Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What she Did For Love ❯ Lovers ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 12: Lovers
Warning: This should be the lemon scene that I know you have all been waiting for so watch out for that, the entire chapter is a lemon scene for the most part and if you don't like that then don't read.
Disclaimer: I don't see why I have to put this in every chapter I mean seriously I've said it in every chapter before this! I DO NOT OWN Fruits Basket or any of its characters.
Kyo gently opened the door to his room and stared down at the young woman who stood with him. He wasn't going to make this easy, he was going to make sure that the final decision was her and hers alone. He wanted so bad to reach down and tug her inside the dark room, but that left her no choice and he couldn't do that to her, it would leave her open for regrets.
Tohru knew what Kyo wanted; she knew and was terrified. She wasn't scared of Kyo, just the opposite, when she was with him she felt the safest. She was terrified that if she went into that dark room that her memories would come back to haunt her, that she would relive what Akio had put her through. She was terrified that she would disappoint the one person that truly mattered to her.
“Tohru?” Kyo asked hesitantly his eyes filled with concern, his fists clenched at his sides to try and keep from comforting her.
Tohru looked into the darkened room her body shaking and tense, her stomach in knots. She looked up at Kyo her eyes pleading with him to take the choice away from her, what she saw there surprised her. She saw concern and frustration at not being able to make the decision for her, and she knew that no matter what happened Kyo would care for her. She took a deep steadying breath and stepped inside the room. She looked around, the familiar surroundings helped her to relax and feel safe. The door shut with a soft click that went unnoticed by the nervous girl, the lock slipping into place did not. The sound seemed to trigger a place deep within Tohru, that almost sent her into a hysterical screaming. She suddenly saw Akito's malicious face before her laughing, reaching out to grab her and hurt her some more. Slowly she took a deep shuddering breath and focused on Kyo who stood by the door waiting for her to adjust.
“Kyo can you turn on a light please? Nothing big but something.” Tohru squeaked brokenly as a chill ran up her spine.
Kyo felt his heart wrench in his chest at the sheer terror in her voice and wanted so badly to reach out in the darkness and pull her to him but he knew that would only frighten her more. He soundlessly moved to the bedside table and flipped on the lamp that sat there. He watched as Tohru's eyes returned to their normal warm selves instead of the glazed fear filled eyes that had just been in their place. Although her eyes were back to normal, she could not seem to shake the tremors that ran through her body.
`That bastard will pay for what he has done to her.' Kyo growled silently.
Kyo slowly moved towards her still trembling form and gently pulled her into his arms, making sure that she knew she could get away if she so desired. He growled possessively when she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought their bodies together fully, her face buried in the crook of his neck. Kyo felt her tremors begin to subside and nearly sighed in relief when they stopped all together.
Kyo gently placed his fingers underneath her chin and forced her to look up at him. He knew that he had to move fast to keep her from thinking, and to keep her from reliving the past, that was the only way that it would work.
`I'll overwhelm her with sensation, so much so she doesn't have time to think if she's afraid or not,' Kyo decided mentally.
Tohru gasped as Kyo's mouth swooped down to capture her own in a hungry, wet kiss. His tongue invaded her mouth, sweeping in to taste the hidden flavors that lie there. Tohru's eyes closed in ecstasy when his tongue stroked her own in invitation to play in his own mouth. Her arms tightened around his neck, and one hand snaked up to tangle in his orange hair. She didn't notice his wandering hand until it touched the heated flesh of her breasts, when he had removed her bra she didn't know. Tohru could only gasp at the sensations that Kyo was sending through her body. He rolled her hardened nipple between his forefinger and thumb, lightly tugging as he did so. Tohru groaned and arched her back into his touch, silently demanding more as lightening shot through her body.
Kyo was delighted with her response to his touch, he slowly ended the kiss and removed his hand from her shirt. He quickly pulled the garment over her head and swooped down to kiss her again, before she could even get a good breath. As he kissed her he slowly maneuvered her backward towards the bed, his body pushing hers gently. When they reached the edge of the bed he lightly pushed her back, breaking the kiss long enough to lay her down on the bed and join her there.
Tohru couldn't think, she could hardly even breathe. She gasped when she felt Kyo's hot mouth on the side of her neck, nipping the soft flesh that he found and then licking it smooth. She arched her back as he reached her breasts, and nearly screamed when he took her hardened nipple into the hot recesses of his mouth. She moaned when he started to suckle, and tangled her hands deep into his hair holding him in place as white lightning shot through her. Kyo smiled at the sound and moved to worship the other perfect breast, suckling, nipping and licking until she writhed in agonized pleasure.
He got up long enough to remove his clothing, and was back his hot body pressed against Tohru, and she could his erection, and was a little scared. The fear was quickly replaced by pleasure as Kyo once again returned to her breasts. With one hand he massaged the sensitive globe, and with his mouth he teased and tormented the other until all traces of fear were gone from her. She didn't even notice when her pants and panties were removed.
Tohru arched her back in pleasure when she felt Kyo's rough fingers run through the curls at the apex of her thighs, and then lower to the entrance of her womanhood. He inserted two large fingers within her while his thumb did something magical to the small nubbin that he found just above the entrance. He rubbed the nub in time to his thrusting fingers, his eyes watched her, taking in all of her reactions. Tohru bit at her lip in a effort not to scream out in pleasure, there was a tightening, full sensation building up in her belly, and it was one that she didn't know.
“Oh God!!!! KYO!!!!!” Tohru screamed hoarsely as she came shuddering in his hands.
Kyo smiled a tight smile, and kissed her his fingers never stopped in there menstruations and soon Tohru was once again writhing for release. Kyo moved atop and looked down into her flushed face, his eyes held a question. Tohru nodded, and Kyo thrust deep within her hitting a spot that sent her over the edge. Her body tightened around him and she arched her back, pushing herself into him. He tried to hold on but the tight feel of her body around his was too much. Kyo gasped and thrust as deep as he could, threw his head back in ecstasy and shouted her name to the ceiling. When at last the tremors had ceased he pulled out of her and pulled her close to him, he smiled when she snuggled closer and placed her head on his shoulder for her pillow. Just as he was about drift off into blissful dreams he heard her whisper in awe,
“I wasn't afraid, I love you Kyo.”
“I love you to. Now go to sleep.” Kyo growled lovingly as he pulled the covers over them.
“'kay,” came the sleepy reply.
Kyo just shook his head and curled himself around his love and drifted off into the most peaceful dreams he had ever had in his life.
A/N: There it is, my first actual Lemon without help! What do you think? Please be nice or at least send helpful criticism! I worked really hard on this and I hope that you like it and yes I will be getting back to Akito soon I'm just trying to figure out what I want to do next! See you in the next chapter.