Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What she Did For Love ❯ Arisa's Letter ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3: Arisa's letter
Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket or any of its characters, no do I make money from writing this story.
Warning: there is extreme violence in this chapter and fairly explicit torture, if you don't like that kind of thing then you probably should not read, and there will be adult situations and possible rape, but I DO NOT like rape so it won't be real descriptive. Like I said you don't like that kind of thing then don't read, you have been warned.
The next day:
Kyo woke up to a beautiful, sunny day, it was as if nothing had happened just last night, as though his life had not been turned up side down in a matter of minutes. He quickly got up, and got dressed, his thoughts already on what his plan of action would be. He knew he stood a fairly good chance of getting everyone to work with him, especially since he had Yuki on his side, but he was still nervous, afraid that the Zodiacs fear of Akito would over ride their desire to help the one who loved them. He quickly made his way down to the kitchen to find Yuki waiting for him, his silver hair mussed, his clothes rumpled as though he had slept in them. Yuki looked at Kyo when he walked in, the shadows in his eyes apparent as he nodded his head in a greeting.
“Where's Shigure?” asked Kyo. He knew that Shigure had sat in the kitchen and cried well into the night, but at some point he had stumbled his way out of there, but after that he didn't know.
“Probably in his library, you know that its his haven.” Yuki answered quietly. He sat down at the table and looked expectantly at the Neko.
Much to Yuki's surprise, Kyo didn't go running off to find the dog, instead he sat down across from him with a heartfelt sigh. Kyo looked at Yuki and sighed again as he ran his hands through his already rumpled hair, causing it to stand on end.
“Who do you intend to talk with other than Shigure, today at least?” asked Yuki.
“Kisa, Hiro, Momiji, and probably Hatori.” Kyo replied softly. He thought about all the times Tohru had been there for him or his family, all the love she had shown them with just a single smile. He was determined to fight for her, and get her back no matter what it took, and even if the rest of the family wouldn't fight.
“You know that Kisa will stand with us, and Momiji as well. Hiro probably will just to please Kisa. The one that I would worry about is Hatori.”
“Yeah, I know.” Kyo whispered. “Bu I have to try, for Tohru's sake.”
Yuki could only stare at the young man across from him, he had never seen that look of steady resolve on Kyo's face. His eyes were lit up with determination, and Yuki knew, he was thinking though his plans, figuring out how best to get her back. This was not the boy Kyo had been, this was the man that Tohru had helped form, the man that was going after the woman he loved with everything he had. Yuki jumped, startled out of his thoughts as Kyo suddenly stood.
“Wha….” Stuttered Yuki.
“Lets go talk to Shigure.”
Yuki looked up at Kyo in amazement and realized just how much Kyo was willing to give for Tohru, his own life if it came down to it. He nodded in agreement and gracefully got to his feet, his thoughts ran through his mind like a hurricane, but his face showed no emotion.
`He loves her and she loves him, I guess I finally lost to that damn cat!' thought Yuki wryly as he followed Kyo up the stairs.
Tohru screamed in agony as the leather hit her back again, and again with a sickening slap, her body arched against the pain. Akito watched as her face contorted in pain and sweat ran down her body. He watched as her chocolate brown eyes glazed over in pain and her body tensed and arched away. Finally, he stopped, dropping the whip to his side as he walked closer. He knew that if he undid the chains that held her, she would fall to the floor, but he wasn't quite done with her yet, he walked over and looked her in the face. He smiled when he saw the fear in her pain glazed eyes, and knew that she had figured out his game.
“You lied to me to get me here, and now you're going to kill me, right?” rasped Tohru weakly.
“Yes but I'm not done toying with you yet.”
Akito looked her up and down as he noted the tattered remains of her shirt that still clung to her body. He grinned a evil grin as his eyes lit up with a new idea. He walked away, towards the door and called out into the hallway. Soon a servant appeared, and her horror filled gasp echoed through the room.
“Bring me a healing potion, the one that will heal her completely in a matter of seconds.” Ordered Akito as he ignored the servants terror.
“Yes sir.” Replied the servant as she scurried away. She knew better than to tell Hatori, if she did she would be where that young lady was right now.
Akito turned back to where Tohru hung limply in her chains, he could hear her raspy breath, and could hear a moan of pain every now and then. He walked over and looked at her back, the bloody gashes were deep and ugly, and the tattered remains of her shirt stuck into the angry wounds. He grinned as he reached out and grasped the top of her shirt and ripped it from her body, her screams of pain as it was ripped from the angry gashes and moved her body, echoed through the room causing Akito to laugh at her pain.
“How did that feel, my little monster?”
Tohru could only moan in response, her chestnut tresses hung limply around her face drenched in sweat as her head hung low. Akito smiled and grabbed a handful of her sweaty hair and yanked her head back painfully, bringing her hair to her wounds, then he pushed the hair into the wounds, loving the sound of her screams as the salty, sweaty hair stuck into the angry flesh.
Suddenly, there was a sound from the doorway, there was the servant and in her hands was a small vial of liquid with a blue green color. Akito walked over and snatched the vial from the shaking servants hands.
“You may leave now,” he said to the servant. She nodded and backed away as Akito turned back to the helpless girl. “I know that you know this but I think that it best to remind you, should you tell anyone of what you saw today, you will be just like this monster here.”
“Yes sir.”
With a evil smile Akito approached his victim again, and the servant could only shudder as walked out and left the helpless girl to her fate. Tohru groaned when he raised her head to look at him, she was to weak to even raise her head to look at her tormentor.
