Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What she Did For Love ❯ Part of the Battle part II ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 9: Part of the Battle part II
“Damn it!” snapped Kyo his body tense and filled with anger as his fist hit the table with a bang.
“It's been two damn days, why the hell can't we get in touch with the others?” demanded Kyo desperately.
He jumped to his feet and started to pace the length of the kitchen, his hands running though his hair in frustrated movements as he went. Shigure watched him, his dark eyes filled with regret and helplessness. He glanced over at the tall blond that stood by the stove, his eyes took in the dark circles under her eyes and the redness in them.
“I don't know,” Shigure said sadly.
“Keep trying!” snapped Kyo as he turned to pace the other way.
“Kyo we are, but we do need rest.” Yuki said softy.
Yuki moved closer to the pacing man, and reached out his hand to grasp Kyo by the shoulders. Kyo swung around and glared at the violet eyed man, his hands clenched in rage and frustration, tears glistened suspiciously in his maroon eyes.
“I understand your anger, frustration, and your feeling of helplessness,” Yuki said, his eyes never left Kyo's.
“How the hell can you feel what I feel, you can't love her the way that I do!” cried Kyo angrily as he tried to shake off the other mans restraining hands.
“The hell I can't! We all know how you're feeling, do you want to know why I say that? Because we all love her in our own ways, and we all miss her and feel somewhat responsible.” Yuki growled.
Yuki squeezed Kyo's shoulder in understanding and a little bit out of anger at what the orange haired man had dared to say.
`How can he think that I don't love her, is he friggin blind?' wondered Yuki amazed at the other mans ignorance.
“I just… I just hate the thought of her suffering, for me, for any of us. She deserves better than that. I really hate the thought of her suffering because of me.” Kyo said brokenly as he hung his head in shame.
“Try again, please try the others again.” Hana said quietly from her position by the refrigerator.
Shigure nodded and made his way towards the door his eyes on the floor. He stopped beside Kyo and gently placed his hand on the other mans shoulder as if to tell him that everything would be alright. Shigure turned to go out the door and he froze. His body tensed up and his grip on Kyo's shoulder became painfully tight.
“Kyo…” whispered a raspy, but feminine voice weakly.
Kyo was terrified, terrified that it was all a dream and he would wake up and Tohru wouldn't be there, but he had to know. He turned around slowly, gently releasing his shoulder from Shigure's tight grasp. His eyes widened at her appearance, this wasn't the happy Tohru that he had seen last, this was the one that he had seen on the video Akito had sent. He had hoped that the whole thing was just something out of a bad dream but looking at her now he knew that his hopes were for nothing. His eyes took in her disheveled clothing, her usually shiny chestnut locks were almost in dreadlocks from the sweat and grime and blood that caked it, and hung limply around her face. Her normally rosy and plump cheeks were nothing more than a hollowed out shell of what was there before, her cheekbones seemed to stick out from her face and her skin had a sickly pale color to it, it almost seemed translucent in the harsh morning light.
`At least the fire in her eyes wasn't put out,' thought Kyo to himself in relief, he didn't know what he would do if Akito had broken her spirit as well as her body.
“Tohru…” Kyo whispered softly, as though he was scared that if he spoke to loudly that she would suddenly disappear.
When Tohru had first spoken the room had fallen deathly silent, and Kyo could feel the gazes of the others pointed towards the door. Suddenly the room erupted into chaos, cries of joy could be heard throughout the house. Kyo found himself pushed towards the back as the others raced forward to encircle the onigirl (sp?), completely hiding her from his view. He found that he didn't like that at all and made his way towards the weak girl.
“Hey move.” Growled Kyo gruffly. He missed Arisa's small smile at his gruff tone of voice.
Slowly the group parted leaving a flustered, and weak Tohru in the center and a very annoyed Kyo walking towards her. Suddenly she ran forward, with more energy than one should have being in her condition, startling Kyo. He stopped and waited for her to stop, she didn't. She ran straight into him, her body colliding with his for a millisecond before he changed in a puff of orange smoke. Kyo found himself locked against Tohru's frail body as she cuddled his against her, her tears wet his fur leaving little tufts of fur sticking up, but he didn't care at the moment. He rubbed his head under her chin and tried to get as close to the girl as he could a few of his own tears falling to mix in with hers.
“I missed you so much,” she sobbed helplessly. Arisa and Hana came up behind her, crouched down, and put their arms around her, the joy apparent in their faces.
“Tohru you need rest.” Hatori said behind the small group.
Tohru stiffened in response to the deep voice, and Kyo hissed in warning. Kyo's message was clear ` you mess with her and you will pay the consequences.' Kyo struggled his way out of Tohru's arms and made his way over to Shigure. Tohru tried to hear what they were saying but she just couldn't do it.
“Keep trying the others,” Kyo whispered so Tohru couldn't overhear, he didn't want her to worry about him, she had to worry about getting well and that was all.
“But… She's back….” Started Shigure confused. He didn't know what Kyo wanted to do, but he was sure that he wasn't going to like it, although he would more than likely go along anyway.
“We may have her back but I'm not going to let Akito get away with this, you can help or not but you chose to help her in the beginning are you backing out now?” hissed Kyo softly.
“No buts! Nobody touches what is mine and gets away with it!” growled Kyo passionately.
Shigure could only nod, one look into the Neko's (sp?) eyes told him that even if he had no help he was going to go after Akito, and he couldn't let the fool go alone.
“She needs you now, go damn it you already know that I will help you.” Shigure urged gently. Kyo nodded and walked outside to wait for the change, soon a slight poof could be heard and shortly Kyo walked back inside as he pulled on a shirt. He walked over to Tohru and gently lifted her face with his index finger forcing her to look up at him.
“We need to talk.” Kyo said gently his eyes filled with warmth and love as he looked down at her.
“Yes, but there is something that I want to talk to you about first.” Tohru said quietly her voice raspy and weak from disuse.
“Akito plans or planned to kill me in front of you all…”
“WHAT!” shouted Arisa angrily.
“Akito wanted to punish the zodiac by killing me in front of them, but I refuse to die. At least by his hands.”
Kyo couldn't believe what he had just heard, Akito planned to kill her, and in front of them no less! Kyo jumped at the sound of footsteps and whipped around to face the intruder, and found that it was only Shigure. Shigure looked in and saw the anger and disbelief on the others faces and wondered what had happened.
“Did you do what I asked?” asked Kyo
“Yeah, they will be here later tonight. Are you sure about this?”
“Oh hell yeah!”
Kyo grabbed Tohru's arms and pulled her along behind him before Shigure could ask any questions.
`He will just have to find out from someone else, I have something to take care of right now!' Kyo thought impatiently.
He made a beeline for the woods, Tohru pulled along behind him, not that she minded all that much. Finally they came to a stop in a small clearing with a little pond, and Kyo turned to look the girl that held his heart.
`Even in this weakened state she is still beautiful to me,'
“Kyo this is where I first saw your true form,” wheezed Tohru already wore out from this little adventure.
“Yeah it is, and I think that it is time we had our little talk.” Kyo whispered hesitantly.