Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What she Did For Love ❯ Plans ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 13: Plans
Disclaimer: Nope not mine, wish it were though Kyo would forever be naked! -__-
Warning: Just saying there will be slight lemon or citrus what ever you want to call it and Kyo's potty mouth. The usual for the most part.
Sunlight poured in through the open window, the warm rays bathed the two sleeping forms in the rumpled bed. Kyo slowly awoke to the feeling of a warm, soft body beside him.
`Wow that was the best sleep I've ever had!' Kyo thought with a satisfied smirk.
Kyo glanced down at Tohru's small sleeping form, his gaze tender as he pushed a stray tendril of hair away from her face. Kyo thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, even when rumpled with sleep. Her face was soft and relaxed in sleep. One hand lay curled under her head as a pillow, the other lay splayed across his tan chest, her fingers slightly curled. The sunlight bounced off her chestnut tresses, and left them glowing.
Tohru's eyes slowly fluttered open, her dark lashes raised slowly and revealed her warms brown eyes. Tohru smiled up at Kyo as a light blush covered her cheeks.
“Good morning.” Tohru said huskily as she reached up to touch his rugged face with the hand that previously rested on his chest, her head still rested on her other hand.
`She has a sexy morning voice,' Kyo thought pleased.
“Good morning beautiful.” Replied Kyo huskily.
Kyo leaned down toward Tohru's up turned face and kissed her gently, a low growl escaped him when their lips met. Tohru smiled into Kyo's mouth and ran her hands up his chest to cup his face lovingly in her hands. Kyo growled lovingly as he nipped gently at her lips. When Tohru opened her mouth, Kyo's tongue swept in eagerly and explored the dark recesses of her mouth. After a few moments Kyo finally pulled away as he gasped for air.
“Damn! Are you trying to kill me?” demanded Kyo suspiciously.
“Nope, although driving you crazy is fun.” Tohru replied with a giggle.
“You vixen!” growled Kyo playfully as he rolled over on top of her.
Tohru gasped at Kyo's warm weight as it pushed her into the soft mattress. She arched her back as Kyo's mouth began to descend..
“You know what, I really don't feel like listening to them again this morning.” Yuki said disgustedly.
“For once I agree with you Prince.” Arisa said glumly.
Arisa slowly got to her fee and made her way towards the stairs. She looked rumpled and tired, there were dark circles under her eyes and her hair stood on end. She stormed up the stairs and turned towards the closed door. She straightened her shoulders as well as her resolve and stormed up to the door and pounded on it.
Kyo had been just about to enter Tohru's warm body when he heard someone pound on the door. Kyo inwardly groaned at the most inopportune interruption and thought about ignoring it, but almost immediately discarded the notion.
“What?” called Kyo through clenched teeth.
“We want to see Tohru, and we want to see her now!” snarled Arisa through the door her eyes narrowing dangerously.
“Can't it wait?” demanded Kyo angrily.
“No, plus we're all hungry.” She replied angrily as she racked her brain for more excuses.
“To bad! Go away.” Snarled Kyo back as he slowly began to enter Tohru, his body straining for release once more.
“Orange Top…” Arisa began, but stopped red faced when she heard a lusty moan come through the door, and it was definitely a feminine voice.
“Oh my god…” growled Arisa as she walked away hurriedly.
“That was mean,” gasped Tohru as Kyo hit a sweet spot within her.
“I don't care at the moment.”
“Neither do I.” She replied on a moan.
1 hour later
Tohru bustled around the kitchen a satisfied smile on her face as she cooked lunch. Kyo sat at the table a smug grin plastered on his face, his eyes never left her form as she moved about. Finally when Tohru had every thing on the table she called everyone to lunch.
Yuki was the first to come in, and he could only roll his eyes at the look on Kyo's face as he made his way to his spot. Arisa was next along with the rest of the Zodiac who had arrived some time during the night.
“So when do you plan on having the wedding?” asked Hana quietly her steady gaze on Kyo.
“As soon as possible.” Kyo replied evenly as he brought his chopsticks to his mouth.
“Maybe the end of the month,” Tohru said quietly. “Although I haven't talked it over with Kyo yet.”
“Tohru I don't care when as long as it's not to long.”
“Then leave the getting of the church and priest to me!” smiled Shigure happily.
“And I shall Ayame Soma shall make the dress!” cried Ayame exuberantly.
“As long as it's appropriate!” snarled Yuki at his brother, his eyes flashed dangerously.
“Actually I was thinking of getting Tohru's idea on the dress!” Ayame replied looking highly affronted.
“But who will give her away?” demanded Arisa with a sniffle.
“I will!” replied Yuki, Hatori, and Momitchi together.
“Well this posses a dilemma,” said a quiet voice from the back.
“Why do you say that Kureno?”
“Can three people give the girl away?” he asked looking skeptical.
“What are you thinking Tohru?” asked Kyo, he knew that thoughtful look on her face.
“Well they can all three walk me down the isle…. Although it is a bit unconventional.”
“Yuki and Hatori can be on each side of me and Momitchi can lead the way down the isle.” Tohru explained blushing slightly.
“That is a good idea.”
“Who do you want as your bridesmaids?” asked Hana quietly as she took a pencil from the table and began to write the plans on a sheet of paper she had found.
“Arisa, you, Rin, and Kagura.” Tohru replied instantly.
“What about you Kyo, best man?” asked Hana as she scribbled down the names.
“I was thinking about Kureno actually.” Kyo said somewhat hesitantly.
Tohru tuned to look at Kyo and smiled reassuringly.
“I was also thinking of Shigure and Ayame being my groomsmen.”
“I would love to!” Shigure and Ayame said together both beaming.
“I would have thought that you would have asked Shishou to do that.” Whispered Yuki quietly.
“Nah I just want him to see me get married.” Kyo whispered back.
“Tohru you need to make a list of people you want to invite and get them to me, also let me know where you want to go for your honeymoon so we can get you a place.” Hana said all business.
`I can't believe it, I'm getting married.' Tohru thought happily as she looked at all the faces around her.
“Tohru dear we will need to get together and discuss the dress!” Ayame said extravagantly.
“Thank you.” Tohru said softly tears of joy glistened in her eyes.
“Tohru what's wrong?” asked Arisa concerned all thoughts of crying gone.
“I'm just so happy.” She cried.
The others could only smile at her as she walked over to Kyo and sat down by him still crying tears of joy.
“Lets get this show on the road!” cried Arisa happily.
A/N: Hello again! Sorry it took so long to update I had a bit of writers block until recently and I seem to be on a roll so maybe some chapters will be getting out soon! Anyways please, please review I need to know that I still have faithful readers that want me to continue the story because if I don't know why should I keep writing? I don't care how many reviews one is enough for me so just send me a review and make my day please. Thank you and see you in the next chapter.