ah… how long has it been? A short three or four years ago… I believe. Within that time, it was uplifting to see Gura-chan bloom into a shining flower herself! She was a delicate budding rose, with claws of thorns protecting her ethereal beauty. Kyonkichi would never admit it, but I would wager that the poor cat is hitting his head against a brick wall whenever he sees her. I'm ashamed to admit that had I been several years younger and free from my own passions, I would probably have pursued Gura-chan for myself. HA! HA! HA! HA! But enough of that! We both know exactly what you want to hear, right? You're digging to find the reason behind "that particular incident."

Before Tooru-kun came along, Yuki only allowed very few people to get close to him. You see… he's already had a lot of… difficult… experiences even as a child. Openly trusting people was never second nature to him. Gura-chan was one of those few people he allowed to get near him without completely raising the protective barriers around him. It didn't seem like it at the time, but looking back now, you can say that as children, they were quite close.

Ara? You want to hear their childhood stories? Of course, I'll tell you! My storytelling skills are superior after all! I'll even do something better! I'll SHOW you as well! HA! HA! HA! HA! Behold! My golden collection of family home videos!

It took me a while to track down everyone in the family who had these. But it was a good thing Keiko-san was a video otaku. She's almost as bad in commemorating everything she thinks is special as how Haru is with photos. It was a good thing that she filmed almost every family event she was in. It even took me an even longer time searching through all her footage to find these clips. I was going to string them together to be Yuki and Tooru-kun's wedding present part 4. Yes, yes… it was a lot of work, but nothing is too much work for my beloved little brother! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Well, then! Let us begin! Sample clips from Aya-chan's first film production of "Ototo-sama, Ee". Since this is a special preview, I'll even do a running commentary for you! So shall we begin?

Presenting "Ototo-sama, Ee… the Gura-chan Encounters"…

[start clip #1: Jerky home video of a camera panning through a crowd of Souma family members at a gathering. Some of them shooting glares of annoyance as they moved away from the lens' path… others ducking shyly or giving a bashful wave… most of them simply ignoring the camera as they focused on them…]

AH! This was during Aunt Yoriko's engagement party! She's Father's oldest sister, around two years senior of Gure-san's mother. Do you have children of your own? You don't? Well… when you do, always remember this rule:

Never bring children to engagement parties!

These adult affairs suck the life out of children… We didn't have to come if it wasn't the fact that it was Aunt Yoriko. Grandfather was so happy because they thought they would never marry her off. So Grandfather insisted that every member of our family needed to come.

It was soooooo boring. Gure-san and I snuck out half-way through anyway. So I wasn't there to see this happen.

[Start clip. Camera pans to a beautiful woman talking animatedly to another guest, a little boy… possibly no older than two years old, clung at her short-sleeved formal kimono. His eyes widened in horror at the camera lens approaching him before timidly hiding between the folds of his mother's tomesode.]

This was the first time Hahakimi was able to bring Yuki to a family party. My poor beloved little brother had always been sick when he was little. He was pretty much kept in isolation most of the early part of his life. Nonetheless, even with members of the Inner House, it was a rare honour to have a glimpse of the Mouse Zodiac. This was the first of the few instances that Hahakimi was able to show Yuki off in public.

[Mother]: <trying to peel off her son's death grip from her clothes in annoyance> Yuki, stop that! Mother is busy talking right now! <The child simply whimpers and clings even tighter> YUKI! LET GO OF MOTHER'S CLOTHES! <manages to yank off a small hand and holds the little boy away from her at arms length before turning angrily to the camera> Keiko! Take that infernal contraption away! You're scaring my son!

[Mother's Companion]: <hesitantly> Now, now, calm down… you're overreacting…

[Mother]: <ignoring her as she brushed the invisible wrinkles on her son's clothes as she muttered in a low voice> How many times have I told you to stay still? Now be quiet and don't you dare start crying. You're embarrassing mother!

[Woman]: <approaching the commotion> Natsumi-san? Is there something wrong?

That's Gura-chan's mother! She looked so different with longer hair, didn't she? She is one of the kindest women that you will ever meet. A tad protective of Gura-chan, but I personally think Gura-chan is one of the luckiest of all us in the parent lottery department. Ah…I think this was also the first time Yuki and Gura-chan formally met. The Jyuunishi banquet is not held when the circle is not complete. We actually didn't have a banquet until Sa-chan was born.

[Mother]: <strained smile> Nothing's wrong. Yuki is just being difficult.

[Kagura's mother]: <smiles gently as she turns to the four-year-old girl trailing behind her> Kagura-chan, why don't you go play with Yuki-chan in the next room?

[Kagura]: HAAAAAI! <smiles brightly as she automatically rushes forward to inspect her new playmate> Huaaaa!!! Hewo! I'm Kaguwa-nee-chan! Nee, nee, Yun-chan! Let's pway! <she holds out her hand for a few moments before the smaller child timidly reached out to take her hand. She squeals in delight and immediately engulfed the little boy in a tight and enthusiastic bear hug before any of the adults can react> UWAAAAAA!!! Yun-chan is so cute! Like a dolly! Kaguwa wants to hug Yun-chan to death and eat him all up!!!

