Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What's Left Unseen ❯ First Testimonial ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Fruits Basket and all its characters are properties of Takaya Natsuki-sensei and Hana to Yume comics. Everything else in this fanfic are figments of my imagination. Any similarities to name, places, yada yada yada are simply examples of the world's many coincidental mysteries.

April 01, 2003

What's Left Unseen: First Testimonial

By Ina-chan

Never in my life did I even dream that something like this would happen… That I would be standing here by the pathway of a grove of trees, keeping watch, and making sure that nobody comes by.

Never in my deepest imagination that I ever envisioned a situation like this…

Well… that's not entirely true. I DID imagine something similar to it… once.

But that was different.

It was for a story…

"Sigh of Summer Vol 10: Summer in Full Bloom by Kiritani Noa", published by White Flower Novels, available in bookstores everywhere on April 20th. Please buy it. It's a lot of fun, very interesting and full of love-love moments that will make you feel mellow-mellow.

As I was saying…

I couldn't believe that this is happening because things like this can't possibly happen in real life. It was the kind of thing that you can only see in a sappy chick flick… or a low budget TV drama… or a shojou manga or novel… or even in a bad fanfiction piece written by a frustrated writer who has no life.

It just can't possibly happen in real life.

Most of all to THEM...

…because of HER.

I mean, can you blame HIM for being pissed off?

Okay… I see that you're confused…. so let me start from the beginning.

I visited Ha-san in his office that day. It was the usual. I've been coming over to the Main House a lot since two Springs ago, when the three other occupants of my house graduated from senior high school.

Kyou-kun briefly returned to the Main House… though after "that other incident" with Akito-san, he was allowed to go back to live outside. He's with Kazuma-dono now and going to University… taking Sociology or something. I know, it's very surprising, isn't it? Kyou-kun becoming a sociology student… I heard that he even started teaching in the dojo on the side.

As expected, Tooru-kun left my house after graduation. Though there was an ironic twist regarding the reasons for her departure. Her grandfather's senility seemed to have deteriorated for the worst. It came to the point that her aunt couldn't handle it herself. The old man responded best under the care of his beloved "Kyoko-san". So the very relatives who mistreated her in the past, literally begged on their hands and knees for her to come back.

Mind you, it didn't mean that Tooru-kun has left us completely. She's even obtained a clerical position from Momichi's Father's company. On top of that… it was also apparent that it was just a matter of time before Tooru-kun becomes an official member of our family.

She's the main reason why Yuki-kun fought so hard to keep living outside. You could say that Tooru-kun was indirectly responsible for "that other incident". In fact, Yuki-kun is now living in his own apartment not too far from Tooru-kun's house while attending University.

Then again, their story was like something that only happens in fairy tales as well… a prince overcoming all obstacles to get his princess. Like Hamlet and Ophelia… Oedipus and Jocasta … Romeo and Juliet … Charles and Diana …

Okay, so those didn't really have happy endings… But it still truly beautiful... An impossible romance made possible… Nothing could top their love story after all was said and done.

Though it was still shock when "that particular incident" happened.

Good luck or bad luck… it's a matter of opinion. But it seems rather unfair for him that these kinds of things seem to constantly follow him around. I suppose it's a given with the nature of his cursed zodiac… for getting involved with such sensational situations. Yes, "that particular incident" even more deliciously scandalous than "the other incident".

I'm aware that you're still confused, so let me continue on with what happened that day, when "the other incident" happened. I was on my home from Ha-san, minding my own business when I heard the noises from behind a grove of trees by the pathway along Rei-san's house.

What kind of noises you ask? Well… you know… "noises".

"Ugnnnnn…" came a muffled moan on cue

That over there…


Why does everyone think that I'm some kind of evil incarnate pervert? Well, considering that I did spend three years pretty much raising three teen-agers in a relatively small house. And I am a writer after all. So a well-developed sense of observation is a given skill. It doesn't help that I am also gifted with a strong sense of hearing due to my curse.

So with those three years, its become a personal expertise to be able to identify every creak and squeak coming from every single on of the rooms of my house cause by its occupants. And yes, including identifying distinctive suppressed and muffled solo… "noises"…from locked rooms.

