Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What she Did For Love ❯ Together at Last part II ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 11: Together at Last Part II
Warning: Just like usual only this time I hope to put in some lemony goodness although it MIGHT not happen until chapter 12 it depends on how the story comes to me. Sorry to any readers that were looking forward to the lemon, if there isn't won that it!
Disclaimer: Nope not mine… if it were then I wouldn't be taking the time to write fan fiction about my own stories! Now on with the delightful story.
Tohru shivered as Kyo's warm hand encompassed her own. Her heart thundered in her chest like a herd of wild horses, and a perpetual blush covered her cheeks. Her body thrummed with excitement and nerves alike. She glanced up at Kyo's rugged face her eyes alight with love, and warmth. She had thought that this day would never come.
`I had thought to come to him a virgin though.' She thought sadly to herself as a slight gloom descended upon her at the thought.
“You aren't having second thoughts are you?” asked Kyo anxiously. He had noticed her sudden sense of gloom and didn't want to push her into anything.
“No I was just thinking,” Tohru said quietly as she flashed a reassuring grin at him.
“What were you thinking about?” he asked gently as they walked along the path back towards the house.
“About us, and how I wished…” Tohru trailed off her voice lowered to a mere whisper.
“How you wished what?” Kyo asked persistently.
“How I wish that I was a virgin for you.” She said hurridly.
Kyo smiled a gentle smile and slowly came to a stop and pulled her in front of him gently. He slipped his finger underneath her chin and forced her to look at him, his eyes were filled with love and warmth as he gazed at her.
“Tohru what Akito did to you, well I don't consider that sex. He may have taken your maiden head but he didn't take your innocence and that is what I want.” Kyo said lovingly.
Tohru's eyes filled with tears at his soft words, and her heart jumped with joy.
“Thank you.”
“Come on, lets get back to the house.” Kyo said gruffly.
Finally the house came into view, and both groaned at the sight of the house lit up like a Christmas tree. It seemed as though every room in the house was on, and Tohru knew that there was no way that they were going to get in undetected by the others. She sighed and looked at Kyo, her eyes pleaded with him to find a way around the others, but Kyo knew they needed to see her, just as he had needed to. He shook his head lightly at her unspoken plea and was rewarded with a glare he had never thought could come out of his sweet Tohru.
`Well all be damn she does have a backbone!' he thought amazed, then he smiled. `She will be a wild cat in the bed I know it!'
Kyo gently pulled her forward and into the house, he smiled when he saw the others in the kitchen. He nodded that it was ok to come and see her now and leaned down and whispered into Tohru's ear. As the others watched they saw Tohru turn a very bright red and they wondered what the neko had said to her.
“Ok, that is enough I want to see Tohru!” Shouted Arisa from the back of the room. She knew that Tohru was back with Orange Top but she couldn't see her through the rest of the bodies in her way. She slowly made her way towards the onigirl and wrapped her arms around the other girls narrow shoulders.
“Damn you Tohru why the hell do you have to be so noble all the damn time.” Arisa choked out brokenly as tears began to fall down her face.
Arisa just smiled in wonder at the younger girl and wrapped her arms tighter around her shoulders crushing Tohru in a hug. Finally when the tall blond had let go she turned around only to find herself in a gentle hug from Hana. She was surprised to find the other girl also in tears. She was doubly shocked to see that Hana, who was usually the one that was in control, was shaking. Tohru wrapped her arms around the other girl and held on tightly.
“We thought that, that madman would kill you.” Hana whispered quietly.
“He didn't and I'm back where I belong.” Tohru said soothingly.
“That you are Miss Honda.” Yuki said softly. He wished he could hold the onigirl the way that the others were, but he knew that it was impossible to do that so he settled for holding her hand close to him.
“I'm sorry every one but I really need to get through and see Tohru.” Kyo growled suddenly from the doorway.
He had run upstairs to his room, dug through his things and finally after several minutes of searching found what he had been looking for. He knew what Tohru would say but he wanted to do it before they made love. Slowly he made his way towards the flustered girl, his eyes were filled with determination, love, and kindness. This was a look none of the others had ever seen in his maroon eyes before, and they knew that unless Tohru was around they would never see it again. Kyo came to a stop in front of Tohru and looked down at her as he waited for her to look at him. At last her wide chocolate brown eyes came to meet his, and he smiled.
“Tohru I have something I want to ask you,” he said quietly as he got down onto one knee. Tohru's eyes got even wider when she realized what he was doing, tears filled her eyes and her hands came up to cover her mouth in shock.
“Tohru Honda, will you bestow upon me the greatest honor that a man could have and become my wife?” he asked solemnly.
Tohru could only nod, for at the moment her voice had deserted her. Kyo jumped to his feet and grabbed her in a fierce hug before he could think, the only thing was he didn't transform. He looked down at Tohru who was still pressed solidly against his body and his eyes widened in shock, his jaw dropped as he realized what had happened. He looked at the others in the room his eyes held a unspoken question in them, `Is it off of you to?'
The others watched the couple in shock, they had felt the curse be lifted off of the neko but they were still held by the curse. How the hell do we break the curse? That was the question running through the rest of the Zodiac's minds.
“We will find a way to free you guys to,” Kyo whispered.
“Yeah, WE will.” Arisa, Hana, and Tohru said together as they looked at Kyo.
Kyo winced and knew that he had lost the battle even before it had begun, he had hoped to keep Tohru out of the loop and keep her safe but he could see that wasn't going to happen. Especially if Arisa and Hana were going to help to, then there was no way he was going to be able to keep Tohru out of it.
“Right now Tohru needs rest and I need to be with her,” Kyo said quietly, a silent threat underlined his words as he slowly started to move Tohru and himself out of the room. He dared anyone to say anything with his eyes, and nodded in satisfaction when no one tried to stop him. They turned and started up the stairs.
“Ok first he asks her to marry him and now he plans to go and make our Tohru a real woman! Wow Orange Top sure works fast!” Arisa said breathlessly as she watched the couple leave.
“I'm happy for her.” Hana said with a smile, slowly her eyes traveled over to Yuki who stood looking as though someone had punched him in the stomach.
“Yuki?” Hatori asked softly. He knew that Yuki loved the onigirl and he wanted to make sure that he was alright.
“I'm fine everyone, she never looked at me that way anyway, I'm just happy that she's so happy.” He said softly although his eyes belied his pain.
`I am happy for you Tohru I wish you all the happiness in the world, and Kyo if you ever hurt her I will kill you and take her from you.'
A/N: I think that I am going to leave it on that note and get to the lemony goodness in the next chapter, just so I can do some more research and the like. I am sorry for those that I promised that there would be lemony goodness in this chapter it just seemed like a good place to stop. Before you kill me I just want to say please, Please leave me some reviews just so I can get a feel of what my reviewers want to happen although I do have a basic plot of what I want to happen! I know I know I am rambling but hey that's ok. Anyways see you in the next chapter. *running away before knives hit me!*