<Pure terror etched on little Yuki's face as he let out a loud horrified scream just as clip#1 ends>

Ha! Ha! Ha! Gura-chan has always been so enthusiastic! Even when she was little! Whenever I see this, I couldn't help regretting that Gure-san and I snuck out. I would give anything to see the expression on Hahakimi's face when that happened… Though, you can say, that Hahakimi made sure not to bring Yuki to any other formal gatherings if she didn't have to.

Come to think of it… I don't think Yuki ever went to another big family celebration until the New Year when he was six, when Sa-chan was born. It was a very big deal when the Jyuunishi banquet started once again so everyone started making even a bigger fuss whenever the New Year came around. Let's see… I think Keiko-san has some pre-banquet footage through the years…

< pre-banquet clip #1: Yuki, age 6, sitting quietly in a corner, trying hard to blend with the walls. Kagura pops out of nowhere and clings on Yuki from behind. Yuki lets out a yelp of surprise as they both tumble to the ground from her sudden weight>

[Kagura]:<sing-songs as she continues to cling on him>Uwaaaaa!!! New Year's party hug! I got Yun-chan! I got Yun-chan!

[Yuki]:<annoyed as he struggles to get out of her grip> Get off! You're too heavy!

[Kagura]:<playfully> Yaaaadaaaa~~~!! Hugging Yun-chan is fun during New Year's! Because Yun-chan is so cute in his New Year's outfit, it's like hugging the little sister I always wanted!

[Yuki]:<outraged> I'M A BOY!!!

<end of clip#1>

HA! HA! HA! I almost cried laughing the first time I saw this. For the longest time, I always thought that the reason why Yuki didn't like Gura-chan hugging him was because of his personality. He's always tried to push her away on those rare occasions that she becomes openly affectionate of him.

Anyway… the next clip was the New Year's party two years later…That time, there was a 24-hour bug going around. It was dreadful!!! Just about everyone in the Main House caught it…

< pre-banquet clip #2:Yuki, age 9, being smothered like a limp rag doll against 11-year-old Kagura's chest >

[Kagura]: <squeeze> YUN <squeeze> CHAN <squeeze> IS <squeeze> SO <squeeze> CUTE!!! <spin and sway playfully> IT'S LIKE HUGGING THE LITTLE SISTER I ALWAYS WANTED!

[Yuki]:<looking very pale and manages to pull away from her in time to…> URK~~!

[Kagura]: <frozen in disgust> EEEEEW~~~!!!!

<end of clip#2>

…and unfortunately, Yuki caught the stomach flu and started having the symptoms just before the party! My poor little brother… We found out later that he was so scared about missing the party that he begged Gura-chan not to tell anybody. Why Keiko-san didn't say anything despite witnessing this… I don't really know. She's quite hopeless when it doesn't involve her precious video hobby.

Anyway, we didn't realize what was going on with him until he threw up on Akito! It was so hilarious! I mean, it was terrible that it happened… but… you know what I mean. Hahakimi was so upset, she went on hysterics as soon as she found out, and couldn't get out of bed for two days. Then she went on to apologize to Akito for weeks and weeks to follow.

Ah, this next one is one of my favourites… this was the year when Gura-chan danced with Gure-san. By this time, the both of them had already been taking lessons from Kazuma-san with Kyonkichi and Ha-kun for some time. Yuki has gotten pretty good, and actually managed to physically escape Gura-chan's attempts with their tradition the two new years past. I suppose his earlier victories made him careless with this year…

< pre-banquet clip #4: Kagura = 14, Yuki = 12. Kagura standing before Yuki with a very pleased expression, Yuki glaring at her suspiciously, tensely standing in a "ready" stance, arms ready to push her away>

[Kagura]:<slowly moving forward> Nee, Yun-chan… Why don't you let it go this time? After all, it's special because it's my year to dance, ne? Why don't you just give in for once, and let me give you your New Year's hug willingly?

[Yuki]:<blandly backing away> No way.

[Kagura]:<tearfully> Yun-chan is so heartless. I need all the luck I could get. It's my first dance, and I want to be graceful and look all grown up with my dance with Shi-chan. <puffs up her chest proudly> I'm even wearing a bra for the first time just for the occasion!

[Yuki] : <eyes widen in horror as her words sink into his consciousness, and quickly lowering his outstretched hands as he realized that they perfectly aligned to his cousin's chest>

[Kagura]:<eyes flash at the opening> CHANCE! <attack with a flying hug ala-Matrix style>

<end of clip#4>

Gura-chan can be cunning, if she really wanted to, ne? Then there was the year after that, when it was Yuki and Gura-chan's turn to dance…

< pre-banquet clip #5: Both Yuki and Kagura in their Jyuunishi dance outfits. Yuki eyeing Kagura wearily as she hovers near him for a chance to give her NewYear's tradition>

[Yuki]: <very annoyed> Will you give me a break already? Why don't you go find Kyou and do what you will with him, like you always do?