"…yes… yes… more… please…"

NOW… hearing THAT in a relatively public place is a different story. I know what you're thinking. A regular person probably should have minded my own business and moved on… but you have to admit it's a rather difficult situation. Come on! That was just so careless. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! I have a moral obligation to fulfill here. Contrary to what people believe, I'm very much against the corruption of innocent minds. So someone had to act as a look out to make sure that never happened, right? I was doing it out of the goodness of my heart.


Alright…It's not just that. I do admit that recognizing who was making one of the noises was part of the reason what stopped me from minding my own business. Plus the fact that the "noises" sounded suspiciously more like a duet was very intriguing. But tell me, if you were in my position at that moment, would you find it easy to walk away from an opportunity to see their shocked and guilty faces upon realizing that they were caught?

"…aaaah…yu… yes…"

Heh-heh…I thought so.

Then again, it is a very rare treat to see him fall off the high horse. Though, I do admit… the thought did cross my mind. That is, wondering what they were doing in the main house… and having a hot and heavy love-love session by Rei-san's house, to boot! I really had to give it my all to keep myself from bursting out laughing.

"…nnnn… to…ru…"

Che… I mean, sure… "the other incident" had somewhat removed the threat of Akito's wrath falling on them. It was still rather out of character for them not using any discretion… and furthermore, in the Main House!


Eh? Why did they stop? They can't be finished already. That's… so fast. Heh. I couldn't help smirking at that, imagining the look on their faces when they finally see me.

"Oh. My. God."

I had to stop at the sound of that. There was something in his tone that didn't quite sound right. At this point, I turned to their direction to see him slowly inching backwards, pale and wide-eyed in shock and looking nauseated. It didn't seem that they were at it for long. There were no hints of evidence, save for the freshly love-abused lips, the dishevelled hair and the loosened buttons. But for some reason, he genuinely looked ill. I couldn't help but frown at that, "Yuki-kun?"

He turned to my direction in surprise at the sound of my voice. If it were even possible, he turned even paler, upon recognizing me, "Oh… damn…" He immediately averted his eyes and turned his back, futilely trying to make some semblance of order on his rumpled clothes.

I instinctively turned towards the frantic movements of his partner, still partially hidden from view. She fruitlessly smoothed her clothes, and tucked the loosed strands behind her ears from her now unkempt tied hair, also averting her gaze from meeting mine.

"Oh. My. God." Was all I could utter as my jaw dropped in shock upon realizing who it was, "Kagura?"

She swore under her breath and buried her face in one hand. He still had his back turned from the both of us, wrapping his arms insecurely around himself. At this point, you can say that my mind went absolutely blank upon realizing the implications of what this meant.


And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, in a nutshell, was "that particular incident".


End of First Testimonial

To be continued


Happy April Fools! Waaaaah! Isn't this an appropriate fic to start on April Fool's Day? ^_^.

Once again, this fic was pulled out of the recesses of my brain thanks to the guidance of the muse Merrow-chan-sama-sama! ^_^.

And this fic is dedicated to Mona-chan… see? Does this fic show how much I love you? It's not Yukiru, it began in Shigure's point of view, and there's implied naughty hanky-panky to cater to your imagination.

Heh-heh… I was actually debating on how to write this fic. Merrow-chan and originally had an interesting graphic lime scene to start with. But in retrospect, it really wasn't my style. And I haven't really used this style of storytelling before (the various testimonial whodunit style), so I figured… hey! A great way to learn, and an interesting way to narrate something like this… instead of the traditional linear method. Since it's in the point of view of a person telling their version of the story… either as it is happening or as they were remembering the incidents… I expect some confusion because of the natural tendency of a conversational storyteller who jumps from scene to scene. So now, we'll see who reads and thinks as opposed to who reads and lets the whole thing slide over their heads. ^_^.

I'm very interested on what people think what really happened and the outcome of this fic. So I don't mind hearing your theories instead of the usual "this fic is great, write on" comments if you decide to review. It's also a great feedback method for me to see if I'm leading this story toward the right direction.

This fic is available in both FF.NET and

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