Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What she Did For Love ❯ Part of the Battle ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 8: Part of the Battle
Disclaimer: I do not own fruits basket or any of the characters associated with the anime or the magna. I do how ever own the plot of this story and yeah all that mess!
Warning: You know the routine just be careful you may not like the graphicness of the stuff.
Tohru shivered weakly in the corner, her body covered in goose bumps, bruises, and cuts. The darkness had lightened slightly, which told her that morning had come again, and yet she was still in her dark pit of hell. During Akito's last visit he had declared that he would deal the zodiac the ultimate blow, he would kill her in front of them, since that day Tohru had not seen the man.
Tohru jumped at the sudden sound of the door unlocking and then sliding open, to reveal Akito's frail form. He had dark shadows under his eyes as though he had not been able to sleep well, his body thin and frail, at least more so than usual. Tohru cringed at the sudden light and backed away into the darker recesses of the room.
“Did you miss me little monster?” cooed Akito his eyes searching the darkness for her pale form.
Tohru didn't answer, she never did, if she did then he would follow her voice to her. If he did that then he would hurt her, although right now she didn't think that he could do much damage to her. Her eyes followed him as he moved across the room, her body trembled as he moved closer to her.
“Why don't you say something bitch! You already know that I can't do anything to you even if you do call out.” Snarled Akito hatefully.
Tohru just watched him her eyes filled with hatred and fear. He walked closer to her but it was as though his eyes couldn't see her or it was just to dark for him to see her. Finally, she heard him sigh and watched his form make its way over to the door. He stopped at the door the light outlined his body. He turned and took one last look into the darkness as though hoping that she would suddenly emerge and present herself to him.
“This will be your last day alive little monster, they will come tomorrow and I just thought to do one good deed before I die. I was going to allow you to walk in the sun one last time before your death.”
Tohru yearned to jump to her feet, to run past the man to the outside, and never stop running. The impulse was to much to ignore. She jumped to her feet and raced after the man who was waiting at the door. She slowed down and looked at Akito warily, she didn't know what he had up his sleeve but what ever it was it couldn't be good.
“You may wander about the Soma estate but don't leave it.” Akito said slyly.
Tohru waited for him to move so that she could get out of the door, she had totally forgotten that she was naked, Akito hadn't.
“Little monster I know that you like your nakedness but… to move around here you must be dressed.”
Tohru jumped at the sudden bite in his voice and stepped back out of striking range as well as effectively hiding her body from view. Akito sighed as he watched the girl fade into the darkness once more.
“Here are some clothes for you to wear,” Akito whispered as he placed the kimono onto the floor at the door. “I'll be right outside when you are ready just tap on the door and I'll know.”
The door slid shut and left the girl in the dark once more. Tohru moved closer to the door her heart thundered in her chest, the thought of freedom was almost to much to bare. She grasped the kimono in her shaking fingers and quickly dressed herself.
`I will find a way to get out of here, and I will warn the others.' Thought Tohru to herself nervously. She didn't know if she would get away with her plan but she had to try. She lightly tapped on the door almost expecting Akito to laugh and say that he was just messing with her and that she would never see the sunlight again, but to her amazement the door slid open. Akito stepped off to the side and waited for Tohru to come out of the darkness that she had grown accustomed to in the time that she had come to stay there.
Tohru stepped out into the light her eyes narrowed to slits against the brightness. When her eyes had finally adjusted to the light she looked around and backed away from her tormentor. Akito watched her, his eyes taking in her every movement, he delighted in the emotions that ran across her face.
`I hate that she has to die, I could have fallen for her.' Akito thought regretfully. He sighed and looked at the thin girl again.
`She has been beaten within a inch of her life and raped and yet her spirit is still not broken, I wonder why?' he wondered silently.
“You are free to wander about the Soma estate but you are not allowed to leave the main house. Do you understand me little monster?” asked Akito almost gently.
Tohru slowly nodded, she didn't know what was going through the man's head, and she sure as hell didn't know why he was suddenly being so gentle but what ever the reason she knew that it couldn't be a good one. Akito motioned for her to go and she was off, it was as though a wild bird had finally been freed and there was no way that she was going to go back into the dark cage. Once she was out of sight Akito smiled, it was filled with malice and hate.
`Perfect the little monster has flown the coop, all I have to do is wait until
Tohru ran until she was out of breath, and even then she pushed herself to the point of breaking. Suddenly she was at the main gate, she hadn't started out heading that way but she had ended up going that way and so there she stood. She looked up at the main gate and felt her courage grow.
`I will be free, and so will the others.' She decided her eyes filled with determination.
She slowly pushed the gate open and ran out. She headed towards the edge of town, towards the home that she knew would be there waiting for her.
A/N: Sorry about the cliffy! I want to thank RyousGirl567 for the help with my writers block it really helped a lot! Also I hope to get chapter nine out soon and please review it helps keep my imagination going! I hope that you like that chapter and see you next time!