[Kagura]: <shakes her head and wags her finger> Tsk, tsk, tsk… we're dancing together this year and it won't do if you're tense and cranky when it's your year coming up.

[Yuki]: <grumbles below his breath> And who's fault is it anyway?

[Kagura]: Don't worry, Yun-chan. Your Kagura-neechan will do her best to make sure you'll be fine. Remember how you freaked out last year about the bra thing? Well, tonight, just for you… <closing in on him, looking very serious and threatening>…I'm not wearing any!

[Yuki]: <staring at her, pale-faced, completely frozen in fear>… i hate you…

<end of clip# 5>

Ah, my poor sweet little brother… Every time I watch this, I feel the great guilt of not being around to guide him through the motions of male romance when he was growing up! No wonder it took so long for him to get this far with Tooru-ku---…


To tell you the truth, I honestly don't understand how this could have happened. Even though I've seen it happen before… I still don't understand it. Why do something like this still happen to two people deeply in love? How can the same power that binds people together be the same force that can destroy them and pull them apart?

That time, with Tori-san and Kana-kun… it was easy to blame Akito for what happened. But the truth was, the real reason to why Tori-san lost her was because he loved her so much. Giving her up was the only way to ensure her happiness.

It would be selfish to blame this on Gura-chan… when in hindsight… on all the things that happened that led to that particular incident… it was obvious that what happened was inevitable. You had to be blind not to notice it. I would say that everyone around them noticed it except for the three of them. I suppose all of us were guilty of letting this happen too… for not saying anything about it. I don't have all the details. The right people to ask would probably be Isuzu or Hatsuharu. But from what I heard, it all started after that certain episode when Yuki was in freshman year in University.

As you may have already heard, Tooru-kun moved back to her Grandfather's house after high school graduation. Yuki moved out of the Main House so he can be closer to her. In fact, he even chose a University close to where Tooru-kun is working. It was a private school. Aside from the University, it also had a middle school, and high school sector. It wasn't a top university like Todai, but it was still a decent University. But Hahakimi was still upset that he chose to go to a school that's not at the top of her preference list. Coincidentally, Gura-chan teaches in that school, specifically in high school sector.

It seemed rather unlikely, ne? That is, with Gura-chan becoming a teacher. I heard that she's actually a very good one, and quite popular among the students. Not just her own class, but I heard that she's even attracted the attentions of several students from the University sector. That's why that certain episode happened.

Though nobody got hurt… seriously… I think Yuki still hasn't forgiven himself for not being able to stop that from happening. They weren't friends, but he said that he knew those boys… that he should have suspected what they were planning. Unless he attained psychic powers or see the future, I don't think there was any way Yuki could have known that certain episode was going to happen. For the longest time, he blamed himself for it and had become taken the role of Gura-chan's personal bodyguard in school.

With Tooru-kun busy juggling her responsibilities at home with her grandfather, and her work… then with Yuki busy with his own schooling… then add the new Gura-chan into the formula… the warning bells should have started ringing right away.

But it didn't. Because what Yuki and Tooru had… it was such a strong and unselfish love. It was the type of love that people romanticize and idealize about… Yuki…Tooru-kun… they were both so selfless and understanding of each other's difficult situations…

But if you think about it, maybe sometimes, with love and a man's romance …

<pre-banquet clip#6, 12-year-old Kagura looking very pleased with herself as she holds a very indignant 10-year-old Kyou tightly in her arms>

[Kyou]: <yelling and struggling in vain> DAMMIT! Let go!

[Kagura]:<grinning> No waaaay~~~ I wasn't able to give Yun-chan his New Year's hug this year, so Kyou-kun's hug will be even more extra-extra-extra special than ever!

[Kyou]:<glaring up at a tree> THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU DAMN COWARDLY RAT!!!

[Yuki's voice]: <amused laughter> It's not my fault you're too slow, you stupid cat. And you should know by now that it's less painful if you stop struggling.


[Kagura]:Because I love Kyou-chan the most in the whole whole world~~~!!!

…sometimes you need to be very persistent…

[Kagura]: <hugs Kyou even tighter> And I'm never never never EVER letting you go!


<end of clip#6>

…and a little selfish to keep it going.

End of Second Testimonial

To be continued


GAAAAH! It took so long to string this together! Anywayz… This chapter isn't as snappy as the first one. I actually had a difficult time with this… specially trying to mesh together the first part with the last part when Aya-chan's tone needed to transition from his usual silly self to his rare serious and introspective self.

As for that certain episode… I know people are going to kill me for introducing that. Buuut… there's a reason for this. If you want to find out what that certain episode is, well… you'll find out soon enough. Next testimonial is Rin… a perspective on Kagura's side of the story. ^_^.

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