Akito tilted her head back, and uncapped the vial with a flick of his thumb. He smiled as he saw her eyes dart between the vial and him, her eyes widened in fear and tears formed in her eyes. He forced her lips apart, then forced her mouth open. As soon as her mouth was open enough to allow the liquid to be poured in, he poured the blue green liquid into her mouth and forcefully shut it. She tried not to swallow but she didn't have the strength to fight back. She gagged on the bitter liquid as it burned a path down her throat to her belly. She then felt a burning sensation as her flesh knitted itself back together, and her strength came back to her. She gasped as the pain faded and her breath came back, she looked at Akito in astonishment, her eyes wide and scared.
`Why did he heal me?' she wondered frightened.
She shuddered when she saw him walk back to where he had dropped his whip. She was scared, Akito was nuts, which made him even scarier to her because she didn't know what he was going to do next. He walked closer to her, his pale fingers caressed the wooden handle of the whip as he looked her up and down his gaze lingered on her breasts and stomach. She whimpered when he lightly ran the cool wood across her chest and down her belly as he admired the paleness of her flesh. She shivered and stared at the man in front of her, her eyes wide and frightened. She flinched when he raised his hand as though to strike her, but he stopped mid-swing and decided to wait.
`Lets see how well she does with the wait.' He thought maliciously. He lowered the whip and watched at her emotions played across her face.
“I think that this is enough for now.”
He reached up and undid the chains that bound her, and allowed her to fall to the floor at his feet. She stayed where she was as if waiting for the next blow, her eyes shadowed. Akito looked her over as though trying to figure out what he wanted to do next. Finally he reached down and grasped her skirt and yanked it from her body, leaving her completely naked, he ignored her cries of embarrassment and humiliation as he looked at his prize. Tohru tried to cover herself to no avail. Akito sneered and turned away his thoughts already on something else.
“That was to ensure that you don't try to leave.”
After he had left, Tohru curled into herself and cried as though she had never cried before.
Kyo threw open the library door and looked at the dark haired man who sat at the computer reading a white letter. Shigure didn't even look up when his door was opened with a bang, he already knew who was visiting him. Yuki eased in beside Kyo to look at the older man, his gaze understanding.
“Shigure, we want to talk to you.” Yuki said softly as his eyes took in Shigure's disheveled appearance and shadows in and under his eyes.
“What do you want?” asked Shigure in a raspy voice as he turned to kook at the two young men.
“Kyo is intending to go after her, and I'm going with him.” Yuki replied as he walked over to Shigure and crouched down in front of him.
“WHAT!!!!” exclaimed Shigure.
“We are going to bring Tohru back and fight Akito.” Growled Kyo.
Shigure stared at the two men, his eyes widened in astonishment at what they were saying. He looked at them then looked back at the letter he had found the night before, and made his decision.
`I couldn't stop her before, so now I guess I'll have to help bring her home to where she belongs.' He thought determinedly.
“What do we do now?” asked Shigure.
Kyo and Yuki smiled at him as they saw the same look in his eyes that was sure to be on their own faces.
“Next is Kisa and Hiro. . . “ started Kyo. Suddenly they heard a roar of an engine and looked at each other confused.
“You BASTARDS!” screamed a familiar voice.
A tall, blond haired woman came running into the room, a lead pipe in her hands, a tall, dark haired woman in black followed behind her. Tears were in the blondes eyes as she took a battle stance, rage and sorrow in her eyes as she looked at the family that took Tohru away. The black haired woman looked at them with soulless eyes as her power radiated off her.
“How could you!” cried the blond.
“Arisa, Saki, what?” stuttered Yuki.
“You took her from us,” said Saki in a malevolent voice.
“You know about Tohru?” asked Kyo as he backed away slowly.
Arisa didn't say a word as she held up the now familiar white letter, and glared at the men. Kyo held out his hand expectantly to her, he wanted to know what Tohru had told her. Arisa looked at his hand as though it were a viper and backed away.
“Arisa, I need to know what she told you, and you to Saki if she gave you one.” Kyo whispered brokenly. Arisa seemed to think about it for a moment before finally handing the letter to him.
Slowly he opened the folded letter and began to read aloud.
I am so sorry about the pain this letter will cause you, but please don't blame the Soma's they really didn't know. You know pretty much everything that there is to know about the curse, and you also know that I have been searching for a way to free my family from that curse. Well Arisa, I did it, or at least I think that I did. Akito told me a way and so I went to him to begin the process, although I don't trust the man and probably am going to my own death I had to follow that lead. You know how I get when I want to help someone I love, and I especially wanted to help Kyo and you know that as well. When I am gone please watch out for the Soma's and if this supposed cure doesn't work could you maybe continue my work in searching for a cure. Please don't allow Kyo to ever be caged, and make sure that Yuki stays safe and Shigure doesn't blame himself. Arisa its now just you and Saki, I know that it will be hard to bear but I know you can do it, and always go through life with all your memories don't ever forget those who love you no matter how painful the memory may be. I love you and please stay safe. I will do everything to protect those I love and that's what I'm doing just like you would do for me.
Kyo looked at the now sobbing Yankee and the wave girl who stood with her.
“She's right, Yuki and I didn't know until last night.” Kyo whispered.
“Well what are you going to do about it?” demanded Hanajima.
“We're going after her.” Yuki said simply.
The two women looked at each other then back at the men and smiled.
“We'll help to. Said the two women together.